My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 842: I never forget you

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Looking at this photo, Leng Zhiyu tickled her lips, and then stole the phone into her pocket indifferently.

It was half past six, and she stood up and strolled on the street.

There is a fountain in front of a statue of a lady in a square. There is no water spray in the pool. She stood in front of the statue and looked quietly for a few seconds.

At this time, the "wow" of fine water sprayed up, and the cold kite avoided it, but still got a lot of water drops on his face.

She reached out to wipe her face.

At this time, a clean and white big hand reached over, and a white square handkerchief was passed in front of her.

She stagnates, then rolls her eyes, "Yeziyi ..."

"Well, it's me. Rub your face, it's cold at night, don't catch a cold." Ye Ziyi smiled warmly.

"Oh, thank you." Leng Zhijie took the kerchief and wiped off the drops of water on her face. She asked with a glance on her side. "Do you know about your sister Ye Xiaotao?"

"I know, I just returned from the United States and got off the airport to go to your brother's door to find Xiaotao, but the secretary told me that my father flew from Beijing and took Xiaotao away."

Ye Ziyi did seem to have arrived from the airport. He was wearing a black formal suit, a tie, and a long white cotton jacket on the outside, which was gentle and elegant.

Leng Zhiyu raised Liu Mei, "What will your father do to your sister?"

"Ziyu, rest assured. Although my father has four or five sons, he only loves Xiao Tao as a daughter, otherwise he would not come here from Beijing to visit Xiao Tao, so my father is reluctant to take Xiao Tao. Yes, and I have heard about the situation between Xiaotao and your elder brother. As for how to deal with it, your elder brother is a mature person. Xiaotao has my father as the master. I ca n’t say what agreement the two parties will reach. "

Ye Ziyi's remarks are euphemistically reasonable. It is indeed an elite man who is mixed in the high-level. Leng Zhiyu has an appreciation in her eyes, she nodded.

Ye Ziyi caught the flash of light in her eyes and smiled even more warmly. "Yi, I didn't expect that we were so destined, my sister got in touch with your elder brother."

"Yeah." Leng Zhiyu sighed, this person's fate is the most amazing, it can tie two people who have nothing to do with each other.

Just like she and ... Zhou Yao ...

Why did she think of that man again?

"Kite, it's still early, let's walk together."


The two walked on the street. At this moment, a little girl was holding a basket of roses to sell, "Sale of flowers, sell flowers ..." The girl shouted and ran to Ye Ziyi, eagerly, "Sir, Today is Valentine's Day. Buy a flower for your girlfriend? "

Ye Ziyi glanced sideways at Leng Zhiyu, Leng Zhiyu smiled awkwardly.

"Sir, I've been running for a day today, and I haven't eaten yet. I have to go home early to cook for my brother and sister. Can you do well, buy me a flower?" The girl begged.

"Kite, the holiday today, I am a single person who wants to enjoy the fun of the festival. Why don't I send you roses?"

Leng Zhiyu looked at Ye Ziyi's candid and gentleman's eyebrows, and looked at the little girl who was blushing and flushing, she nodded, "Thank you."

So Ye Ziyi bought seven roses.

Leng Zhiyu took the rose in her hand, she counted it and asked, "Why buy seven?"

Ye Ziyi bent down and laughed in her ear, "I miss you every day."

Leng Zhiyu froze quickly and turned to look at him, and saw Ye Ziyi staring at her with affection.

She felt embarrassed and dropped her long eyelashes. She chatted in a relaxed tone, "Yeziyi, you seem to be 28 years old, why not find a girlfriend?"

"Because there is a person in my heart that I can never forget." Ye Ziyi looked at her with hot eyes.

Leng Zhiyu was silent, she was not slow, and Yezi reminded her secretly today, and looked at her with that kind of ... lovely look.

Does he like himself?

"Zi, how about you? Aren't you married? Major General Zhou didn't accompany you today?"

Leng Zhiyu yanked the corner of her mouth. "He's probably ... busy."

"This is the fault of Major General Zhou. On Valentine's Day today, what can be done this evening is more important than his wife. If a man likes a woman, he will be attentive."

Leng Zhiyu's heart seemed to be stung by a bee. Yeah, what was she expecting? He let her down again and again, not to mention there was Han Xuan who couldn't get rid of him.

How did she become so indecisive, is this still her, or is it cold kite?

Leng Zhiyu shook her head, took a deep breath, okay, from now on she will forget about Zhou Yao, no longer be affected by him, let him go to hell!

"Yi kite, there is a cable car there, let's go and sit together." Ye Ziyi stretched his fingers to the cable car not far from the air.

"it is good."


The two got into the cable car together, and Leng Zhiyu lay on the window and looked at the blue sky. The sky was full of stars, which was very shiny.

"Kiri, do you remember when you were in the middle school? At that time, I lived next to you. Every morning when I played the piano, I could see a girl in the French window beside me. She was staring at me Look."

Speaking of this, Leng Zhijie's face turned red quickly, and she shouted, "Well ... you played the piano very well ... good-looking, I glanced more ... Was I ugly then ..."

"how come?"

"I was like a boy then, I didn't like making friends, I didn't like wearing skirts ..."

"Well, compared with those girls who pursue me, they have long hair and fluffy, gentle and shy manners. You really don't have a girlish look." Ye Ziyi nodded his head.

This cold kite can't wait to find a hole to drill.

"However, all these years have passed, and I only remember the appearance of a person. She stood looking at me like she stood outside a floor-to-ceiling window, and she always appeared in my dreams."

The cold kite froze.

At this moment, the cable car was shaking, as if it was about to derail. She wanted to stand up and look at the situation, but when she was warm, it turned out that Ye Ziyi sat next to her from the opposite side, and he stretched out his right arm to gently hold her. Soft waist, comforted softly, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here."

Cold kite, ...

She was not afraid.

An unfamiliar masculinity lingered on the tip of her nose. She felt uncomfortable and wanted to move. At this moment, she heard Ye Ziyi whisper in her ear and said, "Kite, I like you."

Leng Zhiyu's heart jumped, although she did not have narcissism, but all the signs of him were suggesting that he liked her. Now, has he finally said this?

She looked back at him.

Ye Ziyi stretched out his left hand and touched her hair. He repeated gently, "Yi kite, these years, I have never forgotten you, I like you for many years."

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