My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1352: Give me a kiss

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Gong Yan immediately laughed, and he rubbed her into her arms. "That's all right, we'll pick up the card when you get your ID card and household registration book."

"Well, that's all!"

She has an identity card, but the account book is with her mother, which is probably more troublesome, but she will definitely get it.

"Let's have breakfast first. I'll take you home later, Babe. You said we told your mother about your pregnancy. How would your mother react?"

"Of course my mother will be very happy. My child is her grandson. No matter how much hatred the previous generation has, I believe that with her mother's love for me, she will definitely try to forget the past and accept you." Said confidently.

Miyazaki blinked, "I hope so, let's have breakfast first."


Lamborghini stopped outside the villa, and Bai Beibei rang the doorbell.

"Here it is." The maid soon opened the door. When she saw Bai Beibei, the maid quickly pulled her in. "Miss Beibei, you can be counted back, the wife is dying. Madam, miss came back!"

"Babe, are you back?" Sun Xiaoxiao ran over, and she held Bai Beibei's little hand up and down to look at her. "Babe, where did you go last night, my mother worried about dying you, and I thought you were missing. "

Bai Beibei felt warm, and her mother was so worried about her, it was enough to show her love for her.

At the same time, she was a bit guilty. "Mom, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"Just come back, just come back, Babe, mother asked you, what did you do last night?" Sun Xiaoxiao looked serious.

Bai Beibei wanted to answer, but a low-alcoholic voice took the lead. "Last night, Beibei was with me."

Miyazaki walked in.

Sun Xiaoxiao looked at Miyazaki, her expression cooled down, "Is it you?"

Gong Yan stood beside Bai Beibei with tall legs and long legs. He smiled politely, "It's me, auntie, hello."

"Hum!" Sun Xiaoxiao snorted, "Gong Shao, what are you doing here, we don't welcome you! Also, Beibei has broken up with you. Last night your behavior was shameless, my daughter just At the age of eighteen, don't you be afraid to call me if you abduct her? I don't want to have this next time! "

"Mom, how can you make things so unpleasant, we didn't break up, and last night I volunteered to go with him, we are very happy together."

"Babe, I think you've been fascinated by him without knowing how to write shame."

Bai Beibei's face was white.

"Auntie, please don't say Babe like this, you will scare her." Gong frowned and frowned.

"My daughter, I know how to discipline, Gong Shao, please leave." Sun Xiaoxiao ordered a guest order.

"Mom," Bai Beibei stood in front of Miyazaki. "You can't drive him away!"


"Because, I'm pregnant with his child!"

Sun Xiaoxiao's face changed greatly, "What?"

She raised her hand and immediately wanted to slap Bai Beibei.

However, this slap did not fall, because Miyazaki intercepted her slap in the air. "Auntie, Babe is your daughter. You have already slapped her. Do you want to hit her again?"

Sun Xiaoxiao froze, she looked at Bai Beibei, and saw Bai Beibei looking at her with injuries.

"Bei, mother is not going to hit you, mother is just ... too sad, have you forgotten what your mother said, how can you get pregnant before marriage, do you want to go my old way?"

"Bebe won't follow your old path, because I'm not Bai Shida." Miyazaki said.

Sun Xiaoxiao frowned and did not speak.

"Mom, it's not good to me. Don't be angry, but I'm pregnant. The child in my belly is also your grandson. You love me and love us, right? Look at the face of this child Would you like to let go of the past? You don't want my child to have no dad as soon as it is born. If you are still stubborn, you are forcing me to follow your old path. "

Sun Xiaoxiao hated her teeth, but she couldn't refute a word. For the first time, she found that the daughter she gave birth was also sharp.

She glanced up at Bai Beibei's stomach, a venomous light flashed under her eyes.

"Well, things are like this, I can only accept it temporarily."

"Great, mom, thank you."

"Don't be too happy, I will also look at Gong Shao's performance." Sun Xiaoxiao looked at Gong Yan.

Gong Yan was surprised. He didn't expect Sun Xiaoxiao to agree, but he didn't show it, but smiled mildly, "Auntie, I will do well until you are satisfied."

"Well." Sun Xiaoxiao nodded. "Since this is the case, stay and eat together. Beibei is pregnant now, so you need to take more time to accompany her."

"it is good."


Gong Yan has been staying in the villa with Bai Beibei. Just in the afternoon, Sun Xiaoxiao answered a phone call and went out. She said that she would not come back tonight if something happened.

So Miyazaki stayed at night.

The maid prepared a guest room, Miyazaki took a shower, and walked out wearing a bathrobe. At this moment, the knock of the door rang.

"Come in."

The door opened and Bai Beibei came in.

The girl had just taken a bath and wore a white nightdress. The fluffy skirt was placed above her knees, her legs were joined together, her black hair was loose, and she was pure like a begonia flower.

"Why are you here? I just wanted to go to you."

Bai Beibei chuckled his lips and laughed, "I'm afraid you're not used to sleeping here, so come and see you."

Miyazaki stood tall and erect. He raised her hand to her, "Come here."

"Well?" Bai Beibei walked over.

Gong Yan suddenly lifted her horizontally, "You get used to sleeping with me.

Bai Beibei was thrown into the soft bed, and the man then pressed down. She uttered "ah" and "giggled" and hid.

Miyazaki restrained her easily, and opened her mouth with her small mouth, "Give me kisses."

"Don't ..."

"Why not? We need to work harder so that we can get pregnant faster."

He was right, but doing such things would stain the sheets, and she was afraid of being seen by the servant the next day.

But Miyazaki didn't give her a chance to refuse. He pulled the quilt and covered both of them ...


Early in the morning the next day, Gong Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Gorgeous sunlight from the outside had shone in through the layers of veil. He looked at his watch and it was eight o'clock.

He got up late again.

At this moment a soft body leaned over, "You wake up ..."

Gong Yan looked at the girl in his arms. He teased the girl's white tender face with his fingertips. "Little lazy, get up, you have to go to school today."

"Ah!" Bai Beibei screamed, drowsily, and she quickly broke away from his embrace and jumped off the bed. "Oops, I'm going to be late. Oh my god, why am I oversleeping?"

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