My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 929: I am crippled and you are satisfied

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"Major, you call me?" Xiao Zhi ran quickly.

"Well, I'm going to return to the team now. There is an emergency meeting in the team. Han Xuan, here you look after her. When she is awake, she will know that the situation will be emotional. I'll come back later. "Zhou Yao whispered.

"I know, Major General, don't worry."

"And ..." Zhou Yao glanced at the direction of Leng Zhijie indifferently. "Where is your sister-in-law, don't let her see Han Xuan."

"Major, why don't you take the sister-in-law? The sister-in-law is not in the hospital, and she is less likely to see Han Xuan." Xiaozhi didn't understand.

Zhou Yao raised his eyebrows. "I'm not assured that she is in the hospital. I'm even more assured that she is not in the hospital."

Han Xuan looks like this. He doesn't want her to see her. This is his personal problem. He wants to solve it by himself and doesn't want to worry her, but he will worry about leaving her outside. She and that night child are always confused. Yes, he is now trapped by Han Xuan, he is afraid that Ye Ziyi sees stitches, he wants to cut off all possibilities.

"Okay, Major General, leave it to me."

"Well, I'll go first."


An hour later, Han Xuan opened her eyes slowly.

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, "Miss Han Xuan, are you awake? I'll call the doctor."

The bearded doctor came soon. The doctor gave her a comprehensive examination and then nodded. "Ms. Han, it seems that your condition is stable at the moment. In the future, you have to take a rest and go to the hospital for examination if you are unwell . "

Han Xuan's face was pale. She nodded weakly. "Well, thank you doctor."

The bearded doctor went out.

Xiaozhi stepped forward and held up Han Xuan, and put a cushion on her back, "Miss Han Xuan, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Han Xuan leaned on the bedside. She took a glass of water and drank half a glass of water, then looked around, "Xiaozhi, what about Brother Zhou?"

"There was a meeting in the major general, so I returned to the team."

"Well." Han Xuan nodded, and she returned the cup to Xiaozhi, and then moved, and she quickly noticed that her legs were unconscious.

She is a doctor. Naturally, she has more thoughts in her head than ordinary people. She was startled and looked at Xiaozhi dullly. "Why are my legs unconscious?"

She lifted the quilt and looked at her legs. Her legs were still there. She moved her legs to get out of bed, but no matter how she moved, her legs didn't obey.

This feeling made her fall into the endless darkness.

Xiao Zhi quickly stepped forward to stop Han Xuan's movements. He explained, "Miss Han Xuan, don't be excited first. The doctor just said that your condition is stable and you need to cultivate ..."

"What operation did they perform for me?" Han Xuan interrupted Xiao Zhi and looked up directly.

"Miss Han Xuan, this surgery is for your good ..."

"Shut up!" Han Xuan screamed out of control, and she glared at Xiaozhi with a gritted tooth, "I asked you, what operation did they perform on me?"

Small blog,…

The tears in Han Xuan's eyes "brushed" all over. She raised her fist and smashed her legs hard. She was fiercely moving and wanted to get out of bed and walk around.

"Miss Han Xuan, don't do this, you will wrestle like this ..." Xiao Zhi tried to stabilize her mood.

"Go! Don't touch me!" Han Xuan screamed. She didn't know where the strength came from and she just shook off Xiao Zhi. At the same time, she fell to the ground with a bang.

"Miss Han Xuan!" Xiao Zhi wanted to help her.

Han Xuan burst into tears with "wow", she covered her face with both hands, "Did they ... introduce toxins in my body to my ... legs, am I ... disabled ..."

Looking at Han Xuan like this, Xiao Zhi was also very uncomfortable. Although he did not agree with Han Xuan in many ways, Han Xuan was Han Hong's sister and the widow's widow. She had been dormant beside Scorpion for six years, leaving her away Zhou Yao's obsession is not to mention, she is also an admirable good girl.

"How can you do this ... Why didn't you ask my opinion before the operation ... My legs can't move anymore, I'm disabled ... I'm a wasteful person now you're satisfied?" Han Xuan couldn't help crying.

"Miss Han Xuan, we are all for you. The doctor said that if the toxin stays in your body, you can't live for a month. We are saving your life ..."

"Oh, huh, save me? You can say that now, you are not me, how can you understand the pain of a disabled person? I am only 26 years old, I am 26 years old, I have been destroyed, and I have nothing. Han Xuan murmured out of control.

Xiaozhi didn't know how to comfort him. He could only bend down and hug Han Xuan back to the bed and cover her with a quilt. Xiaozhi said, "Miss Han, I know you have a hard time accepting it, but the fact has happened, hope Be brave. "

Yeah, the facts have happened ...

Han Xuan looked vaguely in tears as she no longer felt her legs.

She was quiet, without a word of speech, without any vitality, and Xiao Zhi turned her head sideways. At this moment, the knock of the door rang, and the little nurse said by the door, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, doctor Call you to his office. "

"Okay, I'll come." Xiao Zhi looked at Han Xuan. "Miss Han Xuan, take a good rest and I'll be back in a little while."

Xiaozhi left.


The ward was completely quiet, and the balcony outside the window shone on Han Xuan's body, but she couldn't feel a trace of warmth. She clasped herself with two slim arms and wanted to feel a little warm.

Then Xiaoxi pushed in, "Sister Han."

Han Xuan looked up and saw Xiao Xi pushing in a wheelchair and came in.


A self-deprecating smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Han, are you okay now? I just heard the doctor said that your condition has stabilized. Although your legs ... but as long as we can keep our lives alive, this is great."

Is it?

But why didn't she think so?

"Xiaoxi, you help me to get in a wheelchair. I feel much better. I'm just upset. The sun is very good today. I want to go out for a breath of fresh air."

"Okay." Xiaoxi moved Han Xuan to a wheelchair and pushed her out.

Walking in the corridor, Xiaoxi asked, "Sister Han, shall we bask in the lawn below?"

Han Xuan shook her head. "Xiaoxi, I don't want to bask in the sun, I want to blow a hair, you push me to the balcony on the top floor."

"Ah," Xiaoxi stagnated. "It's too high there."

Han Xuan quickly gave a cold face, and she snorted, "Xiao Xi, you don't even listen to me now, I just want to blow my hair, but you don't want to take me there, I know I'm a dead man now ... "

"Sister Han, don't say that, I'll take you there."


On the balcony on the top floor, Han Xuan looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, facing the sun in the sky. It is early spring, and the weather is gradually getting warmer, but here is the 28th floor, the wind is very strong.

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