My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1339: Look at mother-in-law

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Sun Xiaoxiao got up and took Bai Beibei's little hand. She said kindly, "Bebe, the mother wasn't by your side before. There are some things that didn't teach you."

"When a man and a woman are dating, they cannot have a relationship until they are married. Once a relationship occurs, the identity of this woman will be undervalued, and will be taken lightly by men. You are not going out with the palace frequently at night like this Will he despise you? "

"No!" Bai Beibei quickly denied. "He ... is good to me!"

"Bebe, you have just been in contact, and Gong Shao must have a sense of freshness to you. Smart women need to know how to keep themselves fresh, and men will be fascinated when they don't get it."

Bai Beibei doesn't understand. She really doesn't understand her mother's theory. Her idea is very simple and she likes to be together.

"Well, Babe, try not to go out in the evening and push Gong Shao's date."

Bai Beibei pinched her little pink mouth and did not answer.

Sun Xiaoxiao knew she was hesitating, and there was a flash of light in her eyes. It seemed that her daughter really had a real affection for Gong Yue.

"Baby, you will be going to school tomorrow. After two days, my mother and Qian's family will deal with it. Let's go back and see the mother-in-law."

Mother-in-law ...

Bai Beibei quickly laughed, and she said softly, "Mom, mother-in-law must be happy if you know you are still alive."

"Well, we'll make an appointment with Gong Shao at that time."

Bai Beibei's smile grew brighter. "Okay, I'll go back to my room first."


in the room.

Bai Beibei texting in bed --- I won't go tonight.

---what happened?

Facing Gong's inquiries, Bai Beibei didn't know what to say. She found a reason --- my stomach hurts.

--- Why does your stomach hurt? Did you go to the hospital? Should I take you to the hospital?

Miyazaki immediately became nervous.

Bai Beibei felt embarrassed, after all he lied to him --- I took the medicine and it was much better.

--- Then you can rest early tonight.

--- Well, just now my mother said two days to wait for her and Qian's family to get things done. Let's go home to see the mother-in-law and also to meet you.

Miyazaki in the office read the message twice, and he saw a little meaning.

This sentence was undoubtedly stated by Sun Xiaoxiao. The little girl was very stupid and naive to convey the original words, because it represented her mother's recognition and like of him.

But Miyazaki was not happy. He was not stupid or naive.

The meaning of Sun Xiaoxiao is probably obvious. He and Beibei are dating, and he will wait until he has dealt with Qian Feng's affairs.

Miyazaki understands this approach.

Sun Xiaoxiao has suffered for 18 years, and it is difficult to let go of Qian's family. Besides, he is Beibei ’s boyfriend. If he ca n’t even handle this problem, Sun Xiaoxiao does have an opinion on him. .

Gong Yan smiled bitterly in his heart. He thought he was with Beibei, and now he had an extra bump.

Mother-in-law, he must coax!

Miyazaki didn't tell Bai Beibei anything, he answered --- um, okay.


Two days later, Sun Xiaoxiao received the results she wanted.

The new company registered by Bai Shida has been transferred to her name, including that one billion.

Sun Xiaoxiao looked at the verdict in her hand. Her delicate makeup was distorted at this moment because of victory, and she finally paid the price to the person who harmed her.

Bai Shida's ruling also came down, with intentional homicide and life imprisonment.

Sun Xiaoxiao reclined herself on the sofa, and she smiled proudly. It seems that her daughter's ability is so high that she can grasp Gong Yan so tightly.

But the palace ...

Sun Xiaoxiao showed a weird smile.

"Mom, I'm back." At this time Bai Beibei returned from school.

"Babe, are you back? I'll tell you the good news. The matter between Mom and Qian's family has been handled perfectly. Thanks to Gong Shao this time, you have to thank him for her."

Bai Beibei hesitated. How did he handle it?

It's fast.

"Mom, I see."

"Babe, let's clean up and go back to see the mother-in-law. You can call Gong Shao and see if he has time to go together?"

"Well, okay." Bai Beibei took out her cell phone and she dialed Miyazaki's phone number.

The melodious ringtone rang again, and soon it was connected, "Hey, babe."

His special male voice passed over, gentle and low-alcoholic, and particularly nice.

Bai Beibei quickly covered his phone with his little hand, and even his voice was embarrassed to let others listen, "Do you have time now?"

"Well?" His ending rose.

"Mom asked us to go back and see the mother-in-law."

"Okay, I'll be there later."


Gong Yan arrived soon, and Sun Xiaoxiao and Bai Beibei sat in the back and he acted as a driver.

"Sao Gong, thank you so much this time."

Gong Yan knew what she thanked, and he smiled politely. "Little things, it should be."

Then, he glanced at Bai Beibei, who was sitting next to Sun Xiaoxiao through the rearview mirror.

Bai Beibei also looked at him, as if he had a rhinoceros. With four eyes facing each other, Bai Beibei looked away side by side in shock, so that the special deer rammed.

Gong Yan felt her bones were crisp and she was hooked.

He calmly retracted his gaze and drove without squinting, but there was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sun Xiaoxiao took a glimpse of the interaction between the two men. She smiled and said nothing.


after an hour.

Lamborghini stopped in the countryside, and Bai Beibei knocked on the door.

The Filipino maid came to open the door, "Ms. Beibei, President, come and see your mother-in-law. It just so happens that we are about to have dinner.

"Who is it?" The mother-in-law's voice came from inside.

"Mother-in-law, it's me," Bai Beibei went in happily. "Mother-in-law, do you know who I brought today?"

The mother-in-law was sitting in a wheelchair, and her eyes were out of focus in the direction of Bai Beibei's voice. "It's Beibei, are you back with Gong Shao? Why don't you say it in advance, I can prepare some dishes you love. "

At this time, her mother-in-law's hands were covered by the other hands, and she held them tightly, "Mom, it's me."

The mother-in-law froze like petrification.

Sun Xiaoxiao's eyes quickly filled with tears, and she was sorry for this old man in her life, "Mom, it's me who is back, Xiao Xiao is back."

"Xiao Xiao, why are you ... how come back, haven't you gone?"

Mother-in-law did not believe that she reached out and touched Sun Xiaoxiao's face.

Her face was hot, not a ghost, but a human being, and it was really her daughter, Sun Xiaoxiao.

"Mom, it's a long story, I'll tell you slowly later, you just need to know, I'm back, Xiao Xiao is really back."

Her mother-in-law burst into tears, and she hugged Sun Xiaoxiao and cried loudly, "My child, you are not dead. It's great, it's really great, God's eyes are open."

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