My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1338: Are you coming back tonight

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Sun Xiaoxiao didn't talk anymore, and in her opinion, some things had come to an end.

"Song Gong, you stay here for lunch at noon today, I will let the servant cook." She stood up and warmly welcomed.

Gong Yan shook his head. "Aunt, I will go to the company later. I won't eat here. I will leave first. I will consider Qian Feng's business."

"Okay." Sun Xiaoxiao smiled elegantly, and she looked at Bai Beibei. "Babe, send it to the palace."

"Well." Bai Beibei got up and went out with Miyazaki.


By the side of Lamborghini's car, Bai Beibei whispered, "You don't listen to my mother, we don't want money from Bai family or Qian family."

Gong Yan held the car key in one hand and raised his eyebrows. "Do you think your mother will give up the money? I think your mother is bound to get those money."

Bai Beibei drew long slender eyelashes, and cherry-colored pink lips murmured. "I can understand my mother. For 18 years, she has been suffering. Her hatred is not easy to disappear."

The soft look of the girl made Miyazumi's eyes feel deep regret. He stretched his palm and rubbed her hair, "I also understand your mother, and we will all be good to her in the future."


Bai Beibei was touched by this word, looking up at the man with her head up, she asked hesitantly, "Is your aunt really so powerful?"

Saying she quickly waved her hands, "I just asked curiously, not to ask you to help."

He was not very clear about his family situation, so she was a little curious.

Gong Yan stood standing tall and erect. He raised his lips and was a bit helpless. "It is really great, but our family never called to ask him to help. Even if I called, my uncle would not help. He will definitely scold me. "

As an official, you can't use your right to seek benefits for relatives and friends. This is the bottom line.

Moreover, his family has never been in any business for years.

There is no such thing as a true aristocracy.

Bai Beibei nodded, "Eun, I understand, so don't listen to my mother."

"But," Miyazaki leaned down, looking at the girl's big shiny eyes. "What if your mother doesn't like me if I don't help?"

"How is that possible? You are so good, why doesn't my mother like you?"

Bai Beibei was shocked. In his capacity, she climbed up to him. How could her mother not like him?

Miyazaki was pleased by her, and he whispered, "I'm so good in you?"

Bai Beibei's face was a little red. "Of course, in my heart, you are the best person in the world."

Okay, that's all she needs.

"Well, I received your confession. Don't worry. I will solve your mother's affairs. The Qian family will not dare to bother you."

Bai Beibei looked at him with a pair of watery eyes, and all her gratitude and moved were in these eyes.

"Don't just look at me with your eyes, take some action, kiss here." Gong Yan pointed at his cheek.

When Bai Bei's roots are hot and bright, how is she embarrassed?

However, she still tiptoeed and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Miyazaki was satisfied. He pulled the door and said, "I'll go first."

"Well, drive slowly." Bai Beibei waved a small hand.



Gong Yan was sitting on an office chair, and the secretary Ajie handed him a stack of information. "President, this is all the information of Bai Shida's new company. At present, it seems that without any accident, Sun Xiaoxiao could not get the money . "

Gong Yan glanced through the information, "How much money did Sun Xiaoxiao take?"

"About 100 million."

"Well," Gong Zheng nodded, and he looked up and asked, "Is Sun Xiaoxiao's identity verified? Is she really Beibei's biological mother?"

It wasn't that he thought too much, but that Sun Xiaoxiao's identity had yet to be verified. She was such a simple girl, and now she had a mother, she couldn't wait to find out. He was afraid she would be used.

"Verified, President, I sent someone to the mental hospital to inquire. Sun Xiaoxiao wasn't dead that year, she was indeed a facelift. She has been with Bai Shida for the past two years. Sun Xiaoxiao came for revenge. She She is really the biological mother of Miss Babe. "

Miyazaki was relieved that it was Babe's mother.

He was really afraid she would rejoice.

"President, what are you going to do about this?"

Gong Yan thought for a moment, and then said, "The money belonging to Qian's family should be returned to Qian's family. Bebe's mother wants that 100 million yuan. You can transfer it to her from the company account. Remember, the surface effort must be done well. Mom believes that this money belongs to the Qian family. "

This was the best way. He gave money to Beibei's mother and completely broke the grudge between her and Qian's family.

If he tried to help Beibei's mother in the lawsuit, Qian's family would suffer, but he would not give up. He could protect them for a while, but not for a lifetime. If something happened, he would not dare to think about the consequences.

He wanted to protect the girl.

His girl.

Ajie was surprised that before she got married, the president gave Miss Babe so much money?

He has only two words --- Tyrant.

"Yes, president, I'll do it." Ajie went out.


After a long business trip, Miyazaki had a lot of documents to deal with, and he was busy all day, when he looked up, it was already 6pm.

He picked up the phone and sent a text message to Bai Beibei.

So Bai Beibei in the villa received a text message, a few simple words --- going to the movies at night?

Watch a movie?

Bai Beibei's heart beats like a drum, and I heard that people in love will watch movies, and he even asked her to go to the movies.

This is the rhythm of falling in love slowly.

Bai Beibei returned one --- um, I went to tell my mother.

---it is good.

Bai Beibei found Sun Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room and reading the newspaper. "Mom, I want to tell you something. I have an appointment at night and want to go out."

Sun Xiaoxiao raised her eyes. She looked at her daughter's beautiful face and asked, "Is it Gong Shao about you?"

"Well." Bai Beibei nodded.

"Bebe, it's late today, don't go out."

Bai Beibei froze, but she didn't expect her mother to object, "But Gong Shao invited me, and I ... want to go out ..."

"Babe, then I ask you, will you come back tonight?"

Bai Beibei flushed with a small face. She looked at Sun Xiaoxiao in panic and shame. Why did the mother ask this question?

She never thought about it.

"Babe, you went out to date with Gong Shao last night and you didn't come back."

Bai Beibei didn't dare to look at Sun Xiaoxiao's eyes anymore. He was ashamed. Last night, he wouldn't let her go back. She herself wanted to be with him. She listened to everything he said.

She didn't think there was anything wrong, but when her mother asked it now, she felt she was being seen through.

so awkward.

Very ashamed.

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