My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1409: Why don't you recognize Zhou Ping

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This sentence was too pale, Lu Ning paused and continued, "You are Ling's brother, I and Ling are good sisters, how can I be afraid of you, I just ... recognize ..."

Recognize ...

Yin Zhihan was more interested in the word. He looked down at the girl's little head. "Why don't you admit to Zhou Pingren?"

Zhou Anping ...

Zhou Anping again ...

This was the second time that he was safe from Zhou before her face. Lu Ning stood up and slowly looked at him, "what exactly do you want to say?"

Yin Zhihan wiped his right hand into his pants pocket. He was only 17 years old and should be called a teenager, but his eyes were sharp like an eagle circling the night sky.

"Linger has prepared Zhou Ping's birthday present, it is ... a scarf."


Lu Ning's brain exploded. She understood, she understood. Yin Linger didn't misunderstand because she saw her with Zhou Ping, but Yin Linger knew her mind.

Yin Linger knew she liked Zhou Ping'an.

The atmosphere froze like this, Lu Ning stared at Yin Zhihan with wide eyes. "So what do you mean? Do you think I did it on purpose? I want to be safe with Linger, so I deliberately sent the exact same scarf and hit it on purpose In the arms of Ping'an, intentionally let Linger see? "

The girl was very excited now, like a hedgehog erected a thorn in her body and attacked him, Yin Zhihan's eyes changed.

Lu Ning trembled. At this moment, all the nerves in her head were stinging.

That's right, she likes Zhou Ping'an, but she never thought about robbing Zhou Ping with Yin Linger. She just held this dim feeling in her heart.

She doesn't understand what she did wrong?

However, she probably did something wrong, Linger is still in a coma, it's all her fault.

Thinking of this, Lu Ning's eyes were red, aggrieved, and she felt guilty and wanted to cry.

She didn't want to weep in front of this high-minded man, and she would never allow him to see any embarrassment from her again, and she pulled away her thin legs and left.

But taking a step, her slender haw wrist was fastened by a large palm, and the man asked lowly behind him, "Crying?"

Can he stop talking or can she keep her last pride? Really Mrs. Lu Ning hates this man!

"Let go!" She flung him away.

But didn't shake it off!

"Well, Lu Ning, sorry, I apologize to you. Although I didn't mean that, you misunderstood me, but it was my fault to make the girl cry ..."

Lu Ning didn't want to listen to him, he couldn't shake his hand, she opened her mouth and bit him.

Yin Zhihan was in pain and slowly let go of her.

Lu Ning ran quickly.

Looking at the back of the girl, Yin Zhihan, ...

He looked down at his hand, and there was a deep tooth mark on the hand, how much the girl should hate how hard he bite so hard.

Yin Zhihan shrugged helplessly.


Zhou Ping'an spent the whole night in the ward. At seven o'clock in the morning, Yin Linger trembled her slender eyelashes, and opened her eyes.

"Linger, are you awake?" Zhou Ping'an rejoiced. "Where is it uncomfortable, do you want to drink water?"

Yin Linger felt dry, and she nodded.

Zhou Ping poured a cup of warm water, then raised her up, "Drink slowly."

Yin Linger held the cup and looked down at the sip of water.

At this time, her forehead was soft, Zhou Ping pressed her body and kissed her, her soft voice poured into her eardrum, helpless and petted, "Linger, what did you run around at the party, A Ning turned suddenly, accidentally You hit me, did you misunderstand us? That would be too much. What is my relationship with A Ning? Are you still unclear? We are good friends from childhood to old age! "

Yin Linger thought the same way before, she never thought that Ping An Ge Ge would have something with A Ning until yesterday ...

Yin Linger looked up at Zhou Ping'an, "Ping Ge, I'm sorry ..."

"Fool, I don't want you to be sorry, I just ask you not to run around in the future, I know how worried I am if you fall into the water. Without you, I ..."

Zhou Ping still wanted to speak, but at this moment the knock of the door rang, and Lu Ning came.

Lu Ning's eyes were red, but she was very happy to see Yin Linger wake up, "Linger, are you awake?"

"A Ning." Yin Linger extended a small hand to Lu Ning.

Lu Ning stepped forward and held Yin Linger's hand.

"You guys talk, I'll go out first." Gentleman Zhou Ping stood up and left, leaving this place to the good sisters.


"Linger, you slept all night and I was worried that it would be broken. In the future, you should never do this. If there is something or misunderstanding between us, you should ask me face to face, what else can we say based on our feelings? What? "

"A Ning, isn't it a misunderstanding, right? Do you like peace Gege?" Yin Linger asked.

Lu Ning froze, "Linger, listen to me ..."

"A Ning, you heard me say, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we grew up together, but I didn't see that you also like Ping Ge Ge, I don't know when you look at me with Ping Ge Ge How sad I am, I'll tell you everything ... "

"You like Ping Ge Ge never told me, every time I tell you how good and good Ping Ge Ge is to me, you always listen so quietly, and also give me an idea. I like Ping Ge Ge and stick He, I have ignored you ... "

"A Ning, I'm sorry, it's all my fault ..."

Lu Ning's nose was red, and the crystal tears came down. "Linger, don't say that. In my heart, the sisterhood between us is not comparable to any man."

"Yes." Yin Linger nodded, and she laughed and cried.

"Okay Linger, don't cry, you'll cry into a little cat later."

"Age you too, you are going to become a little cat, no man can get in between us, right?"


"Linger, Ning." At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Ms. Yin Shuiling came in holding the thermos cup. "

"Mummy, I'm fine. I'm sorry, but I'm worried about Mummy."

"Stupid girl." Yin Shuiling's mom hugged Yin Linger lovingly.

"Auntie, Linger, since it's okay, I'll go now." Lu Ning said goodbye.

"it is good."

Lu Ning left.


Lu Ning left, and Ms. Yin Shuiling opened the thermos cup. "Linger, Mummy cooked a little millet porridge for you, I'll feed you a drink."

"Mum, what about peace Gege?"

"I saw Ping An talking to the doctor just now, and I expect to be back soon," said Ms. Yin Shuiling, sighing, and said, "Your dad is right, the first person you want to see is no longer It's mommy, but you are safe, Mommy is so sad. "

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