My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1354: See each other

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"Hey, babe." The phone at that end was soon connected, and Miyazaki's magnetic voice came over.

"Hey, Miyazaki," Bai Beibei smiled sweetly, "I have some good news for you."

"Huh?" The man looked at his ears.

"I got the hukou book."

Bai Beibei couldn't wait to share the news with him.

But the voice fell, and the other side was silent.

The smile on Bai Beibei's mouth froze, feeling a row of black crows flying in the air.

so awkward.

"Hey, Miyazaki, are you listening?" She asked cautiously.

There was still no response on that end.

Bai Beibei's heart sank, and he began to think wildly, shouldn't he be talking about fun that day?

"What do you want?" The man at the end suddenly spoke, with a pleasant laugh.

Bai Beibei understood all of a sudden. She was so angry that she stomped her feet. It turned out that he was teasing him, and he had been listening to her.

"Miyaji, you are so abominable!"

Gong Yan's heart was beautiful, and he felt particularly happy watching her anxious and nervous for him.

"Are you free now, I'll pick you up."

"Where are you going?" Bai Beibei blushed and looked at his toes.

Knowingly adviser!

"Civil affairs bureau." Miyazaki spit out three words.

Bai Beibei laughed immediately.

"I looked at the calendar. Today is a zodiacal day. It is very suitable for marriage. Miss Beibei, would you like to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get evidence?" Gong Yan asked seriously.

"Eun, yes!"

"I'll pick you up."

"No, I'm very close to the Civil Affairs Bureau. It's only two steps away. You can drive directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau. I may be faster than you."

"Okay, then we'll see each other."

"Well, stay here."

Bai Beibei extremely sweetly put her mobile phone in her pocket, and she took the account book and ID card to the Civil Affairs Bureau.


On the road, Bai Beibei couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart. As long as she thought that she was going to marry the palace certificate, she was just dreaming.

At this moment a melodious bell rang, and she called.

Taking out the phone and seeing it, it was Sun Xiaoxiao calling.

"Hey, mom."

"Hey, babe, where are you now, hurry up to mom."

Bai Beibei's face changed, "Mom, what happened to you, what happened?"

"Babe, Qian's family is here again today. Mom is in the cafe now. I'm not feeling well. I'm going to faint ..."

"Beep" twice, the phone over there was broken.

"Hey, mom, mom, what's wrong with you, talk!"

There was no response on the other end. Bai Beibei's face was so pale that she took a taxi by the side of the road and rushed to the cafe.



Bai Beibei hurried in, and when he was caught, he asked, "What about the boss lady?"

"Baby, the boss is in the office."

"Thank you." Bai Beibei ran up.

She opened the door of the office and looked around nervously, "Mom, mom, where are you?"

As soon as he entered, Bai Beibei noticed something was wrong. The office was quiet and there was no sound at all. There was no one from Sun Xiaoxiao here.

what happened?

Bai Beibei opened the rest room inside, and the bed was neat and tidy, without any trace of movement.

Where did mom go?

She wanted to turn around, but she suddenly felt dizzy, raised her little hand and held her forehead, her legs were soft, and she slid straight to the ground.

At this moment, she felt a male arm around her waist, and she was embraced in a strange arms.

Bai Beibei was weak and dizzy, and her soft back was close to the soft mattress, and she felt dimly that someone had carried her to bed.

One hand was unbuttoning her clothes.

Bai Beibei's blood was frozen. She knew she had been violated. "No ... don't ..." She wanted to struggle.

However, she had no strength to make a fist.

At this time, a cell phone rang and she called.

Miyazaki ...

Bai Beibei knew that it must have been called by Gong Yan. He was probably at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau. He was waiting for her to collect her certificate.

But she can't go ...

The white finger moved, she wanted to pick up the phone, but the phone was snatched first, the ringtone disappeared, and her phone was turned off.

When she was cold, her dresses were taken off, a man pressed on her, and then separated her legs ...

"Miyazaki ... Miyazaki ..."

The name was in her mouth, and hot tears slipped from the corners of her eyes.


The door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Miyazaki listened to the mechanical female voice from the phone --- Sorry, the call you dialed has been turned off.

He frowned, why did she shut down?

out of battery?

Because he was off, he couldn't find her location, looked at his watch, and ten minutes passed. Maybe she was already on her way, wait a minute.

But half an hour passed, Bai Beibei didn't come.

The ringtone in Gong's heart was dry and he had a bad feeling, he quickly dialed Li Sisi's number.

"Hey, Sisi, are you with Babe now?"

"No, Babe went out early, aren't you together?"

When Miyazumi's face changed, he hung up the phone and got in the car.

Lamborghini was on the road, and his brain was running urgently. Where is Bai Beibei now, she has always been good and will not run around, school, villa, or ... cafe.

The coffee shop was closest to him, he hit the steering wheel and rushed there.

He didn't know the reason for her missed appointment, and probably couldn't escape the relationship with Sun Xiaoxiao. He was in a lot of trouble in his heart, anyway, he would find her first.

Soon, Lamborghini stopped outside the cafe.

Miyazaki quickly walked into the shop. "Excuse me, is Bai Beibei here today?"

The waiter shook his head. "Oh, babe, didn't come."

She didn't come here?

Gong Yan looked at this elegant cafe and didn't leave immediately. He asked, "Where is your boss, did she not come today?"

"It's not business hours yet, the boss isn't here yet, but it's probably coming soon."

"Well, okay, I'm looking for your boss lady, where is her office, and I'll wait for her in the office."

The waiter hesitated, then stretched out her fingers, "The office is there."

"Thank you."


At the door of the office, Miyazaki looked at the closed door. A few seconds later, he reached out and opened the door.

The door opened a seam, and Miyazaki looked into it. It was very quiet. There was no one and no sound was heard. He moved and tried to pull in.

"Song Gong, why are you here?" Sun Xiaoxiao appeared at this moment.

Gong Yan looked back, he looked at Sun Xiaoxiao, politely ticked the corner of his lips, "Auntie, hello, this is the case, I had an appointment with Beibei, but she did n’t go, and I could n’t get through to her mobile phone, I was worried about her, so I came here to take a look and see if you have any news from her. "

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