My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1396: Why can't i be pregnant

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Zhou Anping moved uncomfortably. The girl not only did not let go, but also held tighter and tighter. Her little head was drilled into his neck, exhaling sweetness, and the scented hair stuck to his cheek. It's itchy.

"Xiangxiang Mommy, I love you ..." Yin Linger said in a dream, and kissed the thing at her mouth.

She kissed Zhou Ping's throat knot.

Ping An's ears are red next week. Little gentleman, he has not touched the girl, nor has he ever been touched by the girl. Now he dare not move, his hands are all sweaty.

Yin Linger probably dreamed, thinking of him as Yin Shuiling's mum, Zhou Pingyi's mouth was dry, and the throat knot that she had kissed rolled quietly, then looked down at her.

The girl in her arms was sleeping peacefully. The key is that the thin **** her right shoulder ... slipped down.

Zhou Ping's eyesight was excellent, and she saw her little bun in one glance.

Regardless of indecent assault, Zhou Pingan closed his eyes immediately. He gently pulled the girl's arm away, and then fled off the sofa and exited the room door.


The cool breeze from the outside was blowing on his face, Zhou Ping panted, and found that he was on fire all over, and his temperature was amazing.

He wanted to find Jane's mum and let Jane's mum take Yin Linger away.

However, Jane's mum is in the kitchen downstairs, and his Dayuan Daddy has just returned. Jane's mum is helping Da Yuandaddy to prepare supper.

"Wife, what will you eat tonight?" Zhou Dayuan took off his outside suit and hugged Jane from behind in a white shirt.

Jane Yang raised the ingredients on Yang's hand. "Casserole, okay?"

"Okay, let's eat together."

"But I have eaten it."

"Then stay with me for a bit more ..."

Jane thought about it, and agreed to it, "OK."

In fact, she lied a little liar, she didn't eat it at all, just waited for him to come and eat together, she hoped that he would always be a beautiful girl in his heart who could not eat anything.

"Husband, you touch my waist, am I fat?"

Zhou Dayuan touched it carefully. "No, my wife's waist is the thinnest. Look at the female colleagues around me, none of them is thinner than yours."

Jane smiled with satisfaction, yeah.

In fact, Zhou Dayuan knew everything. He knew that she hadn't eaten anything. He knew she wanted to accompany him. She thought carefully that he hadn't disassembled it, and she would never know that his conditions for recruiting female subordinates were beautiful No, you ca n’t have a thin waist, and everyone who affects his wife ’s mood must be resolutely put to an end!

This is Zhou Dayuan's code for his wife.

"Husband, Linger is here today, in the safe room."

"Linger was sleeping peacefully?"

"No, Ping An sleeps on the sofa. Husband, I find something interesting between Ping An and Ling Er."

Zhou Dayuan snorted. "Then you didn't find that A Ning was a little bit interesting to Ping An?"

Jane was surprised, "What?"

Seeing that she was scared, Zhou Dayuan quickly reached out and touched her head. "Fool you."

Jane sighed with relief, "Don't make fun of this joke in the future!"

"It seems that you are very supportive of Ping An and Linger." Zhou Dayuan kissed her flushed face.

"It's not my support, but Ping An and Ling Er have a heart for each other. Linger, this child, can't be sweet enough. She is the best daughter-in-law."

Zhou Dayuan raised his eyebrows. It seems that Linger has completely captured the heart of his wife. In this case, he said nothing, his wife is the biggest, and his wife said yes, that's good!

Zhou Dayuan hugged her slender waist for a while, then thrust her hand into her dress.

"What?" Jane looked back at him immediately and held down his jumbled hand.

"Wife." Zhou Dayuan didn't call her profoundly.

Jian Ye hurriedly stopped, "No, you can go and see what time it is, it's almost eleven, and after eating ... then that, we can only sleep in the early morning, and our schedules are disrupted ..."

"Just lie down and enjoy, I'll serve you, and, I'll make breakfast tomorrow morning ..."

"That won't work, oops!" Jane could not pass his soft rubbing and frothing, blocking his thin lips with his hand, "Husband, why do you say I can't get pregnant?"

Zhou Dayuan kissed her little hand and replied casually, "Why would you still want to have a baby, Ping An is 11 years old, don't have a baby."

"But today I see that everyone has two or three children, just one in my family, and I want to have another daughter for you so that I can have a companion in peace." Jane looked at him tenderly.

How should Zhou Dayuan answer? In fact, in the year of Ping An's birth, he went for ligation, and they will not have any more children.

Before she had a serious illness, he almost lost her. Ping An was born from the risk of her illness. He did not want or have the courage to experience such a risk again, so only Ping An would be fine.

"Wife, why don't we work harder?"

Jane nodded hard. "Okay."

Zhou Dayuan hugged her and kissed her against the wall.

"Stop! Husband, I seem to have beaten your plan!" Jane scolded him afterwards.

"My wife is good, we are trying to be a woman when we are old! Come on, come on!"

Jane, ...

So Zhou Ping'an upstairs saw this picture that was not suitable for children, and he had to return to his room.

Zhou Ping's sleepless tonight.


When Yin Linger was fourteen, Yin Shuiling's mother was thirty-fifth birthday.

Early in the morning, Yin Muchen father drove Yin Linger out. He locked himself in the villa and explained that Yin Linger could only return at night.

Yin Linger was very angry. She wanted to spend her birthday with Mommy, but Dad said that he would go there.

At this time Yin Linger already knew what a "light bulb" was, and she found out that she was the big light bulb!

So Yin Linger went to the Lu family to find Lu Ning, and heard that Lu Fan had really gone to the army. Four years later, Lu Fan, 14, was already a captain.

In a word from Lu Ning, Lu Fan didn't know what stimulus he had received, and entering the army was like opening up.

Yin Linger came home at eight o'clock in the evening and opened the door of the villa. She was stunned. The whole villa was bathed in flowers, ribbons, balloons and white veils. In short, the girls and girls were bursting into heart. There were red candles in it, and there was a romantic candlelight dinner on the table.

This is how Yin Shuiling ’s 35th birthday was celebrated. In fact, she celebrates her birthday every year. Her favorite brother who does not understand romance will make a princess palace for her on this day. He was full of love.

Daddy and Mummy really love each other.

But where is Daddy Mommy?

Yin Ling's daughter-in-law ran upstairs. She ran to the master bedroom to find Daddy's mummy. Suddenly, she found that the door was not closed tightly. Daddy's mummy was on the big bed in the room.

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