My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 928: Sacrifice legs

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Cold Kitty fell asleep, but slumbered stupidly, I don't know what time it was, stepped on the bedside, a healthy armband came over, she turned habitually, and then lay on the man's chest well on.

"What time is it?" She burrowed into the man's neck and asked with her eyes closed.

Zhou Yao leaned down and kissed her forehead, said softly and softly, "It's late, don't open your eyes or talk, and continue to sleep."


Zhou Yao covered the quilt for them, hugged her again, and closed her eyes.


It was early in the morning, Zhou Yao slowly opened his eyes. He glanced out the window. It was seven o'clock now.

He got up late.

Generally, he sleeps very lightly and occasionally gets jet lag when going abroad for tasks. It is not bad to be able to sleep for four hours, so he usually gets up early, around five, and then goes for a run, but today he gets up late After two hours, the first was that he was too tired recently, and the second was the woman in his arms.

He glanced down at the cold kite, she was still in his arms, her body was soft and fragrant, and he didn't want to let go.

Withdrawing his arm gently, he got up and let her sleep for a little longer.

He was about to get out of bed, and then the woman behind her sat up, her weak and boneless body fell directly on his back, pinching her fist and rubbing her sleepy eyes, she whispered softly, "Is it dawn? Are you going to get up? I still want to sleep ..."

Listening to her so soft voice, Zhou Yao's whole heart melted, and she leaned over to hug her. Her little head was a little chicken in his arms. It seemed really sleepy. She reached out and lifted her face. Ufa showed her delicate white face like water tofu. She was very dissatisfied with red lips and probably complained that he had woken her up.

He kissed her hair and laughed and coaxed, "I'm going to get up, you sleep a little more ..."

"Don't." She stretched out her tiny white hand and grabbed his waist shirt, coquettishly, "sleep together ..."

Zhou Yao is soft and not hard. After spending time with Leng Zhiyu, she seems to be less coquettish, and now she hears her coquettishness. His muscles and bones are all soft.

He suddenly remembered a word, gentle township, heroic grave.

The tough Wuguan Qin was in a soft water. He raised his right wrist and looked at the watch. Then ... sleep for a while.

He hugged her soft waist and lay back on the bed with her.


At 7:30, Xiaozhi had looked back and forth outside the door several times. He was holding the breakfast plate in his hand. The breakfast was served once and became cold. Half past half.

How did Major General not get up?

Xiaozhi felt very puzzled. Major General has never been in the team for ten years. Why did he get up so late today?

Is it because the sister-in-law is here?

Xiaozhi also figured it out. He was very relieved. The major general had only had surgery for three days. In the past three days, the major general had found a sister-in-law and appeased Han Xuan. He was tired of dealing with major general between two women. Seeing that, he also wanted the major general to rest in bed, but the major general refused to do so. Now the sister-in-law is here and everything is fine.

He figured it out, and only the sister-in-law could subdue the major general.

The major general listened to Xunzi alone.

A rush of footsteps sounded and several foreign doctors rushed over.

"Mr. Xiaozhi, what about Major General Zhou?" The chief bearded doctor asked anxiously.

"Oh, there is something for Major-General to do. May I ask what happened, is it Miss Han Xuan's condition ..." Xiao Zhi asked.

"Yes, I have made new progress on Ms. Han Xuan's condition, but I need to ask Major General Zhou."

"This ..." Xiao Zhi was embarrassed. Ms. Han Xuan's condition was urgent, but Major General was still ... sleeping.

At this time, the door opened with a squeak, and Zhou Yao pulled out his long legs and came out.

"Major General!"

Zhou Yao glanced at Xiaozhi, and then faced the doctor with the beard, tilted his thin lips. He asked directly, "What's new, let's say."

He heard the doctor and Xiao Zhi talking outside the door just now.

"Major General Zhou, the toxin in Ms. Han's body is spreading rapidly. At the current rate of spreading, I'm afraid she can't survive ... a month."

Zhou Yao's complexion sank, and the thinned lips became a straight line.

"Yesterday we discussed for a whole night and we were going to take a risk. We wanted to give Ms. Han a toxin immediately. I have seven layers of certainty to introduce the toxin from Ms. Han's body to her legs ..."

"Legs? What do you mean?"

"Meaning, in order to save Miss Han's life, we may have to sacrifice her legs."

Zhou Yao didn't listen.

Xiaozhi came forward in shock, "What, sacrificing her legs? In the future, Ms. Han Xuan ... will become disabled. She will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life? No, Ms. Han Xuan will not agree. She must be strong and she is young I believe she would rather die than become disabled ... "

"Mr. Xiaozhi, this is the most feasible way at present. This operation can save Miss Han's life, and she will not have to suffer any more in the future."

Xiao Zhi no longer speaks. If this operation really takes place, Ms. Han Xuan will not have to suffer from the pain in the future, but she needs to be tortured by the mind.

A healthy person cannot appreciate the world of disabled people.

"Okay, let's have surgery right away." Zhou Yao said at this time.

Xiao Zhi was startled, "Major General ..."

"Major General Zhou, this operation cannot be told to Miss Han in advance, so as not to suffer her fierce opposition, regarding the risks during the operation and future recovery ..."

"I have full responsibility." ...

The doctor and Xiaozhi left, Zhou Yao pushed open the door of the room and walked in. He took a simple wash and walked to the hanger. He picked up the black leather clothes and put it on. He walked to the bed and glanced at the woman on the bed. She is still sleeping.

Sleeping very sweet.

Zhou Yao ticked the corners of his lips, overflowing with tenderness, he turned and left the room.

Listening to the moment the door closed, the cold kite on the bed slowly opened her eyes ...


The operation was performed for four hours. Zhou Yao remained outside the operation door until the bearded doctor came out to report to him, "Major General Zhou, the operation was very successful."

Zhou Yao's silent complexion was loose for a moment, and he glanced at Han Xuan who was pushed out by the nurse. He asked, "When can she wake up?"

"Unsurprisingly, she will be awake after the anesthetic has passed, about an hour."

"Well, you have worked hard." Zhou Yao thanked the bearded doctor.

The bearded doctor nodded and walked away.

At this time, a "ding" sounded, and Zhou Yao's cell phone rang.

He took it out, it was a text message.

"Xiao Zhi." Taking back the phone to his pants pocket, Zhou Yao waved to Xiao Zhi not far away.

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