My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1386: Who made you bad

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"Miyazaki, I don't want to stay here, I want to take Xiaoying Ying away ..." Bai Beibei whispered.

Miyazaki looked at her without any room for discussion. "Don't be uncomfortable, sleep in my room at night, let's sleep together."

sleep together?

Bai Beibei's eyes widened, she looked at him innocently, she didn't mean that.

Gong Yan's eyes were a little dark, and he wanted to pounce on her now, but he controlled himself. He didn't want to do any live broadcast.

"Sakura Sakura, let's go upstairs." Miyazaki took Sakura Sakura upstairs.

"Mum, come quickly, Sakura Sakura is going to take a bath." Sakura Sakura lay her hands on Miyazaki's shoulder.

Bai Beibei is about to collapse.


In the shower room, Bai Beibei carried the little Sakura Sakura wrapped in a bath towel, and there was a nightgown on the bed. It was a cotton white princess dress, and Bai Babe put on Sakura Sakura.

"Shu Xi, have you showered?"

Bai Beibei looked back, Gong Yan came, he had just taken a bath, he was wearing a white casual clothes, the white shirt was hanging lazily, chic and handsome.

Bai Beibei's face turned red in disappointment. This is his room. She can smell the smell of the man that belongs to him and make her crisp.

"Well, Shu Xi has taken a bath, and Ying Ying has taken a bath. Now let Mummy take a bath." Gong Yan stood behind Bai Beibei.

Bai Beibei didn't know whether he was intentional or unintentional. He was close to her. The tall body of the man seemed to be holding her petite in her arms. The clothing of the two even rubbed, and she felt that he was fine. Healthy muscles.

"I'll blow her hair first."

The little woman's ears were red, and her movements were a little cramped because of her nervousness. Miyazaki hooked her lips with a smile and stretched out her hands to pinch her waist.

The place pinched by him seemed to be burning, and Bai Beibei dropped the hairdryer and ran away, "Oh, I'm going to take a shower."


After entering the bathroom, Bai Beibei could still hear the laugh of the man outside, he must be joking about her.

A glance at herself through the mirror, her cheeks crimson, her brows springing, and she was so amused by him that she didn't look like herself anymore.

Taking a deep breath, she went into the shower to take a shower.

She washes more slowly, because of a concern, she should not agree to stay, how to sleep later, she was under the bed, but Sakura Sakura must be sticking to her.

Can't you let him sleep under the bed?

Bai Beibei frantically grabbed her hair and put on her nightdress.

She found that her pajamas, Sakura Sakura, and hiss were parent-child outfits, a series of which was sweet and warm in her heart.

After lingering for a while, Bai Beibei summoned the courage to go out.


The light in the room had been dimmed, and Gong leaned lazily on the bedside, bending one knee, putting his palms on it, very casually, Sakura Sakura was in his arms, and he was about to sleep.

This scene is very warm, just like a picture of a pair of father and daughter, Bai Beibei's heart stunned a bit, she inexplicably thought that Xiao Yingying's side face was similar to Miyazaki.

"Well washed?" Gong Yan looked, interrupting her thoughts.

Bai Beibei nodded quickly, "Well."

Miyazaki looked up and down her eyes, Ufa ’s hair was scattered behind her waist, her fair white face, sakura lips, a thin waist like a willow, her nightdress fell above her knees, and her two thin legs were straight And slender, beautiful like a painting.

Gong Yan heard his chaotic heartbeat. After three years, he still had a heartbeat for her.

His eyes were a little bit hot, and Bai Beibei was nervous. At this moment, Sakura Sakura poked out her head, "Mum, how do you wash well, I'm sleepy, can Mommy tell me a story?"

Xiaoying Ying told her a story before going to bed.

Storytelling is OK, but Baibei doesn't know where she will sleep?

"Come here." Miyazaki reached out to her at this moment.

Bai Beibei hesitated, then stepped forward.

Passing his little hand into his palm, Miyazaki held her thin waist and hugged her easily, letting her sleep between him and Sakura Sakura.

Bai Beibei's breath was hot.

Sakura Sakura looked at Mummy ignorantly holding soft silk, "Mummy, your face is so red, are you sick?"

This is really not a pot, and Bai Beibei quickly shook her head. "No, Mommy just feels a little hot."

"But I don't feel hot ..."

"Sakura Sakura, aren't you listening to the story? Mommy now tells you a story of a bear." Bai Beibei started the conversation.

"Okay." Sakura Sakura was immediately attracted.

Bai Beibei held Sakura Sakura in her arms, she slept with her back to Miyazaki, and then she softened her voice and told the story to Sakura Sakura.

The story was halfway through, and Sakura Sakura fell asleep.

"No need to talk, Sakura Sakura slept." At this time Miyazaki straightened up, stretched out her arms and covered the quilt for Sakura Sakura.

"Oh." Bai Beibei nodded.

Miyazaki didn't leave after covering the quilt. He put his two hands on the side of Bai Beibei, and looked at her hotly.

"What?" Bai Beibei shoved and pushed him, "Let's sleep."

"I can't sleep." Miyazaki leaned down and kissed her.

He kissed too suddenly, Bai Beibei hid, and his kiss fell on her cheek.

He didn't mind. From her cheek to her hair, she buried it deeply and sniffed. "You are so fragrant."

Bai Beibei was at a loss, she whispered, "Don't ... Sakura is here ..."

"Know, I'll take it lightly." Miyazaki gave a perfunctory whisper, holding her small face, and covering her attractive mouth.

Bai Beibei snorted, and the whole person melted like a pool of water. Two little hands dragged his collar. I don't know if it should be pushed or catered.

Suddenly, the sound of water stains rang in her ears, and Bai Beibei woke up. She didn't know when she had opened her mouth, and her little tongue was wrapped in his mouth.

She was red-eared and embarrassed, "Miyazaki ..."

"Well." Miyazaki responded to her. "Babe, you've grown up a bit."

What does he mean?

She is 21 years old, a little older than when she was 18, but in his eyes, she is still immature.

Bai Beibei held his hand, his hand was already in her nightdress, and she had to doubt that his growth was worth some physical development.

"Farewell, Sakura Sakura will wake up."

"Then we go to ... the bathroom."


Miyazaki stood up, and when she was about to hold her horizontally, Bai Beibei didn't even have a chance to say no.


In the shower.

Bai Beibei was leaned against the wall, his nightdress was lifted, and he looked down.

"Don't watch." Bai Beibei gasped and covered his eyes.

"Let me see if it's still swollen."

"You know? Then you ... are so rude?" Bai Beibei complained.

Miyazaki closed her scarlet eyes and exerted a little bit of force. After the completion, both of them were unstable. He kissed her hair vigorously, "Who made you so bad, huh? Is it so rude, do you like it? ? "

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