My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1340: Have you ever thought of marrying me?

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"Mom, I'm sorry for you." Sun Xiaoxiao hugged her mother-in-law's waist tightly.

Watching her mother and mother-in-law recognize each other, Bai Beibei's eyes have been blurred by tears, she is both sad and happy.

At this moment, the small shoulder was clasped by a big palm, Bai Beibei looked at her side, Gong Yan was standing beside her.

Seeing her little face covered with crystal tears, he stretched out his fingers to tenderly and compassionately helped her to wipe away the tears ...

His tender gesture made Bai Beibei's heart soften, and if there were no other people, she would surely hug him tightly.


Sun Xiaoxiao and her mother-in-law were telling each other heartily. Bai Beibei helped the Filipino Maid to prepare dinner together in the kitchen. When she came out, she found that Miyazaki was gone.

She was confused, and went out quickly to find it.

The man was standing at the side of the car with tall legs and long one-handed hands in his trousers pocket. He answered the phone with one hand, and he was on the phone doing business.

Bai Beibei is a bit guilty. He must be busy, but he still needs time to accompany her.

When she was not with him before, she was so inferior and embarrassed, afraid that he didn't really like her, and that he would soon get tired of her. Now that I am with him, I know that her considerations are superfluous.

He is a man who can give a woman a sense of security. He is of noble origin and superior culture. When they get along, he can pity her to respect her and tolerate her. He never asks her, and he has done what a boyfriend should do. Everything, gentle and considerate.

Bai Beibei looked at his back, his eyes filled with joy and obsession.

Miyazaki hung up the phone and turned around.

This turn, he saw the little girl behind.

The girl's gaze didn't have time to take it back. With four eyes facing each other, he saw her deep love for him at a glance.

With a raised eyebrow, he immediately raised the corners of his lips with joy.

Bai Beibei was ashamed when she was captured, her eyes began to dodge.

The bright moonlight put a beautiful light on the whole land. Gongzhen stood tall and erect. He slowly extended his hand to her, "Come here."


He let her go.

Bai Beibei pulled his thin legs and walked to him step by step.

The tall figure of the man immediately enveloped her, and he leaned down and pressed on her little face to ask, "Like me?"

Bai Beibei bit her lower lip with thin white teeth, then nodded hard, "Well!"


I like it.

Gong Yan looked at her small face with pink carvings and laughed softly, "I like you too."

Bai Beibei looked at him cheerfully and flustered, and her eyes were full of water, she was really fascinated by him.

When he was together, he never talked about love.

Even on the bed, he would admire her body. The two were tangled together like a fish and water. He kissed her with a hot and cloudy breath, baby, you make me really comfortable ...

Bai Beibei didn't know what she was thinking, her legs were tightly together, and she felt that the whole body was overcurrent.

Those pictures can't be thought of.

"Are you ... busy?" She changed the subject.

"Well, a little, but it is most important to accompany you." Miyazuki murmured, opening her mouth to cover her little mouth.

Bai Beibei gave a snoring sound and fell quickly.

Miyazaki quickly clasped her soft waist and turned gently, and he pressed her against Lamborghini's body.

Opening her little mouth, he demanded it heavily.

Bai Beibei felt that he was more enthusiastic than ever before. Her little tongue quickly numbed in his mouth. She raised her swan-like powder neck and drowned in his gentle and domineering kiss.

She didn't close her eyes immediately. In the sight, he magnified the exquisite and handsome face. She didn't dare to look any more, and closed her eyes quickly.

Two little hands clasped his exquisite waist, and she kissed him green and proactively.

Since last time, she also fell in love with kissing him.

Gong Yan couldn't stand it immediately. She couldn't stand her active provocation. He let go of her and buried her head in her hair.

Bai Beibei hugged him cleverly, and wanted to hug him with him.

At this moment, she felt a fiery wooden stick poking her belly.

She was taken aback and quickly understood what it was.

There was a little pain in the buttocks. It was the man's big palm that touched her and gave her a slap.

When Bai Beibei shuddered, the whole man drilled into his arms helplessly, and yelled, "You don't ..."

Gong Yan thought it was funny. The little girl didn't know if it was intentional. Don't leave it in his mouth, but his body wrapped around him like a little water snake.

He glanced down at her, she was wearing a skirt, a dark purple plaid short skirt, white socks underneath, all the way to the knee, and she was dressed up in a beautiful dress.

Men love this kind of dress. His eyes are like a fire, his throat rolled and he puts his hands into her skirt.

"What are you doing, don't." Bai Beibei struggled immediately.

Miyazaki held her down to keep her from moving. "Give me a touch, just a moment."

"No, it will be seen here."

Bai Beibei really refused because this is outside and someone will pass by at any time.

"No one," Gong Yan coaxed her with her eyebrows. "Even if anyone sees it, do they know what I'm touching?"

Bai Beibei immediately reached out and covered his mouth.

Dying, how could he say such a word without scale?

Gong Yan looked up at the room. The room was brightly lit. The mother and daughter were still talking. He looked at the girl dumbly. "Oh, just wait ... I will not touch you again when your mother comes out. "


Bai Beibei quickly remembered those words that my mother said, "Don't think about it, my mother likes you very much, it's just that my mother said ..."

"What to say? Let me guess. Does your mother say that you can't have a relationship with me before we aren't married, because this is not what a good girl would do?"

Bai Beibei was startled. "How do you know?"

Gong Yan stared at her fiercely, without answering, "Babe, what do you think?"

What does she think ...

Bai Beibe held her pink lips and did not speak.

What did she say?

"Why not talk? Tell me, huh?" Miyazaki coaxed her, handed her ears to her lips, and told her to talk to him alone.

Bai Beibei flushed with a small face and didn't even know where to put her hands. She swallowed and stuttered, "What do you say, I will ... how to say ..."

Gong Yan raised his eyebrows and laughed immediately.

This is his girl.

The little girl he raised.

"Have you ever thought of marrying me?" Miyazaki squeezed her back.

Bai Beibei took a breath and did not understand him.

The legs were cold and the skirt was lifted.

Her black and white pupils shrank, her two small hands clenched his strong arms, and his kiss was overwhelming. For a long time, she hugged him, her brain white, and she screamed.

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