My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1395: You murder me

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"How to reward?" Yin Shuiling asked.

Yin Muchen clasped her jaw with her long fingers, then glanced up and down at her graceful figure, "Is there anything else on your body that I miss?"

Yin Shuiling was so embarrassed by his eyes that he was dying. The older the old man was, the more difficult it was.

With a slap, she patted his big palm. "I'm not serious, I'm going to see Linger!"

She fled the door.


Yin Ling'er was taken to Zhou's house, and Ms. Jian's mother bathed her.

After taking a bath, Yin Linger wore a pink suspender dress. The girl's skin was like litchi just picked from the shell, and she was stained with two touches of redness, which was very beautiful.

Mama Jane blows her hair, "Linger, will you sleep with me tonight?"

"Where does that uncle sleep?"

"Let him sleep in the guest room alone," laughed Jane Mum.

Yin Linger thought for a moment, "Auntie, I want to sleep with Pingge Gege."

"Ah, this ..."

Zhou Ping is 11 years old this year, and is about to enter adolescence, so she has begun to educate her son about sex. At this time, boys can no longer sleep with girls, so Jane's mother is a little bit embarrassed.

"Auntie, can't I sleep with Pingge Gege? But I want to sleep with Pingge Gege." Said Yin Linger hugged Ms. Jian and cuddled, "Auntie, I like you so much , Your fragrance is so beautiful, just like my mommy, you will definitely hurt Linger, right? "

Jane could not laugh or cry. The child's little mouth was so sweet that her heart was melting.

"Well, Linger can sleep in Ping'an Gege's room, but you sleep in bed, Ping'an Gege sleeps on the sofa."


Jian Yun took Yin Linger to Zhou Ping'an's room. Zhou Ping was sitting on a chair and was tinkering with his bottles and cans.

"Peace Gege, what are you doing?" Yin Linger ran forward.

Zhou Ping'an quickly smelled the aroma of a young girl. Looking back, Yin Linger's beautiful face was close at hand. How delicate her face was, even the long fan-like eyelashes were like a stroke of an artist's strokes. In the sketch, she blinked at him with a pair of big watery eyes, and the couple would probably get close even closer.

Zhou Ping's fair white face was covered with a layer of pink, and he stepped back a little and pulled away from each other.

Yin Linger didn't know anything. She stepped forward again, and said with a small mouth, "Peace Gege, let's sleep together."

Zhou Ping looked to Jane's mum.

Seeing his son's uncontrollable Linger's fierce "offensive" look, Jane's mother could only shrug her shoulders and smile softly, "Peace, tonight you sleep on the sofa, Linger bed, take good care of Linger know? "

Zhou Ping'an, ...


In the evening, Yin Linger sleeps on the bed and Zhou Ping sleeps on the sofa.

"Ping'an Gege, I heard you're going to jump?" Yin Linger looked at Zhou Ping, who was lying on the sofa.

Zhou Ping nodded, "Well."

"Can't you skip the level?"


"Because, I want to be with Pingge Gege."

"This, I'm afraid ..."

Before Zhou Ping's words had fallen, he heard a thin snore, and Yin Linger cried.

He quickly got up from the sofa and asked nervously, "Sister Linger, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Linger was also sitting, and her **** and white eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at him pitifully and pumped.

"Pingge Gege, why ... I grew up hard, you still ... want to leave me, I am reluctant to be apart from you ... I want to be with you forever ... wow ..."

Zhou Ping'an is very fond of Yin Linger. She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and she has a sweet voice and a glutinous person. Since kindergarten, she shared her candy with him. She pestered him and called him Ge Ge Gege, she grew up hard and wanted to be with him forever. Any boy who meets such a girl will be heart-warming.

Seeing her cry now, Zhou Pingping quickly consoled him, "Sister Linger, don't cry ..."

"Peace Ge Ge, then you promised me ... not to jump ..."


"Woohoo, Ping An Ge Ge still wants to jump, you do n’t want Linger, Ling Er is so sad, Ping Ge Ge ... Good or bad ... If you skip, Ling Er does n’t want you anymore, Ling Er wants to ... others ... be friends "..." Yin Linger said as she kicked her calf, and the teardrops were falling endlessly.

Make friends with others?

In Zhou Ping's mind, a scene emerged, Yin Linger chased after the other boys and called others Ge Ge.

"Do you dare?" Zhou Pingan frowned.

Yin Linger burst into tears, "Wow", "Peace Ge Ge, you are fierce me!"

Zhou Ping is about to crash, "I don't!"

"You still said no!"

"I have, sorry."

"Then you want to skip the level?"

Well, Zhou Pingan thought for a while, then shook his head, "No more jumping."

Yin Ling'er stopped crying for a moment, and her eyebrows smiled wide open. "Ping'an Gege, you promised me not to skip the level. Don't make fun of it, Pingge Gege is so good!"

Seeing that she cried for a while and laughed, Zhou Ping felt a little bit tricky. He lay back on the sofa and looked at the crystal chandelier, and slowly said, "Stop jumping, sister Linger will go to bed early."

There are many choices in a person's life. This is the first choice made by Zhou Ping An. He doesn't regret that there are some things in life that are more important than academics.

Despite such grandiose thoughts, Zhou Ping'an still felt that he could not resist the golden beans in Yin Linger's eyes, and the reason was that simple.

Zhou Ping closed her eyes and slept.

Soon, he heard a little cry again.

"Sister Linger, what are you doing ..."

Before the words were over, one corner of the quilt was lifted, and Yin Linger lay beside him.

"Peace Ge Ge, I don't dare to sleep alone. I was having nightmares just now, so scared." Yin Linger leaned to her side and stretched her arms around his waist.

Zhou Ping'an, um ...

"Peace Ge Ge, I won't be afraid to hold you to sleep, good night." Yin Linger entered the dream sweetly.

Zhou Ping'an, ...

Zhou Ping, 11, does not need any sexual enlightenment education at all. He is a medical doctor and understands everything. By the age of 4, he had begun to look at the structure diagrams of men and women.

So he often sees the children around him and asks his parents how they were born. Those parents are always vague. They can cleverly say a word because of love. Zhou Ping smiled, only he understood men and women Go to bed and have a child without any action.

When Jane's mother told him politely that boys and girls couldn't sleep in a bed, he thought so.

But now, there was a girl lying beside him, still holding him so bear.

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