My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1408: You are really scared of me

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Although Zhou Pingping jumped down, Lu Ning was still not assured. She tried to break free of Yin Zhihan's palm. "Let ’s go, I'm going to help!"

"You can swim?" Yin Zhihan asked concisely.

Lu Ning froze, she couldn't swim, she forgot she couldn't swim!

Not only was she unable to help, she also made a mess.

At this time, a bang, Zhou Pingping broke out, and he took Yin Linger in his arms.

Everyone has gathered here, "Look at it, Yin Linger was rescued!"

Yin Muchen father and Yin Shuiling mommy rushed over. When looking at Yin Linger who was in a coma with water, Yin Shuiling mommy's legs were soft and she almost fell, "Linger!"

Yin Muchen's dad stretched out his strong arms to fasten Yin Shuiling's mother's soft waist and let her lean against his arms. He looked calmly and asked the housekeeper of the Zhou family for two things. First, Let people maintain order to avoid chaos. Second, immediately prepare a car to the hospital.

Daddy Zhou Dayuan and Jane's mum also came, and Jane's mum pale exclaimed, "Oh my god, how did Linger fall into the water?"

"It's okay, don't worry too much." Zhou Dayuan patted Jane's mother's shoulder lightly, then stepped forward, "Peace, can you handle it?"

The maid brought a thick soft blanket. Zhou Ping'an gently placed Yin Linger up and squatted on one knee. He stacked his hands and pressed Yin Linger for the water in his heart and lungs.

Soon, "vomit", Yin Linger spit out all the water he ate.

"Linger, where do you feel uncomfortable?" Zhou Anping patted her back nervously.

Yin Linger couldn't open her eyes. She froze all over and spit out the water. She fainted directly in Zhou Ping's arms.

Zhou Heping held her horizontally without any hesitation and rushed to the hospital.

Lu Ning's head was messy. When watching Zhou Ping's figure disappeared into the luxury car, she lost her strength and quickly slipped to the ground.

However, she did not slide to the ground, because a strong arm hugs her slim waist tightly, and a low-alcohol voice ran overhead, "OK?"

Lu Ning looked up at Yin Zhihan, and the man's frosty cold eyes were falling on her face, very calmly, but now she didn't know that she was afraid of him, she shook her head innocently.

"A Ning." At this time Lu Shaoming's father and Ning Qing's mommy came over. "A Ning, what happened, Linger fell into the water, are you all right?"

"Mummy, I'm fine." Lu Ning looked sadly at her mother.

Yin Zhihan calmly retracted his hand, so that Ning Qing's mommy hugged Lu Ning, Lu Shaoming looked at Yin Zhihan dad, and Yin Zhihan nodded politely.


In the hospital.

Yin Linger was lying on the bed. She had passed the dangerous period, but she had not yet woken up.

"Uncle and aunt, you go back first, Linger has no problem, and will soon wake up, I will stay with her tonight." Zhou Ping'an said.

Yin Shuiling's mother was worried, "Peace, you go back to rest, I will stay with Linger, Linger will definitely find me when she wakes up."

"Let Ping An stay here tonight. We will change Ping An tomorrow morning. Linger woke up and may not know who she wants to see." Yin Muchen dad clutched the shoulder of Yin Shuiling's mother.

Zhou Ping'an looked at Yin Muchen's father, "Uncle, I'm sorry."

Yin Muchen's deep eyes saw everything clearly. He hooked his lips and said in a deep voice, "Peace, don't be sorry, you are doing well. When Linger wakes up, you and her Talk well. "

"Well." Zhou Ping nodded.

Yin Muchen left with his reluctant mum Yin Shuiling. In the corridor, Lu Ning was sitting on a bench. When she saw the two, she stood up, "Uncle and Aunt."

"A Ning, why are you still here, Linger is all right, you go back to rest quickly." Yin Shuiling's mother looked at Lu Ning warmly.

Lu Ning shook her head. "I want to stay here until Linger wakes up."

Yin Shuiling's mum didn't insist any more, she sighed and whispered secretly, "Linger, how can the girl fall into the water? No, I must let her learn to swim when she is fine."

How did Yin Linger fall into the water?

Yin Shuiling's mom didn't know, but Lu Ning knew.

When she hit Zhou Ping'an, Yin Linger saw and misunderstood her.

Yin Muchen father looked at Lu Ning's pale and guilty complexion, and he said kindly, "A Ning, don't think too much. From childhood to old age, you have the best relationship with Linger. You are always the best sisters."

"Well!" Lu Ning nodded forcefully.


The Yin couple left, Lu Ning stood at the door of the ward. She looked inside through the small glass window on the door. Under the dim light, Zhou Ping'an sat by the bed. He held Yin Linger's cold hand with both hands. Kissing at the mouth.

The pain in Zhou Ping's eyes was about to overflow.

Lu Ning sat back on the bench again. It was already late at night. There was no one in the corridor. Even the lights became sparse and dim. She curled her legs and hugged herself.

How did things turn out like this?

Yin Linger, who grew up with her, is so lively and playful on weekdays, but she is lying on the bed now, and if she can, she is willing to suffer for Yin Linger.

Blame her.

If she hadn't hit Zhou Ping's arms, Yin Linger wouldn't have misunderstood her. She shouldn't like Zhou Ping's, and shouldn't have touched Zhou Ping's mind.


Really sorry…

Lu Ning buried her pale face in her knee, and let the guilty whip beat her atrium.

At this moment a sound of steady footsteps sounded in my ears. Someone came, "Drink a cup of hot water."

Lu Ning looked up at Yin Zhihan.

He took off the black suit outside and wrapped it in his arms, wiped his trousers with one hand, and handed her a glass of hot water.

The girl's gaze was still dull. Without the usual aura, she did not pick up water. Yin Zhihan picked up Jianmei. "It's a bit cold, and a cup of hot water will be better."

"Oh." Lu Ning reached out and took the hot water.

After reminding him, Lu Ning felt cold. She had been sitting in the corridor for too long, her hands and feet were almost frozen, and she drank a few sips of hot water. She felt that her body was getting warmer.

She is very grateful to Yin Zhihan for handing her a cup of hot water at such a sad time, and he seems to be protecting her at the party today.

"Thank you." Lu Ning thanked.

"Well," Yin Zhihan snorted. "Thank me?"

Lu Ning didn't speak, she always felt that he had asked it on purpose.

How could he not understand what she thanked him for being so clever?

"You are really scared of me." Yin Zhihan lifted his thin lips and said a few words.

Lu Ning felt uncomfortable. She reached out and pinched a strand of hair on her cheek behind her ears, pretending to calm down, "I didn't ..."

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