My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1393: I want her to be my wife

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Ou Yanyan followed Wu Luoyu from a young age to practice martial arts. The temperament and charm of her body was not comparable to Yin Linger Lu Ning. Today she wore a white retro dress, like a fairy walking out of a martial arts drama. sister.

This time Coca-Cola broke Lu Fan. Isn't this the "Little Fairy Aunt" he has been searching for a long time?

After a ten-year party, adults are chatting in the living room, and children are playing by themselves.

Lu Fan couldn't wait to run to Ou Yanyan, holding his fist, "Xian Aunt, you are the money of Uncle's family. My name is Lu Fan, I'm glad I will."

Ou Yanyan glanced at Lu Fan lightly, "Do I know you?"

Hot face stuck to cold ass, Lu Fan, ...

Ou Yanyan turned and left.

This girl is not ordinary. This success inspired Lu Fan's desire for challenge. He looked at Ou Yanyan's back. The girl had a silky UFA and was very beautiful.

He made a plan and had it.

Zhou Jingjing is only four years old this year. She is a full-fledged eater. She is sitting on the soft carpet alone, eating the cake next to her leg one by one.

Wow, so content!

Ou Yanyan likes Zhou Jingjing very much, because she is as old as her younger sister, so she took a plate of fruit in front of Zhou Jingjing and "for you."

Zhou Jingjing flashed her big eyes and said milkily, "Thank you ... sister ... ah, sister, behind you ..."

Zhou Jingjing was frightened with her two small hands next to her mouth.

Ou Yanyan realized that something was wrong, and she quickly turned her head, but it was too late, and "Zi" sounded, and her hair was ignited by a lighter.

In the back, Lu Fan held a lighter in his hand and "haha" laughed.

Ou Yanyan was so angry that she wanted to take down this abominable person, but her hair was ignited, and she was moving up very fast. Seeing her long hair was about to burn out.

Girls love their long hair, as does Ou Yanyan.

The movement here quickly attracted everyone's attention. Everyone rushed to this side in panic. Ou Yanyan wanted to shoot the flames in her hair, but her hands could not reach the back.

Zhou Ping'an was the most calm one in the sudden situation. When everyone was screaming, he took a wet cloth and directly covered Ou Yanyan's ignited hair. His skin was gone, Zhou Anping covered his palms without any hesitation.

The demeanor and upbringing of the son of the Zhou family is evident.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Zhou Pingwan comforted warmly.

Ou Yanyan was pale and scared. She thanked Zhou Ping'an, "Thank you."

"No need to."

"Yuanyan, are you all right?" Xia Xiaofu hurried over at this moment.

"Mum, I'm okay." Ou Yanyan looked at her hair, her beautiful long hair was burned out, and now she's only on her shoulders, like a dog biting, different lengths, as ugly as ugly .

She stared angrily at Lu Fan. "Asshole, see how I can pack you today!"

With a small hand, she pulled a ten-meter whip straight from her waist, and then pulled it off from Lu Fan.

In fact, **** was already guilty. He just wanted to attract her attention and impress her. He didn't think about making her so embarrassed.

Now that her whip is drawn, Lu Fan is not vegetarian. He practiced at Shaolin Temple, and that martial art is not covered.

He flickered and escaped.

"Asshole, don't run."

So the two started a chasing game. When Ou Yanyan whip danced, the crackling sound of "crapping" sounded, and soon, the whole party was a mess.

"Wow", Zhou Jingjing burst into tears, the cakes on her legs were smashed, the fruit plate also turned, and a little maiden fruit rolled and rolled in front, she kicked her calf to chase and chased I stuffed it in my mouth and chewed, "Whoo, sweet ... My cake, I'm not full yet ..."

This farce was finally suppressed, and Ou Luoyan and Xia Xiaofu stopped Ou Yanyan. Lu Shaoming, who was so good-tempered, gave Lu Fan a kick. Ning Qing was so angry that she lost her temper, and she landed in Vatican. His ears rebuked, "Lu Fan, apologize to Yan Yan, how can you do such a prank?"

**** The most annoying Ning Qing's mommy slaps his ears, because it is very shameless, and in front of the girl he likes, he looks at Ou Yanyan who has anger in his eyes, and drags a cool hum .

Ou Yanyan has never hated a person like this. She gave Lu Fan a cold look and turned away.

"Yan Yan." Euro Luo and Xia Xiaofu chased out.

Lu Fan did not expect Ou Yanyan to leave like this, "Hey, wait a minute ..."

He wanted to talk, but there was a tear-like pain in his ears, and Ning Qing held him away.

"Oh, Mommy, lightly, I hurt!"


In a luxury car.

Lu Shaoming was driving, and Ning Qing's mommy was still holding on to the ears of Vatican. "Lu Fan, you are becoming more and more unruly. How can you burn the long hair of Xunyan? Thanks to the urgency of extinguishing it, otherwise it will happen What can you afford, what if you burn Su Yan's face? "

**** A person who eats soft but not hard, "What's so great, if she disfigures, I'll marry her!"

"If you marry Su Yan, you also have to ask Su Yan to agree or disagree. I think Su Yan really hates you now! Lu Fan, can't you learn from your elder brother, let me worry less, you see your elder brother ..."

"Mum, I know. Big Brother is your pride. Big Brother is very capable, but who stipulates that I must be as capable as Big Brother, can I just be happy?"

"You're right!"

At this time, Lu Shaoming glanced at his unruly son through the rearview mirror. He raised his eyebrows. "I already told Zhou Yao that I will send you to the army tomorrow."

"What, troop? I won't go!"

"You can't do this."

"Well, I'll go, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

"When I grow up, I want Ou Yanyan to be my wife!"

Ning Qing's mommy was startled, "Lu Fan, are you serious?"


Ning Qing looked at Lu Shaoming inconceivably. What does that mean --- your son actually wants Luo Luo and Xiao Fu's daughter?

Lu Shaoming glanced at his wife --- calm, everything is mine.

"Then wait until you grow up." Lu Shaoming said to Lu Fan.


Xia Linger's birthday party was messed up, all the guests were gone, and the servants were packing up the mess here.

Zhou Ping'an looked at his palm, his palm was burned.

Both Yin Linger and Lu Ning saw it. Lu Ning ran to the bathroom and took a wet towel. When she ran out, she saw Yin Linger holding Zhou Ping's hand and said, "Hey, Ge Ge, Do you hurt? "

Zhou Pingping looked at the delicate small face like porcelain and jade, and smiled softly, "No pain."

Lu Ning froze in place.

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