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What did he say when she saw her?

Valentine's Day today is naturally some romance.

He likes her.

He wanted to tell her.

Zhou Yao thought this way, and suddenly his cell phone rang. He glanced at Han Xuan's phone.

He connected, "Hey, Xuan Xuan ..."

"Hey, Brother Zhou, what are you doing now? Xiaozhi and they all came to my new home tonight. I personally cooked a table and cooked it. Brother Zhou is here.

"No, I have an appointment tonight."

Han Xuan on the other side was silent, only a half-sounded response, "Oh, Brother Zhou, bye."

Zhou Yao reached out and wanted to hang up the phone, but at the end of the phone screamed, "Ah!" Then there was a fight.

"Major general," Xiao Zhi called, "we have been ambushed!"

A sharp braking sound sounded, Zhou Yao stopped quickly, the big palm of his bones hit the steering wheel in the direction, and the car turned around and left.


Han Xuan lives in an independent two-story small western-style building. Zhou Yao parked the car on the lawn and opened the door. There were a dozen black killers in the western-style building. They were fighting with Xiaozhi.

"Ah, help!" Han Xuan screamed. It turned out that two men in black had kidnapped her and dragged her out of the door.

But without running two steps, the two men in black saw Zhou Yao ahead.

The two eyes were tight.

"Brother Zhou!" Han Xuan saw Zhou Yao, his eyes flashed quickly.

Zhou Yao glanced expressionlessly at the two men in black, "Who is your master? Scorpion?"

"Hum!" The man in black snorted coldly and lifted his feet and rushed to Zhou Yao.

Zhou Yao avoided it when he rushed in, and then reached out to capture his back collar. A long leg went up, and the man in black who was stabbed in the abdomen vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Another man in black also hijacked Han Xuan. He saw that his companion was solved by Zhou Yao's two moves. When he looked panic, he dragged Han Xuan and ran to the side van.

He was fast, Zhou Yao was faster than him, and soon the man in black took a punch on the temple, and the man in black released Han Xuan and fell to the ground.

Han Xuan's footwork was unstable and she was about to wrestle. She yelled, "Brother Zhou!"

Zhou Yao stretched out a strong arm to clasp her thin waist and pulled her into her arms.

Relying on the man's wide and warm chest, Han Xuan's white and beautiful face floated with two touches of sweet flushing. She looked up and worshipped Zhou Yao with admiration and obsession. "Brother Zhou, thank you, thank you for coming in time."

At this moment, a man in black whistleed, the people in black in the bungalows quickly withdrew, and the van rushed away.

"Major, Miss Xuan Xuan, are you okay?" Xiaozhi ran out of the room.

Zhou Yao loosened Han Xuan's waist and looked at Xiaozhi. "It's okay ..." He said solemnly, "Xuan Xuan's true identity has also been exposed. These are scorpion people. The assassination tonight will not end, and the scorpion will be sure in the future. Someone will be sent here. You can't stay here, Xiaozhi, you take Xuan Xuan back to the army. "

That is the safest place.

"Okay." Xiaozhi stepped forward. "Miss Xuan Xuan, come with me."

"Brother Zhou, don't you send me?" Han Xuan's eyes looked at Zhou Yao timidly, as if aggrieved.

Zhou Yao glanced at her. "The army is very safe. Xiaozhi will arrange everything for you. I have an appointment tonight and leave first."

He pulled out his long legs and got into the car, and the luxury car drove away.


Han Xuan stood dimly and looked at the shadow of the luxury car far away. Others went in to pack things, Xiao Zhi laughed. "Ms. Xuan Xuan, today is Valentine's Day, Major General must be dating his sister-in-law. Let's not bother. "

"Xunzi? Do you all like that ... bitch?" Han Xuan asked curiously.

That time in the wormwood forest, she saw that the woman named Leng Zhiyan had always been cold and had a strong personality. She hadn't been with the red flame soldiers for a long time, and it was estimated that it was more than a month. Like many people?

"Yeah, although we haven't had much contact with Xunzi, once in Houshan and once in Yunnan, but Xunzi is kind and broad-minded. Don't look at her always indifferent, but her heart is hot."

"Yes, the most important thing is that the major general and the sister-in-law have a kind of silent tacit understanding. I don't know how to say it. In short, the sister-in-law is the most suitable major general in the world." ...

Han Xuanchi listened to the words of the Red Flame soldiers, and laughed at the corners of her mouth. She thought that these people were on her side in the past ten years. However, in just one month, their hearts were as biased as those of Zhou Yao. That cold kite.

What's so good about Leng Zhiyu?

Han Xuan kicked the small stones next to her feet, and then suddenly Yu Guang broke into a touch of delicate red in her eyes, and she quickly raised her eyes to see.

A red flower was left on the lawn ahead.

She immediately pulled her leg forward, bent over and picked the flower in her hand. She looked soft and soft, and this was a cantaloupe made of rose petals rolled into a shaft.

The people who made this bunch of sugar gourds were very attentive at first sight, there was no wrinkle on the petals, and they were dripping.

this is?

Today is Valentine's Day. Is this a gift from Zhou Yao to Leng Zhiyu?

Hand-made gifts.

Han Xuan carefully held the sugar gourd with her two small hands. It was hard to imagine that a man like Zhou Yao would have the patience to make such a delicate thing.

He was so ... hearted about that cold kite.

If he was willing to send her this bunch of sugar gourds, she would be willing to die for him.

"Ms. Xuan Xuan, let's get in the car as soon as possible." Xiao Zhi urged in the driver's seat.

"Oh." Han Xuan responded, and then she took out her cell phone, turned on the camera, and took a photo of Gourd next to her face.

She knew Leng Zhiyan's mobile phone number. When she clicked on the number, she sent the picture out.

Is she a bad woman?

However, everyone has the right to fight for love.

Han Xuan secretly thought.


There was no figure in the French restaurant on Xichuan Road, because this restaurant was packed tonight, and neither of the main characters was present.

The floor-to-ceiling pendulum in the restaurant has sounded a full six, and officially arrived at six o'clock.

At this moment, a pretty tall figure stood looking out the floor-to-ceiling window, and she looked at the empty restaurant.

Cold Kitty retracted her gaze and sat down on a bench by the road.

She looked up at the bustling and lively street, but unfortunately the bustling moment had nothing to do with her. Her figure was drawn on the cement for a long time. In fact, she was not disappointed. She was numb after being disappointed too many times.

Can't tell why she came, anyway, she came.

Maybe she still has expectations for him.

At this time, she banged, and she received a multimedia message, and opened the multimedia message. It was a photo. Han Xuan was smiling with a strange bunch of roses on her cheek.

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