My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1407: Yin Linger fell into the water

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Zhou Ping looked at Zhou Dayuan's father and raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Dayuan wiped his trousers pocket with one hand and approached his son. "Your boy is 18 years old today, but he is an adult, but don't think that you can do bad things when you are an adult. People are still young, so you have to hold on even if you want to eat. "

Zhou Ping'an looked at Yin Linger's shadow, his eyes became more and more dim.

"One more thing, you really want to go to Britain."

Zhou Ping silent for a few seconds, then nodded, "Well."

"Tell them well, or they will cry again."


Zhou Dayuan left daddy.

Yin Linger is with Lu Ning. Today Lu Ning wore a long blue dress, and the hair was touching. Yin Linger entangled her and asked, "A Ning, what gift have you prepared for Pingge Gege?"

Lu Ning smiles, "I won't tell you."

"Ah, Ning, tell me, I'm curious."

"I don't have a sense of mystery to tell you now. After I give it to Ping An, you can ask Ping An yourself. He will definitely tell you."

Yin Linger was like a discouraged ball, unhappy.

Lu Ning did prepare a gift. She went to Zhou Ping'an and gave the gift box. "Ping'an, I wish you a happy 18th birthday."

"Thank you." Zhou Pingan looked at the gift box and asked with a smile, "What is this? If I don't have sincerity, I probably won't accept it."

"Peace, are you going to Britain?" Lu Ning asked.

In Zhou Ping's heart, Lu Ning has always been a clever girl with seven dexterity, she knows it at all, but Linger is different, Linger is stupid and pure, and needs his care.

"Yes, we're leaving soon."

Lu Ning raised his lips, "The UK is very cold now, and I knitted a scarf for you, and you should take care of yourself when you get there."


Zhou Ping'an opened the gift box, the cyan scarf, and the weaving technique was very beautiful. The furry thread looked warm when looked at.

"A Ning, thank you." Zhou Ping'an raised an eyebrow.

Yin Linger on the side has been watching the movement here, so she also saw Lu Ningzhi's scarf. It was bad. She hit a gift, and she also knitted the scarf.

But the scarf she knitted was so ugly, crooked, like a little worm crawling, it was almost incomparable with A Ning.

She has been tangling with A Ning asking for gifts, just because she was afraid to take out her scarf and shame her. This is all right. She was hit by 10,000 points and not only hit the gift but also defeated A Ning.

At this time Yin Linger heard a few comments behind her ---

"Look at it quickly, the sons of the Zhou family and the Lu family have a good match, golden boy and girl."

"Yes, you see Lu Ning sent Zhou Ping'an scarf. This girl knits a scarf for the boy himself. Isn't that what love is?" ...

Yin Linger jumped in his heart, and the whole man froze in place.

Ping An Ge Ge and A Ning ...

She never thought about this possibility, but A Ning sent Ping An Ge Ge scarf ... She sent a scarf that liked Ping Ge Ge, what about A Ning?

Yin Linger seems to have discovered a secret that she has been ignoring. She has been with Pingge Gege these years, and A Ning has been standing silently watching.

Does A Ning also like peace Gege?

"Linger, Linger!" At this time Yin Linger heard someone calling her.

She raised her eyes and saw Zhou Ping'an and A Ning looking at her and beckoning to her.

Yin Linger quickly regained her consciousness. She ran over and twitched her lips. "Peace Ge Ge, Ning."

"Linger, what about your gift, Ping An asked you for a gift." Lu Ning laughed.

Yin Linger looked at Zhou Ping'an, Zhou Pingzheng looked at her gently and expectantly, his 18-year-old adult ceremony, he would like to see what she gave him.

Yin Linger was a little nervous, "Peace Gege, sorry, I forgot to prepare a gift."

Zhou Ping'an frowned, "Really?"

"Well." Yin Linger nodded. "I Ge Ge should be here soon. I'll see my Ge Ge."

After that, Yin Linger ran away.

"Linger!" Lu Ning screamed in the back, she wondered, "What's wrong with Linger, why it looks weird, how could she forget to prepare your birthday present?"

Zhou Ping'an was also unbelieving. When he saw Yin Linger, something seemed to be happening, and she was hiding something from him!

Zhou Ping wanted to chase her, but at this moment Jane's mum was calling him, "Peace, come over here."

"I'll go over it first." Zhou Ping'an told Lu Ning.

"Well." Lu Ning nodded. "I'll see Linger."


Lu Ning went to find Yin Linger, but, if she couldn't find it, she saw a man, Yin Zhihan.

A shiny black limousine stopped on the lawn, and he got down alone in the driver's seat, wearing glasses, like a secretary. The secretary opened the back door respectfully, and Yin Zhihan walked out.

He wore a hand-made black suit today. The back of Ying Ting was bathed in light smoke and cold mist, and he had a cold chill.

I heard that this year he has made his mark in the financial and business circles in the United States. Without the sponsorship of Yin Muchen's father, he is going to list his first company.

At 17-year-old Yin Zhihan, everyone said that blue is better than blue.

Lu Ning's first reaction was to hide, she didn't want to contact him.

She did, and she turned and ran.

But before she started, she ran into a man's arms as soon as she turned around, and came to find Zhou Ling of Yin Linger.

Gentleman Zhou Pinping stretched out her hand to help her waist, lowered her eyes and asked, "A Ning, are you okay, what happened, are you so panic?"

"It's all right." Lu Ning shook her head.

But at this time, Lu Ning saw someone, Yin Linger was standing in front of them and watching them.


Zhou Ping'an turned and looked, Yin Linger looked at them pale, at this moment Lu Ning was probably still in his arms.

Oops, Linger probably misunderstood. Zhou Ping'an left Lu Ning and strode forward, "Linger, listen to me ..."

Yin Linger turned around and ran away.

After two steps, she tripped over a rock, "Ah," she screamed, and then "plopped" into the fountain on the lawn.

It is winter now, and the water in the fountain has been covered with a thin layer of ice. Yin Linger planted it without any precaution.

Lu Ning Tongren shrank, as if she could not breathe. She watched Yin Linger fall into the fountain, and when she responded, she had already ran there.

"Linger, I'm here to save you!" He reached for his skirt, and Lu Ning jumped on the side of the fountain.

At this moment a big palm clasped her slender wrists and pulled her from the pool, and she slammed into a hard and warm chest.

"Who are you, let me go!" Lu Ning looked back.

Her pull was Yin Zhihan.

"Let me go, let me go, Linger has fallen into the water, she can't swim!" Lu Ning struggled violently.

"Lu Ning, calm down, Zhou Ping has jumped off!"

Lu Ning turned around and saw that Zhou Pingping jumped out of the fountain almost instantaneously, as if he could see Zhou Ping's sensitive and healthy figure in the clear and cold blue swimming pool.


ps: Girls, the first article of Neon's new article, search --- prisoner love addiction, the bride grabbed.

It's not the same, girls remember to add collections.

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