My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1387: Are you going to have a baby brother?

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Bai Beibei didn't dare to listen to what he said, and his **** low voice made these words so ambiguous that it made her more emotional than the movement of the body.

Two little hands clenched his arms tightly, she pressed her head against the porcelain surface.

Miyazaki hugged her charming waist ...


after an hour.

Gong Yan held Bai Beibei on the bed. Bai Beibei was so tired that she could not even open her eyes. She really lamented that his physical strength was too good.

The last time he tossed for less than three minutes, but this time he tossed for more than half an hour. I don't know if he was out of order that time.

You can lie on the soft big bed again, Bai Beibei closed her eyes, then a piece collapsed around her, Miyazaki went to bed and hugged her in her arms.

Bai Beibei rested on his chest as he wished.

"Are you comfortable this time?" He asked.

Bai Beibei knew he was asking it on purpose, and she shuddered at him.

Gong Yan laughed.

"Bebe, let's get married. Let's order a wedding dress first, and then take a wedding photo. This weather is just right for the wedding. Xiao Ying Ying is our little bridesmaid."

Speaking of this topic, all the happiness of Bai Beibei is gone. She raised her head and looked at Miyazaki, "Are you serious?"


Bai Beibei smiled bitterly, "Miyazaki, how many times do you want me to explain that you believe that Sakura Sakura is not your daughter, and I have been Li Xiyang ...

"Shh." Gong Yan blocked her mouth with her fingers. "Don't mention Li Xiyang anymore, I didn't tell you about that thing, actually Li Xiyang didn't touch you."

"What?" Bai Beibei was shocked.

Miyazaki took her little hand and kissed her mouth. "I actually wanted to tell you about this, but three years ago you left without saying goodbye, you are innocent."

Bai Beibei felt completely loose. This knot that had been entangled with her for three years was finally opened. It turned out that Li Xiyang did not touch her.

"But why did Li Xiyang not touch me? Obviously such a good opportunity, a sinister villain like him should just let it go for no reason?"

Gong Yan thinks this little woman is stupid, because Li Xiyang really likes her.

If Li Xiyang didn't really like her and touched her, in the past three years, he would definitely not make Li Xiyang better, he would make him pay a painful price!

Her evaluation of Li Xiyang's "sinister villain" made Miyazaki very satisfied, and he followed her words, "Maybe he has scruples, you must know that you are my woman!"

"Well." Bai Beibei nodded, probably only for this reason.

She lay back on the man's healthy chest. "But Sakura Sakura is really not your daughter. There is still a fundamental problem between us."

Miyazaki didn't know how to tell her, Sakura Sakura is really his daughter!

"Babe, do you remember Yingying's father?"

Bai Beibei trembled. It was an unforgettable past in her memory. Her blushing cheeks quickly paled, "I don't remember!"

"Then do you want to see him again? After all, he is Xiao Yingying's father than you. Have you ever thought of making him responsible ..."

"No! Sakura is my own. I don't need anyone to take responsibility. I just ask him not to appear in my life again."

Gong Yan suddenly didn't know what to say, it was him who bought her that year.

What would she think if she was told?

Miyazaki decided that he didn't want these problems anymore. He leaned over and kissed Bai Babe's forehead, and then said, "Sakura Sakura is your daughter, that is, my daughter. Don't have any burden. Marry me. . "

Is this really possible?

This stolen happiness is certainly good, but it is unfair to him.

It is not good to find any **** his terms, she is now a single mother.

"Miyazaki, I'm grateful and moved, but ..."

"I don't need to be grateful or moved. Give me your love, enough."

Listening to his tender and lingering love words, Bai Beibei shook and was really happy with him, she wanted to seize this happiness.

Forget it, don't want anything, just go to bed first.

So tired.

"good night."


Early the next morning, Bai Beibei was awakened by Sakura Sakura.

Sakura Sakura covered her eyes with her little white hand. "Wow, Mommy and Uncle are hugging."

The child's world is extremely simple, but Bai Beibei sat up from the bed all of a sudden, her little blush was bright and colorful, "Sakura Sakura, don't talk nonsense."

"Mum, I didn't talk nonsense, you see, you're sleeping with Shu Xi now ..."

"Sakura Sakura!" Bai Beibei quickly covered Xiao Sakura's mouth.

Gong Yan also woke up. He looked at the mother and daughter with eyes full of coquettishness, and then got out of bed. "Sakura Sakura, good morning, Shu Xi, wash your face first."

Xiao Yingying put Bai Beibei's hand down, "Shu Xi, are you and mommy going to give me a little brother?"

Gong Yan raised his eyebrows. "Shu Ying and Mum want to wait for Ying Ying to grow up to regenerate her little brother, because Ying Ying has grown up for two years, and Mummy and Shu Ying want to accompany you more."

"Wow, Shu Xi is so good at romance, no wonder I can get my mommy." Xiao Ying Ying smiled happily.

Bai Beibei's heart was sweet, "Oh, sakura, sakura, don't you talk nonsense, okay, let's get dressed."


The family of three washed up, and then came downstairs. The father and mother of the palace saw Sakura Sakura excitedly and rushed up to take her away. During breakfast, the two old men circled around Sakura Sakura.

Sakura Sakura's mouth was super sweet, and the two old men who coaxed were cheerful, and the servants laughed that the old lady seemed to be twenty years younger.

After having breakfast, Baibei took Xiaoying Ying to Maybach, and Miyazaki drove in front.

"Have you changed?" Bai Beibei asked curiously. He used to drive a Lamborghini.

Miyazaki nodded, "Well."

Bai Beibei didn't ask much.

"Bebe, we live in an apartment these days. We are planning a wedding and watching the house. Do you like to live in a villa or a bungalow? I will take you to see the lot when I have time. And Sakura Sakura's account must be settled at the palace house as soon as possible I will contact the kindergarten. You should adapt to the environment here as soon as possible and report to my company. "

He arranged everything. Baibeibei wondered if she should accept his arrangement?

If she accepts, she is happy, but is this really fair to him?

"What are you looking at me like this?" Gong Yan glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

Bai Beibei found that her eyes had been on him for a long time, and she retreated with a small face. "I didn't see it, you read it wrong."

Miyazaki shrugged indulgently and helplessly.

"Mum, I testify to Shu Xi, you have really seen Shu Xi for a long time, Mommy, what ’s so shy? Shu Yi is so hot and handsome, Mommy likes to look and is not ashamed." Sakura Sakura spoke.

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