My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1394: Old fox's calculations

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At this time, Ms. Yin Shuiling came over, and she saw Lu Ning, who was stiff, at a glance, and then she looked at Yin Linger and Zhou Ping'an. She was here and quickly understood something.

"A Ning, your parents were confused by your second brother and left you here alone. You happened to be here with Linger, and I will take you back tomorrow morning." Yin Shuiling's mother smiled and started.

Lu Ning regained her gaze, and she shook her head. "Aunt Yin, I won't stay here anymore, I still have homework at home."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Ms. Yin Shuiling was not good at staying, "Well, I'll let the driver take you."

"Thank Auntie."

Lu Ning left, Zhou Dayuan and Zhou Yao's family also left, and the entire Yin family was clean.

In the study.

Yin Muchen sits on a leather chair and works. Yin Shuiling puts a cup of coffee by his hand. The man's knuckle fingers quickly tap on the keyboard. The thin notebook flashes all numbers. Yin Shuiling looks at all dizziness.

"Husband." She sat on the armrest of the leather chair, with two slim arms resting on the man's broad shoulders, and called Nuo Nuo.

"Eh?" Yin Muchen snorted.

Yin Shuiling looked at him, and his years were really kind to him. Ten years later, he had no signs of aging. His facial features were still deep and delicate, and the corners of his cheeks became clearer and full of manliness.

It is said that a forty man has a flower, which is the most exaggerated in him.

"Husband, today Linger's 10th birthday, why Han Han didn't come back, I miss my son."

"Zhanhan can't take a vacation there. Besides, doesn't Hanhan prepare a birthday present for Linger?" Yin Muchen said while talking to her computer.

"My husband, I have something to tell you, don't work!" Yin Shuiling wobbled him on his shoulder, the little woman's coquettish.

Yin Muchen closed the notebook, held her by one arm and hugged her on her lap, then took a coffee cup and took a sip of coffee. "Say, what can't be solved?"

"Who says I have something I can't solve?" Yin Shuiling retorted.

Yin Muchen pinched in her soft waist, and then picked the familiar sword eyebrow to see her lovely pride, "You only stick to me like this when you can't solve things."

OK, OK, Yin Shuiling admits that whenever she encounters something that cannot be solved, she sticks to him like this and wants him to solve it for her.

He gave her a sense of security and dependence.

"Husband, Linger likes peace, do you know this?"

Yin Muchen nodded, "What then?"

"Today I find that Ning seems to have some interest in peace ..."

Yin Muchen understood, "You bother this?"

"Husband, why is your tone so easy? Linger and A Ning both like peace, and I'm afraid they will make a noise."

"Then you want Ping An to like Linger or A Ning?" Yin Muchen asked briefly.

Yin Shuiling blinked, "What makes me say this, A Ning is also my daughter, but Ping An and Ling Er first met each other, and they have each other's heart. Now A Ning suddenly joins in, this triangle love hurts most . "

"Then the sharp knife cuts chaos." Yin Muchen said.

"How do you cut chaos quickly?" Yin Shuiling asked curiously.

At this moment, there was a cry of "wow" outside the door, the door of the study was pushed open, and Yin Linger ran in. "Daddy, mommy, woo ..."

Yin Shuiling quickly got up from Yin Muchen's thigh, afraid that her daughter would see such a picture that is not suitable for children. She quickly stepped forward and asked, "Linger, why are you crying, what happened?"

"Mummy, I just heard that Ping An Ge Ge is going to jump to the next grade. He is now in the fourth grade. I heard that I am going to jump directly to high school. I am going to be separated from Ping Ge Ge. Ge Ge separated, you think about it quickly ... "Yin Linger cried.

"Linger, Ping An Ge Ge not only has excellent grades, but he has inherited the medical talent of Uncle Zhou, and has already made his appearance in the medical world as a celestial figure. , Then you have to work hard to make yourself better. "

Yin Shuiling did n’t say anything, but when she said that Yin Linger was crying even harder, “But, I ’m not good at math, I have a 99 in math exam, I ca n’t catch up with Ping Ge…”

Yin Shuiling wiped her daughter's tears in a panic, "Linger, don't cry ..."

At this moment, a big palm was resting on her shoulder, Yin Shuiling looked up, Yin Muchen stood behind her, and smiled at her with a lip, "I'm coming."

Yin Shuiling looked at him like a savior and quickly made his debut.

Yin Muchen squatted on one knee, "Linger, Ping'an Gege is about to jump to the next level. Daddy Mommy can't think of a way, you can only think of it yourself."

Yin Linger stopped crying, but she still drew it with the tip of her red nose. It looked pitiful, "I can't think of a way ..."

"The method is very simple. If you want Ping An Ge Ge to stay with you, then you boldly tell Ping An Ge Ge that he is willing to stay with you."

"But I dare not say ..."

"Why not? Since you like peace Gege, then you treat him as a person you like, you can cry to him, smile at him and coquettish, and hold him when you need to, so he won't Will leave you. "

"If I were like this, wouldn't Ping An Ge Ge like me?"

"How come, Ping An Ge Ge likes you so much to him."

"Great, then I'll tell Pingge Gege tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow, but now, Linger, I'll let the housekeeper take you to Zhou's house now, you will live there tonight, you don't have to come back."

Yin Linger nodded. "Okay, daddy is great."

Yin Linger kissed Yin Muchen's cheek, then ran out happily.


As soon as Yin Linger left, Yin Shuiling stepped forward, she glanced at Yin Muchen, "husband, what have you taught Linger?"

Yin Muchen stood up, "I teach Linger a word, alas."

Yin Shuiling, ...

"I know Zhou Dayuan very well. The son he educated will not be bad. In the future, blue will be better than blue. So Ping An is also a little gentleman. The gentleman can't stand the most. The girl is innocently coquettish and tears This daughter is the best at you, so don't worry about love triangle anymore, Ping An will be killed by your daughter. "

Yin Shuiling's eyes lighted up, and he really had a solution. Any problem would be solved in his hands.

"Where is Ning ..."

"I also understand Lu Shaoming. A Ning is beautiful and reserved. She likes to hide in her heart, so Ping An and her can only be friends. Rest assured, A Ning Bi Ling is free and easy, and she will figure it out by herself."

Yin Shuiling pounced on and embraced Yin Muchen. "Husband, you are really an old fox with black belly. No one can fight you."

Mrs. Yin's praise is very useful, "Would you like to reward your husband?"

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