My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 932: You haven't put on a wedding dress for me

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In the ward.

Zhou Yao held Han Xuan on the bed, and the bearded doctor quickly walked in and checked her again.

"Major General Zhou, the patient's body is not bad, but in the future, he should avoid mental stimulation and pay more attention to cultivation."

Zhou Yao nodded.

The bearded doctor left.

"Sister Han, are you okay? I was scared to death just now, come, let's drink a cup of water to warm my body." Xiao Xi handed a cup of warm water to Han Xuan.

"Xiaoxi, thank you." Han Xuan took the cup.

"Sister Han, don't do stupid things in the future, this is all right, and you will be discharged from the hospital with peace of mind, and you will become the most beautiful bride in the world as soon as you leave the hospital. You will be Mrs. "Xiaoxi said happily.

Han Xuan took a sip of water and quietly raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Yao. The man was leaning against the wall with his long legs and a distance from her.

He had promised her, and they would get married soon. Xiaoxi's "Mrs. Zhou" filled her with sweetness, but this sweetness froze when she met the eyes of a man. Zhou Yao was looking at her. His black eyes freeze on her face without much emotion, almost no temperature, very cold.

Han Xuan's face "brushed" a little whiter.

Xiaoxi did not notice the interaction between the two, and she was still upset for Han Xuan. "Sister Han, the Miss Leng on the rooftop just now is so abominable. How can she use those words to stimulate you? I think she wants you out Something, her heart is so vicious ... "

Xiao Xi didn't say a word, because she noticed that two eyes hit her face. She raised her eyes and saw Zhou Yaozheng staring at her coldly and sharply.

"Major General Zhou, I ..." Xiao Xi froze.

Zhou Yao retracted his gaze from Xiaoxi. He stood upright and glanced at Han Xuan. "I'll leave if you're fine."

He pulled out his long legs and left.

When Xiaoxi saw him go, he whispered to Han Xuan, "Sister Han, why did Major General Zhou take such care of that Miss Leng, I ca n’t say anything bad about her ..."

Han Xuan's right hand holding the water cup gradually pulled back, anxious to crush the glass.

At this time, the knock of the door bell sounded, Xiao Zhi came in, Xiao Zhi looked directly at Xiao Xi, "You have been rescinded as a nurse and expelled from this hospital. Now you can go."

"What?" Xiaoxi shuddered, panicking. "What did I do wrong, why was my disqualification fired?"

"Because the hospital doesn't need a broken-mouth nurse."

Broken mouth?

Xiaoxi suddenly understood, she shook her head and said, "I don't have a broken mouth. Don't revoke my qualifications for nurses. I finally passed the university and got my certificate ... Sister Han, if you save me, you must be Mrs. Zhou. Now, please plead for me in front of Major General Zhou ... "

Han Xuan saw Xiaoxi look at Xiaozhi so quickly, "Xiaozhi, where is your major general, I'm looking for him. During this time, Xiaoxi is taking care of me. She is my friend ..."

"Miss Han Xuan, Major General gives you more rest, you don't need to worry about other things." Xiao Zhi waved his hand to the outside. "Come, drag her out."

Two people came in quickly outside, and they pushed the stream out.

Xiaoxi was still yelling, "Sister Han, save me ... No, you can't save me, only Miss Leng can save me ... Miss Leng, I know something wrong, I will not dare in the future, please let me go ..."

The stream's voice drifted away.

Han Xuan was shaking, her chest was violently undulating, Zhou Yao was beating her face, he did not care about her face in order to maintain the cold kite.

With a slam, she broke the cup in her hand directly to the ground.

"Where is your major, I want to see him! Immediately!"

Xiao Zhi looked at Han Xuan and nodded politely and distantly. "Major general said that since the doctor has performed an examination for you and you are in good health, then you should take a good rest in the past few days. If there is any problem in the hospital There is a doctor, and I will also take care of Miss Han Xuan here. Major General is busy, so I will leave the hospital first. "

What, he left?

So he left?

Han Xuan's eyes were red. She dragged her sheets with her hand. Zhou Yao, why did he treat her like this?

"Miss Han Xuan, I have arranged professional care for you. Take a good rest. I will go out first." Xiao Zhi left.

"Oh, huh ..." There was only Han Xuan in the ward. She laughed lowly. Did she become an orphan? Zhou Yao left, and even Xiaozhi's attitude towards her changed overnight. She obviously got what she wanted, why did she feel that she was losing.

She also squandered the remaining possession.


Zhou Yao returned to the room and pushed in. He glanced quickly at the whole room. The room was empty and Lonely Kite was gone.

she left.

Zhou Yao stepped in and stepped in. He reached up and touched the table, chairs, and hangers in the room, then sat next to the bed ...

The scenes of last night are vivid, and the warmth and aroma of her body still seem to remain in the room.

But she left.

Yu Guangyan saw a note pressed on the bedside table. He quickly took the note in his hand, and the note was a beautiful and chic typeface, like her person-Zhou Yao, I'm leaving, goodbye.


He said goodbye to her.

He could imagine her feelings before leaving. She must have a smile on the corner of her mouth. Even if he failed her and betrayed her, she could calmly say "goodbye" to him ...

His mind was full of her amazing little face, and this morning she looked like he was talking softly on his back. He had a strong idea and called her.

Pulling out the cell phone in his pants pocket, he dialed the familiar number.

Should she pick it up?

She will pick it up.

"Beep" ringing again, and the phone on the other side was picked up, "Hey ..."

It's her voice.

He had a lot of things to say to her, but now he didn't know where to start when he heard her voice. He pulled his palm into his phone, and his eyes were silent with red eyes.

"Hey, Zhou Yao, is it okay for you to call me? Talk." Her voice was soft.

He paused, then lifted his thin lips, "Sorry ..."

"Zhou Yao, you don't need to apologize, if it was me, I should make the choice like you. I was prepared very early, from the moment I pushed you to Han Xuan for a blood exchange operation. , So don't be burdened, this choice is a common choice between me and you. You are not sorry for me. "

"But," Zhou Yao said in a dumb voice. "Did we end like this? I don't want to end like this, this ending is hasty ..."

"Zhou Yao ..."

"I didn't want to end like this, I suddenly remembered that none of us had a wedding that really belonged to us, we hadn't honeymooned, and you didn't ... put on a wedding dress for me ..."

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