My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1413: Can i buy you a drink

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Zhou Ping'an knew that Yin Linger and Lu Ning would dance. The two girls, Qian Jin, learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, especially dance, since childhood.

Both of them are talented in dancing. The soft waist of the small mouth of a porcelain vase twists like a pliable willow.

That year they were about 12 years old, their facial features were on, and they became famous. I do n’t know how more boys peeking around the dance classroom. One day the classroom windows were crushed and almost accidents happened. So Ms. Yin Shuiling and Ms. Ning Qing stopped the two girls from dancing.

Zhou Anping thinks this decision is correct. They are already beautiful. If they learn to dance again, they will drive men crazy.

He thought in private that girls dancing was a way to please men.

They don't need to please anyone.

Unexpectedly today, he saw them dancing again.

Yin Linger and Lu Ning jumped high. They danced with little hands and feet, covered with fragrant sweat. The men under the men around them were staring at them and whistleed at the table.

Yin Linger took off the pink coat outside and threw it down. A few men caught it and quickly twisted into a fight.

Zhou Ping's face was dark, so he looked at the girl he had developed in such a way so charming all beings on the stage.

He thought she had known something wrong, but it seemed that she didn't.

Where is the bar and how can she come here, she and Lu Ning came here like little bunnies thrown into the wolf's den. I don't know how many men want to eat.

He didn't plan to come to the bar either, but his heart was depressed and irritable, so he came here with children's shoes. The feeling in Shi Chun's eyes, he could see it, but ignored it.

There are many, many girls who like him, and she probably does n’t know, because he didn't let her have this trouble. He is the same as his Dayuan Daddy. He is a double man in his lifetime. As a good man, he handles the people around him. Flower butterfly is the first condition.

As for Shi Chun's dance, he glanced at it, but that's it.

She has developed his appetite, which other girl can enter his eyes?

In addition to Zhou Ping staring at them at the scene, there was a man standing in the lights suddenly and darkly, Yin Zhihan.

"President, Li Bureau is still waiting in the box." At this time, the secretary with glasses, dave, stepped forward and whispered to remind him.

Yin Zhihan put his hands in his trousers pocket, and his pair of cold eyes stayed on Lu Ning's beautiful face, with thin lips lightly opened, he said, "I see."

Then there is no more.

Dave, he didn't know what the president meant by saying "got it". He followed the president's eyes and looked at the stage. There were two girls in it, one charming and beautiful, and the other was beautiful.

But dave couldn't figure out the president's thoughts, stunners are stunners, but women who are more beautiful than these two girls are not without, the president has not received less, and has not seen the president's thoughts to whom.

Dave was a little sighed that his 17-year-old president was too deep-headed and the city government, he could not see through.


Yin Linger and Lu Ning were tired of jumping, and they went down the dance floor holding hands.

Yin Linger looked at Zhou Ping'an, and saw Zhou Ping's eyes staring at her unhappyly. She hummed with a small mouth, which meant --- how, did I jump more than Shi Chun? it is good? Come to me if you have the skills!

Zhou Ping'an, ...

The two girls sat back on the bar again, "A Ning, what would you like to drink?"

Lu Ning looked at the bartender in front. The bartender was so handsome. He added ice cubes and wine to the glass, and the wine in the glass became colored.

"Linger, can we drink that?" Lu Ning asked Yin Linger.

Yin Linger glanced and spit out her tongue, "A Ning, that seems like ... a cocktail bar, can we drink, if Daddy and Mommy know it, they will definitely scold us."

"Oh, that's fine." Lu Ning sat straight.

Yin Linger glanced at the cocktail, and she was stunned, so she pushed Lu Ning secretly.

Lu Ning looked at her, and the two girls snickered at the same time.

"Just have a drink, you know what I know." Yin Linger said.

"Okay, just have a drink without telling anyone." Lu Ning agreed happily.

They asked for a cocktail, pink for Yin Linger, and cyan for Lu Ning.

Lu Ning took a small sip with a straw, and then heard Yin Linger say, "A Ning, what kind of wine does this taste? It doesn't taste good at all."

"No, I think it's fine."

"Really, Ning, that means you have a lot of alcohol."

Lu Ning wasn't sure, but the taste of the wine was really good. She drank half a cup at a time. "Is the degree of this wine high? Will I be drunk?"

"Drunk I will take you home." Yin Linger patted his chest.

Lu Ning nodded.

"Two little beautiful women, can I invite you to drink a glass of wine?" At this moment a rough male voice sounded from behind.

Yin Linger and Lu Ning looked back. It was a flat-headed tattooed man, who was suffocated.

"Who are you, we don't know you!" Yin Linger replied politely.

The tattooed man smiled hey, "Xiao Meimei, you know me twice in a lifetime, we don't know each other now? How can girls come to such places without boys, especially as beautiful as you, I am familiar with it, brother Take you out to play. "

Lu Ning was disgusted with the tattooed man. She took Yin Linger's hand to get rid of the man. "Linger, we change seats."

"it is good."

Seeing them go, the tattooed man quickly followed, "Xiao Meimei, don't go."

The tattooed man reached out to touch Yin Linger.

But I didn't touch it, because a big palm patted the shoulder of the tattooed man, "They don't want to ignore you, you just hurry up!"

"Who, dare to care about uncle's gossip, I don't think you're going to die!" The tattooed man turned back fiercely, followed by Zhou Ping'an.

"Ping'an Gege." Yin Linger and Lu Ning quickly hid behind Zhou Ping'an.

Zhou Ping glanced at the two girls, which meant --- to settle accounts with you later.

Yin Linger and Lu Ning lowered their heads in shame.


Seeing this, the tattooed man laughed wretchedly, "Oh, it's your Qingren, little brother, you're not interesting enough, play with two such beautiful little beauty one night, you will Ca n’t take it anymore? So, if you give me one of them, I wo n’t care about you. ”

Zhou Pingting snorted, "Then you still care about me."

The tattooed man's complexion changed, "Boy, you toast, don't eat and punish!" Said the tattooed man took the beer bottle on the bar and smashed Zhou Ping's head.

Zhou Pingping stopped the tattooed man's hand holding the wine bottle with one hand, and then stretched his long legs directly towards the stomach of the tattooed man. The tattooed man screamed and fell to the ground.

Yin Linger and Lu Ning both stepped back in shock.

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