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"Ping'an Gege, I'm sorry, can you forgive me? I didn't mean to break up with you. In fact, I'm very sad these days, as long as I think I can't be with Pingge Gege in the future, my heart seems to be sad. Dead. "Said Yin Linger grieved and grinned.

Zhou Ping'an looked soft at her coquettish and poor appearance, but this time he had to harden his heart, "Well, I will give you a chance to explain. Why do you want to break up with me?"

"Because, because ..."

Yin Linger can't say that she can't tell him what A Ning likes Ping Ge Ge. This is not possible. This is the secret between her and A Ning.

"Peace Ge Ge, you know, I fell into the water, my head got into the water and pumped, you just treat me as mad, okay, you forgive me this time." Yin Linger dragged his clothes Sleeveless.

Is this a reason?

Zhou Ping was speechless. He could only be mad at himself because he loved her so much that she dared to be so willful and mischievous.

"Well, let's talk when your head is ready. I don't want to talk to a person who has water in his head!" After that, Zhou Ping'an got into the car, and he instructed the driver in the driver's seat, "Drive."

"Yes, Master." The luxury car drove out.

"Ah, Ping Ge Ge, don't go, where are you going, take me with you!" Yin Linger quickly chased after the luxury car.

But after two steps, she stomped. "Ah", she fell down on the lawn.

My **** hurts.

Yin Linger looked at the luxury car that had gone, ...


In a luxury car.

The driver said, "Master, Miss Yin seems to be wrestling. Would you like to stop?"

Zhou Ping knew that she was wrestling. He had seen it in the rearview mirror. He was angry and distressed. What else could she do, she would wrestle even on the run.

I don't know if she hurt her. Did she hurt her hand or her leg?

Although she was so nervous, Zhou Ping didn't stop. He wanted to give her a profound lesson so that she wouldn't dare to make further noises in the future.

How could she easily say "break up"?

She just stabbed him with a knife.


Yin Linger returned to the school bedroom like a discouraged ball. Lu Ning saw her and asked quickly, "Linger, what happened to you? Didn't you find peace?"

"found it."

"Then why are you listless? Didn't you explain it to Ping An?"

"Explain it well, I said I had water in my head, let him forgive me once, so he just didn't want to talk to someone with a bad head, and then he left ..."

Lu Ning, ...

"Linger, it's okay, there may still be emotions in peace, after all, you really hurt him, don't give up, and stick to him like you did before, he will definitely be soft."

"But Ping An Ge Ge doesn't want to see me now!"

"Then let's go to him."

"I don't know where he is?"

"I heard that he will go to the bar safely tonight. He has already completed the procedures to fly to the UK, so the children's shoes in the school gave him a farewell party in the bar." Lu Ning said.

Fly to England ...

Thinking of this, Yin Linger's tears are about to fall, Ping An Ge Ge still has to leave her.

But she understands that this day will come sooner or later. In these years, Ping An Ge Ge has postponed this doomed departure to the greatest possible extent. Ping An Ge Ge, 18, is going to meet his future.

Parting was to better meet each other, Yin Linger comforted herself like this.

"A Ning, let's go to the bar to find Pingge Gege. Before Ping Gege goes to Britain, I must get her forgiveness."

"it is good!"


In the bar.

Yin Linger walked into Ningxia's small hand and walked in. They came to this place for the first time, so when they entered, they looked around curiously. It was so lively here.

Dark rainbow lights, heavy metal music, and a group of people who drink or jump high, which is especially fun.

Yin Linger and Lu Ning found a bar and sat down. They saw Zhou Ping'an at a glance. Zhou Ping was with a group of children's shoes, including Shi Chun.

Those children's shoes were fooling, "Shi Chun, you are a flower of the dance department, and you can hold any dance. Come on, today is for the goodbyes, so you can dance a song."

Shi Chun generously stood up, "Okay."

She started to dance. She was dancing a belly dance. Today she was wearing a white belly shirt. Her long hair wobbled when she danced her slim waist, which was very charming.

"Linger, look, that Shi Chun jumped at Ping An, and she also winked at Ping An." Lu Ning shook Yin Linger next to him.

Yin Linger didn't need to remind her. She knew that Shi Chun was standing in front of Pingge Gege and her eyes were staring at Pingge Gege.

How about Zhou Ping'an?

Zhou Ping'an was sitting on the sofa with a bottle of beer in his hand. Today he wore a white shirt with two loose buttons on his shirt. The gentleness and gentleness of the weekdays receded a few points. His handsome face was like a jade. The neon light projected a little laziness. He looked at Shi Chun and drank two beers on his head, which looked very charming.

Yin Linger's eyes are about to spit fire, because in her opinion, Ping'an Gege also stared at that Shi Chun.

Too much, how dare they hang on to her eyelids, when she died?

Unbearable, Yin Linger suddenly stood up, "Isn't it just dancing, I can, A Ning, go, let's go dancing too!"

Yin Linger dragged and landed on the dancing pool.


Lu Ning was dragged up. As soon as they entered the dance floor, all the men inside were boiling, everyone screamed.

Lu Ning is not used to being surrounded by so many men. She is still a hostile lady in her bones. She pulled Yin Linger's corner of her clothes and said, "Linger, let's go down."

"A Ning, why do we have to go down, come all here, let's dance together, just kidding, we have to know that the two of us just didn't choose the dance department, if we enter the dance department, what else is Shi Chun." Yin Linger confident Road.

Lu Ning nodded. "That's what it says, but ..."

"Don't stop but let's jump."

Yin Linger took the lead in dancing.

That's all, Lu Ning can't stand still. Dancing is a matter of capture for both of them. Lu Ning gritted his teeth and kept up with Yin Linger's beat.

"Wow, huh ..." The men on the dance floor were not calm, they stood aside watching the fun, and gave the stage to the sisters.

"Ping An, look at it, aren't that Linger and Lu Ning?" A child's shoe said to Zhou Ping'an.

Zhou Ping'an looked up, and he saw two stunning beauties on the dance floor at a glance.

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