My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1353: Morning sickness

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Bai Beibei quickly ran to the bathroom to wash.

Miyazaki was amused by her. He got up and walked to the door of the shower room. His tall body leaned against the door, his arms around his lazy chest. "It's okay to be late, don't worry."

"No," Bai Beibei held a small toothbrush in her hand and spit a small bubble in her mouth. She stared at the man waterily. "How can the students be late? This will leave a bad impression on the teacher."

Miyazaki hugged her from behind. "If it's bad, it won't be good. In the future, we don't need to go to school or work, and you will serve me exclusively. I will support you, eh?"

Bai Beibei twisted and hummed, "I don't want it."

She wants to be a woman with an independent personality and let him admire, like ... Ye Xiaotao.

"Well then, whatever you like, whatever you like." Miyazaki drowned.


Sun Xiaoxiao did not return overnight, Gong Yan drove Bai Beibei to the school gate.

"I'll go first." Baibeibela opened the front passenger door.

"Did you forget something?" Miyazaki pointed her finger to her cheek.

Bai Beibe flushed, kissed him quickly, and got out of the car.

When she entered the school, she could feel a pair of hot eyes staring at her, and she felt sweeter in her heart.

At this time, Li Sisi ran over, "Babe, it's been a long time since I've been here. What have you been doing lately and haven't come to play with me?"

"Sisi, I've had a lot of things lately, and I can't speak clearly in one sentence or two."

"What happened? Bebe, tell me!" Li Sisi quickly held Bai Beibei's arm, she was the most gossip.

So Bai Beibei told her everything that happened. Li Sisi's eyes widened and it was incredible, "Oh my god, Beibei, you have a mother, so happy."

"Yes." The two girls entered the classroom with a smile.


In the afternoon, after class, Bai Beibei returned to the school dormitory.

Sun Xiaoxiao's phone came quickly, "Bebe, did you leave school, I will let the driver pick you up."

"Mom, no, I live in the school bedroom."

"Why live in school? I asked the driver to take you home."

"Mom, I have about ten days to go to the United States to participate in a mental arithmetic contest. During this time, I want to study hard and live in school more conveniently."

"All right." Sun Xiaoxiao didn't insist anymore and hung up the phone.

Li Sisi didn't go home. She was also in the bedroom. "Bei, is your mother calling you?"

"Well, yes."

"It seems your mother cares about you."

"Yes, there is one thing. My mother has a little holiday with Gong Shao's father, so my mother now opposes my association with Gong Shao."

"Ah, what then?"

Bai Beibei reached Li Sisi's ear and whispered, "I lied to my mother that I was pregnant ..."

"What?" Li Sisi looked at Bai Beibei up and down. "Beibei, I found you broken."

Bai Beibei feels embarrassed.

"Babe, have you passed that with Gong Shao?"

"Ah?" Bai Beibei's little beauty blushed like an apple.

"Beiba, how does that feel? Tell me about it."

Bai Beibei couldn't say, "No ..."

"Ouch, Babe, I'm curious. Tell me a little bit and let me gain insight." Li Sisi haunted her.

"Well, that thing ... at first ... it hurts a bit, then ... it's comfortable ..." Bai Beibei said bumpily.

Li Sisi seemed to understand, she held Bai Beibei, "No, Beibei, you tell me the specifics, how are you ..."

Talk about specific points?

Bai Beibei begged for mercy, she really couldn't do it.

At this time, the knock on the door rang and someone came.

Bai Beibei met the savior, "I'll open the door."

The door opened, and Sun Xiaoxiao stood outside.

"Mom, why are you here?"


Sun Xiaoxiao stood outside the door, holding a thermos cup in her hand, "Babe, this is the soup I asked my servant to cook for you. You need to make up your body now, and hurry up and drink.

Bai Beibei felt warm, and she reached out to take over the thermos. "Thank you mom, mom, come on first."

Sun Xiaoxiao walked in.

"Auntie, my name is Li Sisi, and I am a good friend of Beibei." Li Sisi's lively and lovely self-introduction.

Sun Xiaoxiao smiled, "You are Xi Yang's sister, hello."

Bai Beibei was uncomfortable, her mother still liked Li Xiyang.

"Babe, you have the soup quickly."


Bai Beibei took out a small bowl and poured the soup. She sipped it a little, "Mom, it's hot, I'll drink it later."

"Babe, the soup will be cold in a moment. You drink it now, Mom is watching."

"But the soup is hot ..."

"Not hot, Mom feeds you."

Sun Xiaoxiao picked up the small bowl and could not help pouring it into Bai Beibei's mouth.

Bai Beibei smelled the greasy smell of the soup. She suddenly felt nauseous and "vomited". She put her little hand on her chest and ran up to spit in the shower room.

She vomited bitter water, so uncomfortable.

"Babe, are you okay, I will pat you, drink some water first." Li Sisi ran over in concern.

Sun Xiaoxiao looked at her morning sickness reaction, and her whole face was cold, and the light in her eyes flashed.

"Mom, let the soup go there first. I'll drink it when it gets cold."

Sun Xiaoxiao wanted to talk, but at this time the bedroom door was pushed open, and a few girls' shoes ran in. "Bebe, Sisi, let's play with you."

The bedroom suddenly became crowded, and it was inconvenient for Sun Xiaoxiao to stay here. She glanced at the soup, and then said uneasily, "Bebe, don't forget to drink soup, I'll go first."

"I know mom."

Sun Xiaoxiao left.

Li Sisi looked at Sun Xiaoxiao's back and murmured, "Babe, your mother is so kind to you. She came all the way to give you soup. I think she seems to supervise you to make this bowl of soup. Drink it. "

Bai Beibei picked up the small bowl and sniffed the soup. Somehow, she felt a strange smell in the soup, and she vomited when she smelled it.

Anyway, she wasn't pregnant, so she poured the soup in the bowl into the bonsai by the window.

"Babe, you are so wasteful."

"Shh, Sisi, don't let my mother know, there is one more thing, I want to ask you to help."

"Babe, you say."

"My hukou book is with my mother. I will tell my mom in two days that the hukou book is needed in the school. You can cooperate with me so that I can get the hukou book smoothly."

"No problem, wrap it on me." Li Sisi patted her chest boldly.


Two days later.

Because of Li Sisi's help, Bai Beibei really got the hukou book.

She immediately took out her cell phone and dialed Miyazaki's phone number.

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