My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1399: Love can make a fool

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"A Ning, this woman is so big. Why am I flat?"

Yin Linger also realized the problem, she looked at herself with a little annoyed little gimmick, "Oh, Ah Ning, you seem to be older than me, let me feel it."

After speaking, Yin Linger threw Lu Ning.

Lu Ning was hiding everywhere, and the girl's voice was soft and crunchy, "Oh, Linger, stop it ..."

The two girls "giggle" on the bed and rolled into a ball. At this moment, the knock of the "knock" sounded, accompanied by a low-alcohol voice, "What are you doing?"

Lu Ning and Yin Linger stopped moving, looking back, Yin Zhihan was leaning lazily on the door frame and watching them.

"Ge Ge, why are you here? I'm playing with A Ning." Yin Linger released Lu Ning.

Compared with Yin Linger's ease, Lu Ning felt embarrassed, probably because he had accidentally looked at his figure just now.

Lu Ning sat up in a panic, she thought about what to call him, but then "snapped", the bad magazine on the bed fell to the ground, and the picture was exposed.

Lu Ning, ...

Her first reaction was to look at Yin Zhihan by the door, and saw Yin Zhihan glanced gently at the magazine, then looked at her.

With four eyes facing each other, Lu Ning froze directly, her whole body was rushing to her brain, and she was so ashamed to drill the hole. Would he think that this magazine was brought by her?

Lu Ning quickly ended her gaze and lowered her head.

I don't know why, she didn't dare to look at Yin Zhihan's eyes. He had narrow eyes that looked like a cold pond, impassive and extremely sharp. She was like a little transparent in front of him, and he could see her through at any time.

Probably the reason for IQ. He is much more mature than his peers. When Lu Ning was with him, he had an invisible sense of stress, very nervous, and afraid.

"Ge Ge, don't watch it, hurry out!" Yin Linger jumped off the bed, quickly covering the bad magazine in her arms, and she reached out and closed the door.

Ashamed and home, Yin Linger looked at Lu Ning distressedly.

Lu Ning couldn't be better. She got down from the bed and stood in front of the mirror. She found that the rose was still worn by her ears. After being troubled and frightened by Yin Zhihan, her little face was flushed. Now she is all over People are more beautiful than roses.

Lu Ning gently bit his own lower lip with her teeth.


An embarrassing day has passed, and in the following days, Lu Ning tried not to contact Yin Zhihan, and even her eyesight refused.

On this day, Lu Ning was looking for a book on the bookshelf, and she found that the book she was looking for had been placed on the highest place of the bookshelf. She tiptoed enough.

However, it is not enough.

A healthy arm stretched out behind her, helping her get the book easily.

"Here." The familiar low-alcohol voice sounded.

Lu Ning was startled. It turned out to be Yin Zhihan. She was so scared that she couldn't even breathe.

The two are now very close. She is in front, and he is behind. Her slim back seems to rub against his clothing. She suddenly remembered the picture of the beautiful man bathing that day, and he seemed to have ... six pack abs.

Lu Ning doesn't know if he exercises regularly. He is so tall and in good shape. He is not like a 15-year-old boy at all.

"Thank you." Lu Ning took the book, did not dare to look at him, and turned to run away.

That night, the book was lying quietly next to Lu Ning's pillow. She didn't read it. She was full of Yin Zhihan. She found out if she had smoked. Why did she run away like that?

This is the place where there are 320 silverless people. When you meet, just say hello to him. Lu Ning, what about your cultivation?

Lu Ning tossed to sleep until early in the morning.

When she went to Yin's house the next day, she was ready to get along with Yin Zhihan generously, but Yin Zhihan left, not back to school. I heard that at the age of 15, he had graduated and flew to Los Angeles, USA.


Yin Linger is desperate, because she finds that no matter how hard she can't learn physics, the college where Zhou Ping's is already waving her hands.

Is she destined to be separated from Zhou Ping'an?

Do not!

One day, Yin Linger suddenly learned that in order to encourage the momentum of the entrance examination, the school specially invited Zhou Ping'an to come back and serve as a legendary proctor on that day.

With that, Yin Linger thought of a coup.

"Ping'an Gege, I've checked it. My physics is supervised by you. Can you tell me the answer with a little password on that day, hehe."

Zhou Ping looked up at her, "What do you say?"

Yin Linger sat next to him with a rump, holding his arm tightly and coquettishly, "I certainly can."

"Did A Ning give you tuition?"

"Useless, I just can't learn physics."

"Then you want to cheat?"

"Cheating? Pingge Gege, how can you say so unpleasantly, I ask you, do you want me to be admitted to your school, think about it, then you resolutely leave your own principles, do not suppress yourself Is the principle more important than me? "Yin Linger smiled with a frown.

Zhou Ping'an shook his head, "No, you have to rely on yourself."

Yin Linger stood up angrily, and she hummed, "Peace Gege, if you don't help me on the day of the exam, then I will hand in a blank paper and take the exam!"

Zhou Ping'an, ...


On the day of the exam.

Zhou Ping'an really came to invigilate, Yin Linger peeked at him all the way, waiting for him to give her hints, but most of the hours passed, and this man didn't hint at all.

Yin Linger sweated wildly and scolded him hundreds of times.

At this time Zhou Ping passed by her, and an eraser was added to her desk.

Eraser ...

What did he give her an eraser to encourage her?

What she wants is the answer!

Yin Linger just wanted to give him a glance, but looked closely, the dense words on the eraser were the answer she wanted!

He still gave it!

Yin Linger immediately raised his eyes and smiled sweetly at him.

Zhou Ping looked at her softly, helplessly indulged.

Love can make a person a fool. What is the principle? All he wants is her.


Yin Linger was successfully admitted to the college where Zhou Ping'an was located, as well as Lu Ning who was escorted. They started to live in school, and the two lived in a bedroom.

Zhou Ping's roommates slowly exploded, and every night they started all kinds of envy, jealousy, hate ---

"Peace, come and see, your sister Linger is waiting for you downstairs again."

"Peace, what did your sister Linger send this time, candy, ice cream, or cream cake?"

"Ping'an, you are so jealous, who doesn't know the two school flowers of our school, Yin Linger and Lu Ning, you have already picked one, and your sister Linger may wish to stick to you all day."

Zhou Pingping looked down at the beautiful figure downstairs. He hugged his lips happily. She must have been a sweet tooth. He didn't eat it, and she aggrieved her little mouth and stuffed it into his mouth. He always surrendered.

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