My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1342: Mother-in-law is gone

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Faced with such sharp questions from her mother-in-law, Sun Xiaoxiao shook her head and denied, "Mom, don't say that, after all, Beibei was born to me, and I want to have a good time with her ..."

"Enough, don't say it anymore, I don't want to listen anymore, what are you thinking in your own heart, you know for yourself! Go out, I don't want to see you now!"


"Go!" Her mother-in-law yelled.

Sun Xiaoxiao was afraid that she would really anger her. It would definitely cause Beibei and Miyazaki to be disturbed when she got into trouble, so she chose to stand up, "Mom, you won't tell Babe about this ..."

The mother-in-law gripped the handle of the wheelchair tightly, and she gritted her teeth. "In this case, I will hide Bebe, it will be a perfect match for your mother and daughter. I will let you go! "

"Mom, don't worry, I'll be nice to Beibei." Sun Xiaoxiao repeatedly promised, and then went out.



Miyazaki couldn't sleep. He flipped on the bed. The tent under his pants couldn't go down. He wanted to sneak into the next room and eat the girl.

However, after a long while, he still resisted. This is her place.

Miyazaki stood up and opened the door of the room. He went outside to let out the wind.

As soon as he went out, he saw her mother-in-law in a wheelchair.

What a desolate picture, there is no light in the big room, and the bright moonlight outside sees in from the high window. The old man with white hair and empty eyes sits quietly like that, she says nothing, Just looked up like that, silently looking at the window.

Gong Yan felt sad, and the old man lived through the vicissitudes of his life.

"Mother-in-law, why are you still awake so late?" Miyazaki crouched beside the wheelchair and asked softly.

The mother-in-law looked back and smiled, "Oh, it's Gong Shao, haven't you slept yet? I can't sleep."

Miyazaki was naturally embarrassed to say why he couldn't sleep. He asked, "Mother-in-law, do you have any thoughts?"

The mother-in-law shook her head, "No ... I used to be afraid that I would not be able to live before I fell asleep. I was afraid that I would die before Babe had grown up. Now that Babe has grown up, what can I do Then. "

Gong Yan was so distressed that he nodded, "Well, mother-in-law, you don't need to worry about it anymore, I will stay with Babe and watch her grow up."

Mother-in-law felt relieved that her daughter had been planted on a man, hoping that her granddaughter would be happy in a man.

Isn't this the rule of life cycle? Parents bring their daughter up until the daughter finds a partner who can go hand in hand with her ...

"Why didn't you all sleep?" A waxy noise sounded at this moment, and Bai Beibei came out.

Miyazaki looked back, the girl in a white dress, like a cute little angel.

Bai Beibei met his eyes, remembering the scene next to the car, she bowed her head shyly.

There is a deep feeling of honey flowing between the two.

"What's the matter tonight, none of you can sleep, babe, come and tell your mother-in-law, what are you thinking?" The mother-in-law laughed.

Bai Beibei stepped forward and squatted down beside Gong Yan, and she took her mother-in-law's hand. "Mother-in-law, you know how to laugh at me."

She couldn't sleep on the other side of the bed. On the one hand, it was natural that her mother was happy. On the other hand, she was thinking about Miyazaki, what he did to her by the car, and what she said made it difficult for her to fall asleep.

"Mother-in-law, why is your hand so cold? I'll get you some clothes."

"No, mother-in-law doesn't feel cold."

Her mother-in-law held Bebe's soft little hand, and her unfocused eyes loved and compassionately looked at the two people around her. "You are here just right. There are some things that my mother-in-law wants to tell you."

"Mother-in-law, what do you want to say?" Gong Yan asked.

"Gong Shao, I want to ask you, do you really like Babe, can you guarantee that you will be good to Babe in your life?"

"Yes, I really like Babe, I'm good to her forever." Gong Yan said without hesitation.

"Okay," her mother-in-law nodded, and she handed over Babe's small hand to Miyagi's hand. "Then, from now on, mother-in-law gave Babe to you. Give me a gift and salute. This is equivalent to getting married, and Bebe will be yours in the future, and you can have children in the cave. "

Bai Beibei was shocked. Mother-in-law was letting the two of them get married.

There was no red book, no wedding dress, no vows, and no guest of honor. Some were just the mother-in-law who loved her most. The mother-in-law officially sent her to the hands of Miyazaki.

She ... is naturally willing, but what about him?

He is of noble origin, would he want her?

Bai Beibei looked at the man beside him.

Gong Yan also looked at her tenderly. He took her soft little hand from her mother-in-law and wrapped it in her palm. He took her to give her mother-in-law a head.

The moment I walked down, the most beautiful flower bloomed in the corner of Bai Beibei's mouth.

Maybe he just reassured her mother-in-law. After all, this is not countable. There is no legal protection and no approval from relatives. She is not his wife yet.

But in her heart, she was already his.

"Okay," her mother-in-law smiled. "Bebe, you are already a young man from the palace. Your mother-in-law has a few words to explain to you. You ca n’t be willful in the future. Think more about the palace. , Less quarrel, more tolerance, mother-in-law wish you old age. "

Bai Beibei nodded nicely, "Well, I know."

"Mother-in-law, do you want to call her aunt, she is Beibei's mother. At this moment, she should be present." Gong Yan said.

"No, let her sleep."

Talking about her mother-in-law reaching out to Bai Beibei's face, tears slowly came from her eyes. "Babe, mother-in-law asks you for the last sentence, did your mother hurt you when you were young?"

Bai Beibei didn't know why her mother-in-law asked this question, and she felt strange tonight's mother-in-law, which made her feel like tears.

She put her little face in her mother-in-law's calloused palms, "Mother-in-law, I can't remember what happened as a child."

"Oh, huh," the mother-in-law laughed twice, "Well, I'm relieved."

The mother-in-law took back her hand and leaned on the wheelchair. She looked up at the window again and closed her eyes gently.

"Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you today? You said a lot of things that made me a little scared. It's cold at night. I'll push you back to the room. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Bai Beibei stood up and she wanted to push her mother-in-law into it.

"Babe." Miyazaki clasped her slender wrists at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Bai Beibei looked back and asked in confusion.

Gong Yan looked at her mother-in-law, and her mother's hand fell weakly from the wheelchair into the air.

"Babe, mother-in-law ... left."

Bai Beibei took a sip of air-conditioner, and she slowly probed her white forefinger under her mother-in-law's nose, and her mother-in-law was out of breath.

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