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Mother-in-law is gone.

Bai Beibei felt that the whole world had collapsed. When she was young, she had no father and no mother. It was her mother-in-law who raised her for eighteen years and lived with her.

But that day finally came.

Bai Beibei's eyes were black and he fainted.

"Babe!" Miyazaki hugged her.


Her mother-in-law was buried. In the tomb, Bai Beibei knelt before her mother-in-law's tombstone. She wore a small white flower on her head, and she lost weight.

Sun Xiaoxiao put a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone, and she looked at her mother-in-law's smile on the tablet. "Bebe, did you mention me when my mother-in-law left?"

Bai Beibei shook her head. "No ... we wanted to call you at that time, but my mother-in-law said not to call you and let you rest."

Sun Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, her mother-in-law didn't want to see her.

When her mother-in-law was dying, she was the last person she wanted to see.

When she came back, her mother-in-law left. She knew for herself that she had taken her mother-in-law away.

"Mom, why did my mother-in-law leave like this, during this time ... Mother-in-law is in good health and very happy, and mother-in-law also said that she will always be with me ..." Bai Beibei shed tears again.

She really didn't understand, why did the mother-in-law go so suddenly?

Sun Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed, she quickly explained, "Babe, mother-in-law is old, the last time the surgeon said that her mother-in-law's time is running out, and she has done her best to accompany you ..."

"Yeah, Beibei, don't be sad anymore, mother-in-law doesn't want to see you like this." Miyazaki took a step forward and pressed her big palm on her weak shoulder.

Bai Beibei nodded slowly, "Well."

Miyazaki helped her up.

"Babe, Gong Shao, let mother-in-law rest here, we should go back." Sun Xiaoxiao said.


The three returned to Kyoto together, because her mother-in-law left, and a silent sorrow surrounded them.

On this day, Sun Xiaoxiao suddenly called Miyagi and asked him to eat in the villa.

Gong Yan went to the appointment, and three people sat at the table.

"Song Gong, I invited you this time. I have something to discuss with you."

"Auntie, what's the matter?" Miyazaki asked politely.

"That's it. You have been with Babe for some time. Shouldn't the two of us meet with the parents?"

Bai Beibei held his chopsticks in a small hand, and looked up quickly. "Mom, what are you talking about? We are dating ... It doesn't take long to meet any parents?"

Talking, she glanced at the man beside her.

Miyazaki was also looking at her, and their eyes collided, and he saw the panic, shyness, anxiety, and faint ... expectation in her eyes.

Miyazaki raised her lips, "Well."


He said yes ...

Bai Beibei's heart suddenly jumped, he even agreed?

Sun Xiaoxiao smiled without any surprises. "Okay, you have to decide the time and place. I'll take Babe to the appointment."

"it is good."


After having dinner, Bai Beibei sent the palace servant out, and the two stood beside the car and talked.

"You shouldn't perfuse my mother, my mother will take it seriously." Bai Beibei was anxious.

"Do you think I'm perfunctory?" Gong Yan raised an eyebrow.


"What do you think it means to meet the parents? I think my mother thinks the same. To see the parents is to determine the relationship, get engaged or get married."

This is Bai Beibei's perception. In her opinion, it is the most solemn ceremony to see the parents.

Gong Yan looked at her small and delicate face, "Did you forget one thing?"


"The night the mother-in-law left, we ..."

"That's not countable." Bai Beibei interrupted him quickly, two little hands clutching her skirt, she said nervously, "I know you don't want to worry your mother-in-law, that's why, you rest assured, I I wo n’t take it seriously, I wo n’t really hold you responsible ... ”

"Babe," Gong Yan sighed, and wrapped her soft little hand in her palm. "You treat me like someone. I have always been serious."


Gong Yan looked at her bright eyes, and slowly said, "I have always loved you seriously, I am seriously in love with you, I want you seriously, and I have taken you seriously from my mother-in-law's hands. We are in Every day together, everything I say and everything I do is serious. I do n’t intend to be responsible to you, but you should be responsible to me. "

His words slowly flowed into her heart like a clear spring, Bai Beibei was shocked and happy, she was not sure, and couldn't believe it, "are you saying ... are they all true?"

"True than real gold." Gong Yan raised an eyebrow.

Bai Beibei feels that she is so happy. There are thousands of people in this world, but she has met such a good man.

"But, would you ... Dad agree, I think he should ... don't want to see my mother ..."

Bai Beibei really has no confidence. Every time the father used to speak to her was vivid, she felt that her father didn't like her. Now her mother still wants to see his parents. This will only let his father More bored.

If she had a little pride, she should retreat, but she couldn't bear it.

He treated her like that, and she wanted to try it bravely.

"Relax, I said a long time ago that our family is a free and democratic family. My father does not interfere too much in my marriage. Do n’t worry about it, leave it to me." Gong Yan rubbed her Hair.

"Well." Bai Beibei nodded forcefully.

"I go first."

"OK." Bai Beibei stood still and watched him leave.


Two days later, the date of the meeting was set.

Imperial Hotel.

In the box, the palace father and mother were sitting on the sofa. The palace father's complexion was not very good. "Miyaji, I still think you need to think about this ..."

"Daddy, I hope you think about it before you speak. Do you want to go back to the day when I urged me to marry and force me to have children?" Miyazaki replied.

"You ..." blocked the father of the palace in a sentence, he felt that he was really suffering, this son really worried him.

"Master, I do n’t understand what you are opposed to. The son likes it. Our palace family has no requirements for daughter-in-law. I thought that Xiao Tao was a second marriage and you had no abortion. Now this babe is innocent. At most, her origin is not very good, are you disappointing her origin? "Gongmu asked.

"Huh!" Father Gong snorted. "I was also opposed to Xiaotao at first, but Yejia and our family were friends. I watched Xiaotao grow up. The boy insisted, and I compromised. Bai Beibei, I'm not disappointing her background. Our palace family picks up daughter-in-law and never chooses to come from, but ... "Father Gong didn't know how to say.

"Daddy, you know, from small to large, all my decisions are just to inform you, not let you decide, so you put away your opposition, and don't mess up this meeting later."

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