My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1400: Linger grows up

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Zhou Pingping came downstairs quickly. This time he didn't see a smiley face. Yin Linger was red with the tip of her nose. There were tears on her pink cheek.

"Linger, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Anping asked nervously.

Yin Linger pulled together, "Peace Gege, I ... bleed."

"Where's the bleeding, let me see."

Yin Linger slowly held Zhou Ping's hand and led him to look down his skirt.

There was a restricted area there. Zhou Pingyan quickly withdrew his hands. His fair and warm cheeks were stained with red, "Linger, you ..."

"Peace Gege, I ... I bleed there."

The girl wore a cyan lace dress today, the skirt fell on her knees, Zhou Ping glanced there, and a drop of blood flowed down from her white thigh.

This taboo picture made Zhou Anping breathe quickly and his temperature was burning.

"Ping'an Gege, I'm bleeding, will I die ... Ohh, I'm so afraid of death, I can't be with Pingge Gege ..."

"Linger, you won't die. Don't be afraid. This is the menstrual period. Every girl will come." Zhou Ping'an explained.

"Really? Ping Ge Ge, don't lie to me."

"When did I lie to you? You go back now and change your clothes, then use a tampon and drink some brown sugar water."

Yin Linger shook her head. "Ping'an Gege, I dare not go back. I want to be with you. My stomach hurts ..."

Her face was indeed pale, and even Xiu's eyebrows were twisted together. Zhou Ping was also distressed. Of course she wanted to be with him, but it was not convenient in school.

"Linger, let's stay one night ... at the hotel."

"it is good."

Zhou Ping'an held Yin Linger's soft and boneless hand.


In the hotel room, Yin Linger took a bath in the shower room, and the sanitary napkins bought by Zhou Ping'an were placed on the washstand, but a problem came and she would not use it.

Opening the door of the shower room, Yin Linger peered out her little head and looked out, "Peace Gege."

Zhou Pingping was pouring water. He heard the girl's voice and quickly put down the glass. He stepped forward and opened his long legs. He looked at the girl. Her hair was wet on her shoulders. The baptism became more and more bright, the delicate blush fluttered, as if the water could be produced with one touch.

Yin Linger who just got out of the bath is beautiful.

Zhou Anping raised his lips, "What's wrong?"

"Peace Gege, I won't use this." Yin Linger took out the tampon.

Zhou Ping'an was a little uncomfortable. After all, it was a girl's business. "Well, you open the tampon and then stick it in your inner warehouse."

Neku ...

Yin Linger was also shy, and the word made her look away, "Oh, I see."

She closed the door.


When it was done, Yin Linger opened the door and went to bed. Zhou Ping handed her the brown sugar water in her hand. "Drink this, your stomach will be better."

Yin Linger drank the brown sugar water obediently, but she blinked aggrievedly and hugged her belly, "but my stomach still hurts."

Zhou Pinggan hesitated, "Will I rub it for you?"

"Well!" Yin Linger nodded strongly, then patted the bed next to him, "Peace Ge Ge, you come up."

Zhou Ping didn't plan to go up. The men and women didn't accept it, but she was so simple, if he didn't go up, he would be guilty.

Zhou Ping'an still went up, he leaned sideways, slowly reached out and touched her flat abdomen, and then gently turned the right hour hand.

"Ping'an Gege, why do girls come to the cycle? I don't want to come to the cycle, so uncomfortable."

How can he explain this? In simple terms, this is a manifestation of a woman's uterine development and maturity, she has fertility, and there is one more point, which means that she has begun ... the surname is mature.

The average girl started to be around 12 years old, but she didn't come until she was 16 years old.

Zhou Ping had no way to tell her these words, he euphemistically said, "The coming cycle shows that Linger has grown up."

"Really?" Yin Linger rejoiced.

Zhou Ping'an nodded surely, "Well."

"That's great, I can finally be with Ping An Ge Ge." Yin Linger leaned over and hugged Zhou Ping An tightly.

His arms are as soft as jade. As long as a normal boy is happy, Zhou Anping tightens his waist and abdomen, and there is a quick response below.

He tried to breathe deeply, trying to suppress the restlessness in his body. She was too young to eat.

"Linger ..." He wanted to talk to her and shift the subject.

However, Yin Linger fell asleep.

Zhou Ping'an, ...

He found that the goblin was here to torture him!

He climbed out of bed and took a cold shower.


Early the next morning, Yin Linger slowly opened his eyes.

She found herself being held in a warm chest, looking up, Zhou Ping's handsome face magnified in her sight.

At this moment, the outer morning light had shone in from the layers of gauze, and the room was warm. Even at such a close distance, Zhou Ping's facial features were flawless. He is the quiet man in the legend.

Yin Linger's heartbeat missed a beat, she quietly reached out her hand and touched Zhou Ping's face.

At this time, her slender haw wrist was suddenly clasped, Zhou Ping opened his sleepy eyes, he smiled with a pamper, "Wake up?"

Yin Ling'er's face was a little red, and she was sleeping with Pingge Gege for the first time. "Well."

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"No pain." Yin Linger said that she felt a little uncomfortable in the lower abdomen, and was poked by a hard-bodied thing. She had been poked before.

"Ping'an Gege, why do you keep hiding a wooden stick?" Yin Linger ran his hand and touched it.

Zhou Ping's attempt to stop was too late, she had grasped it, and the feeling there ran across the body like a current, and he felt numb all over.

Men always get up in the morning and cannot be stimulated.

Yin Linger didn't know what it was, she touched it curiously, "Ping'an Gege, what is this, how have I never seen ..."

Of course she hadn't seen it, she was just a blank piece of paper.

Zhou Ping looked down at her opened and closed cherry mouth, which was very tempting. The idea came out again. He wanted to taste if there was a candy smell in her mouth.

Zhou Anping leaned down and kissed her delicate lips gently.

The soft stuff covered it, Yin Linger's eyes widened in surprise, what was Ping Gege doing and kissed her?

She hasn't kissed anyone yet, but she is chasing idol dramas. The heroes and heroines of idol dramas are so stuck together. This is called kissing.

Unexpectedly, Ping Ge Ge also kissed her.

Seeing her glaring at him stupidly, Zhou Ping reached out her hand and covered her eyes.

Her eyes were too pure, and he had the illusion of crime.

Pushing hard under his lips, he rolled it back and forth twice, feeling really good, didn't hold back, Zhou Ping opened his mouth to allow a corner of her mouth.

"Well ..." Yin Linger hadn't experienced this before, and she snorted immediately, and she stretched out two small hands and pulled his collar tightly.

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