My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1344: Get engaged first

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Miyazaki has said so. The father of the palace is indeed not a stubborn person. He sighed and expressed compromise.

At this time, the knocking of "叩叩" sounded.

Gong Yan quickly got up and opened the door. Outside the door stood Sun Xiaoxiao and Bai Beibei, and they came.

"Auntie, Babe, you are here, come, let me introduce you. This is my father and this is my mother." Miyazaki brought them in.

The first thing that Father Gong saw was Sun Xiaoxiao. Sun Xiaoxiao was very beautiful. She gave birth to Bai Beibei at the age of 18, and is still 36 years old. She is inherited by half of her beauty.

The mother and daughter are very similar. The father of the palace looked at Sun Xiaoxiao and finally remembered her.

This woman, he knows.

He finally knew why he didn't like Bai Beibei, because he saw the shadow of Sun Xiaoxiao on Bai Beibei.

"Dad, dad!" Gong yelled twice, pulling the father from the memories to reality.

"Dad, what are you thinking about, your aunt is greeting you," Gong Yan reminded.

Father Gong looked at Sun Xiaoxiao, who was also looking at him. Her expression was elegant and calm. "Hello for the first time."

Father Gong quickly raised an eyebrow and his face sank. He said nothing.

He didn't speak, and the atmosphere went down immediately.

The mother of the palace secretly dragged the father of the palace, then rounded the field, "Let's stop talking, come, let's talk while eating."

So the five sat down with each other's heart.

The waiter serves dishes.

Sun Xiaoxiao froze the hair on the cheek, and then looked straight at the father of the palace, her eyes were glowing, "Master Gong, Madam Gong, this time we meet, we talk about their younger generation, after all, they It has been dating for some time, I mean, Beibei is still young, and we can get engaged first. "

Bai Beibei had already noticed that the father's face was not good. At this time, her mother was so straightforward about saying "engagement first". She was immediately shocked, and then pulled Sun Xiaoxiao's clothes with her little hand.

"Since they are young, let's talk about their affairs in a few years." At this time, the father said.

With this remark, the atmosphere dropped directly to the freezing point.

"My dad is kidding, don't take it seriously," said Miyazaki kicking the father under the table, "I have decided, I and Bebe will be engaged first."

The father of the palace did not have any radical reaction. He raised his eyelid and glanced at the palace, then hummed.

Miyazaki is a bit inexplicable. He feels that today's dad is strange, and has a sense that cannot be said.

"Oh, yes, I will listen to the younger generation. Since my son said to get engaged first, we parents are in agreement." The mother of the palace stood firmly next to Gong.

Bai Beibei looked up at the mother, who smiled lovingly and gracefully at her.

Bai Beibei was so flattered that she immediately lifted her pink lips and smiled.

"That being the case, that's how it was settled." Sun Xiaoxiao couldn't see the objection of the father, and she said with a low back.

"Mom ..." Bai Beibei whispered immediately.

Although the mother of the palace agreed, the father of the palace has not yet agreed. Her mother's clap is not appropriate. It seems that there is a feeling of challenging others and it is most likely to intensify contradictions.

Sun Xiaoxiao ignored her and took a sip of tea.

Bai Beibei looked at the palace father on the opposite side. The palace father said nothing and kept the elder's culture and manners. At the same time, he was also conveying a meaning-whatever you want, I don't agree with it anyway.

Bai Beibei looked helplessly at Miyazaki.

When she noticed her gaze, Miyazaki raised the corners of her lips, which meant to tell her --- it's all right, I'm here, don't be afraid.


After eating half of the meal, Sun Xiaoxiao went to the bathroom.

In the cloister, Father Gong appeared behind her, "Please stay."

Sun Xiaoxiao turned around, she smiled and looked at the father, "Are you asking me something?"

Father Gong looked at her indifferently, "You know I'll come to you."


"Sun Xiaoxiao, there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to act."

"Oh, what do you mean, I don't understand."

"Don't understand?" Father Gong sneered, "You forgot me, I didn't forget you, I really didn't expect that you are Bai Beibei's mother, and the maid who climbed up to that bed in Bai Shida was you.

Sun Xiaoxiao's face suddenly cooled down, and she looked at the father of the palace spookily, and her hands dangling to the side turned into fists.

At this moment she is no longer a woman disguised as elegant at that moment, but a personality twister.

"How can I forget you, all this is thanks to you, Bai Shida **** it, and you **** it, you are the culprit!"

"Oh, Sun Xiaoxiao, you still haven't changed over the years. I was wrong. I shouldn't let you go 18 years ago. I should kill you."

"But you missed this opportunity, Gong Ping, in fact you are a hypocrite hypocrite!" Sun Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth.

The palace father did not refute, because he did not think it necessary to refute, he had nothing to say to this woman.

"With your daughter disappeared into my field of vision, our palace family will never accept your daughter, she never dreamed of stepping into the door of my house!"

Sun Xiaoxiao stood upright, showing a smug smile, "Are you saying these things to your son, you have figured it out, now it is not my daughter who climbs your house, but your son holding my daughter what."

Father Gong frowned. "Are you intentional?"

"Huh," Sun Xiaoxiao, cold hum, "Gong Ping, there is a sentence called 30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi, you must have never thought of it today, your son is in love with my daughter, I am That winner. "


In the box, the mother of the palace went out to answer the phone, leaving only two people, Miyazaki and Bai Beibei.

Bai Beibei looked at Miyazaki, "Your father really doesn't like me ..."

Miyazaki held her soft little hand. "You're with me, not with my dad, so don't take his attitude to heart. When you get older, we will get married and we won't My parents live together. We will have our own home. Furthermore, I still know my dad very well. My dad is a bright man. He will never do anything to break us up. "

Bai Beibei is not worried about what his father will do. She is just sad. She really wants to get approval from his father.

"I believe your father doesn't like me just temporarily, I will try to make him like it in the future." Bai Beibei said with bright eyes.

Miyazaki raised her lips and pressed Gao Yingting's body into her, whispering, "In fact, there is a shortcut for my dad to like you."

"What shortcut?"

"My dad especially wants to hug his grandson."

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