My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 931: Lovers period has expired

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At this moment, all the onlookers looked at Leng's kite's eyes more and more badly. Everyone whispered and resentful against Leng's kite.

Leng Zhiyu suffered all the attacks from the audience, but she was very calm, and her slender waist was straight. She looked at Han Xuan calmly. Was it helpful to scratch her head? She could let her go if she scratched her head?

Who will let go of her, and who will let go of Zhou Yao?

Han Xuan never understands, it is always herself who refuses to let go!

At this time, a steady and rapid footsteps came, accompanied by the voice of the male who was so deep and reassuring, "Han Xuan, what are you making?"

Leng Zhiyu looked sideways, Zhou Yao came.

Zhou Yao was dark today, and the typhoon was too loud. He slammed the black leather coat on his body. The proud and straight long legs stopped beside her. He looked at her and whispered, "Nothing. Right? "

His face was cold, and his tough features seemed to be sharp because of the tightness. Those thin lips were pale and white, and there was only a hint of warmth in those black eyes that looked into her, which he worried about her.

Cold Kitty tickled her lips and shook her head. "I'm fine."

When Han Xuan saw Zhou Yao coming, she first greeted Leng Zhiyu, and the two of them had a deep affection in front of her. Her hand on her chest dropped weakly, and then she squeezed into a fist.

Zhou Yao looked at her sideways, and the black heavy military boots took a step forward, then settled on the ground. "Han Xuan, what are you doing here? I agreed to the operation. In order to save your life, I had to sacrifice. Your legs. "

Han Xuan's tears fell down one by one. At this moment, her emotions calmed down. She slowly looked at Zhou Yao and asked hoarsely, "I would rather die than be crippled. Brother Zhou should know this. Now that you have agreed to the operation, you should make arrangements for my future life, Brother Zhou, I will ask you, who will take care of me and who will be responsible for me in the future? "

Zhou Yao's silhouette had been dipped into a layer of frost, and he said a few seconds later, "I."

"Okay," Han Xuan nodded, "what is your identity?"

"What your brother Han Hong can do for you, so can I."

The man's short answer completely shattered all of Han Xuan's hopes. She finally glanced at Zhou Yao and closed her eyes. "Brother Zhou, you should know that I don't want this."

She turned over and jumped straight from the roof.

Everyone in the audience was exclaiming. Even Leng Zhiyu took a step forward. She always knew that Han Xuan was tough, but she did not expect to be so strong, she jumped when she jumped.

Zhou Yao, who was next to her, had already ran like lightning, and he flung over and grabbed Han Xuan's hand.

Han Xuan was hung in the air on the 28th floor.

Zhou Yao held her hand tightly, feeling that the palm in his palm was falling. He stared at Han Xuan with red eyes, "Give me your other hand as well."

Han Xuan had no fear at this time. Her life was already dark. If she lost the man in front of her, she would rather die.

She raised her lips and slowly shook her head. "Brother Zhou, let go and let me die."

Zhou Yao narrowed his long hard eyelashes, and when he opened his eyes again, those black eyes were like splashing ink, "Han Xuan, do you really want us to this step?"

"Brother Zhou, it's not that I'm forcing you, but that you're forcing me."

"Okay." Zhou Yao nodded, and when he looked at Han Xuan again, there was no temperature at the bottom of his eyes, and his thin lips tilted. He asked directly, "What do you want this time, say."

Han Xuan thought her tears had dried up, but the corners of her eyes were still moist when she heard him. She knew that the relationship between him and him for ten years had faded, and they could never go back.

"What else do I want to say? I want ..."

"Impossible!" Zhou Yao interrupted her directly, and he stared at her scarletly, saying, "I have only one daughter-in-law in my life!"

Han Xuan opened her eyes side by side, instead of looking at his disgusting look at the moment, it turned out that he would look at her like this, so disgusted.

She said to herself, "I want you to marry me, and I want to be your Mrs. Zhou."

"Han Xuan!" Zhou Yao gritted his teeth and yelled from his chest.

"Don't promise?" She looked up at him and smiled. "Well, don't worry about me, let go!"

She screamed and quickly broke his palm.

She is crazy.

As soon as she moved, her hand slipped away from his palm. Zhou Yao watched her hand slide down, and he was about to slip out of his palm. At this time, his eyes appeared again from that of 10 years ago. In one scene, Han Hong fell in front of him with blood, Han Hong didn't close his eyes, he was screaming-Xuan Xuan ...

He closed his eyes heavily, the blue veins on his forehead leaped endlessly, he compromised, and he finally compromised, "OK, OK, I promise you."


Leng Zhiyu returned to the room, and the passers-by in the corridor pointed at her while walking in the corridor. "Yes, the woman on the rooftop just now is her. She is very poisoned."

"What about poisoning again, Major General Zhou chose another woman, and Major General Zhou will marry another woman."

"Okay, she deserves it!" ...

Leng Zhiyu didn't speak, as if they didn't hear their argument.

At this time, a nurse saw her unpleasantly, and the nurse hit her directly. The medical disks in the nurse's hand were spilled, and the medicine inside was spilled on the cold kite.

"Oh, ma'am, are you okay?" The nurse fakely wiped the cold kite.

But I didn't get it, because Leng Jiu took a step back and didn't let her get close. When the nurse raised her eyes again, Leng Jiu flickered a few steps. She reached out to open the door, and Leng Jiu went straight in.

"This woman is so arrogant!"

People outside are still talking, Lonely Kite's complexion is always calm, she never looks at the eyes and gaze of others, she is used to doing things.

Going to the bed, she reached out and touched the bedding on the bed. When she got up, she had tofu lumps. It was already afternoon, but she seemed to feel the temperature left by him.

She knew that she always knew she wouldn't go long with him.

She knows Han Xuan too, and she knows him too well.

Han Xuan's obsession has penetrated into the bone marrow. Even the day of death, she may not be relieved. She will not give up on him, and he ...

The delicate features of the cold kite become soft, what kind of person is he?

Han Hong rescued him ten years ago. He carried Han Hong ’s faith all the way forward. He could n’t let go of this kind of grace. He has always been a man of affection and righteousness. What Han Xuan has done today has completely pushed him away However, how can the feelings accumulated in the past ten years be broken, and Han Xuan exchanged blood to save him, how can he really watch Han Xuan jump off the building and die?

He has always been strong, but he is just a flesh-and-blood person. He will also be kidnapped by kindness and morality, and he will not be able to pass the level in his heart.

He's irritable, upset and sad, and he's soft sometimes.

She just loves this one, doesn't she? If he ignores Han Xuan and holds her hand frankly, she will look down on him, right?

Distressed what he loved, the lover period has expired.

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