My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 975: Little bracelet for baby

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Zhou Yao's eyebrows sank, his body exuding a chilling chill, "What do you mean?"

"Major general, pregnant women's constitution is extremely fragile and sensitive, so we need to spend a lot of energy and time to care for a pregnant woman, but the sister-in-law should be in a state of alert for a long time during pregnancy, this state is very important to her to the fetus Disadvantage, I just felt a slight contraction of my sister-in-law. "


"Yes, pregnant women will have contractions when they have full term labor."

"Impossible," Zhou Yao said with a thin lip. "She was only eight and a half months pregnant."

"Major general, this is the key to the problem. Xunzi was only eight and a half months pregnant. There is no reason to have contractions. I have two bold guesses. First, Xunzi's contractions are only recently. Xunzi himself never I found that this is what I said was showing signs of premature birth, second ... "The female military doctor looked at Zhou Yao.


"Secondly, the contraction of Xunzi has been for a long time. It is the medicinal material that Scorpion used to help her to maintain her tires. If this is the case, the medicinal material must not be broken."

Zhou Yao's entire handsome features were sharpened, and he closed his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Major General, ask your sister-in-law. Only by asking will we know which condition we are in, and we should prescribe the right medicine. If it is the first case, Major General should immediately ask for medical support, because although I am a doctor, I do not It ’s not an obstetrician. Once my sister-in-law gives birth prematurely, there are so many things that I ca n’t handle it. If it is the second case, then the major will need to talk to the scorpion. The scorpion must not die. ”

Silent for half a second, Zhou Yao nodded, "I see."

He pulled out his long legs and walked backward, Xiao Zhi waited behind him, "Major."

Zhou Yao whispered, "Connect the security control center here immediately. I begged to send a few more obstetricians with excellent medical skills. In addition, call my elder brother Lu Shao, and I will ask Dr. Zhou for help."

There were accompanying medics in battle on the battlefield, but there was no obstetrician. He did not know in advance that she was pregnant, so he was not prepared.

The signs of improper fetal position and premature birth are very serious. Maybe she will be premature at any time and may be in danger at this time. What this preempts is time. He can only ask for additional foreign doctors here. Zhou Da is too far away from here, it will take a lot of time to get over, so he can only do two-handed preparation.

Even if he prepared with both hands, he was still upset and still afraid. She gave birth in eight and a half months, she was in danger of life, and the child in her stomach was difficult to feed.

The worst plan is ... killing two lives.

He didn't dare to think about it. Everyone said that a woman giving birth is like walking around a ghost gate, and now he really realized it.

In addition, which of the two situations is, does she have a sign of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy? It is because the scorpion has been using her herbs to help her give birth.

If so, he needs to negotiate with the Scorpion.

The female medic is right, the scorpion cannot die, and he will not let the scorpion die.


In the room, Zhou Yao opened the door and walked in. There was no one on the bed. Leng Zhiyu was standing barefoot on the floor and bent over to pick up things on the ground.

She had a big belly and had difficulty bending down.

"Why did you get out of bed and bare feet?" Zhou Yao immediately pulled out his long legs and walked over, and he struck the woman horizontally.

In order to prevent herself from sliding down, Leng Zhiyu stretched out a small hand and hugged his neck. The man's face was very bad, his facial features were tight, and his tone was very harsh.

She froze.

Zhou Yao quickly realized that his voice was too loud, and he tried to soften his face and explained, "Sorry, my tone was very strong just now. That's because bare feet will catch cold. Your big belly now needs to take care of your body. , If something falls to the ground, you can ask me to help you pick it up. "

"Oh." Cold Kitty answered.

Zhou Yao put her on a soft bed. Leng Zhiyu didn't lie down. She sat and twiddled her hands.

Zhou Yao sat at the bed and glanced at her. She was holding a small bracelet in her tiny white hands, which was probably just dropped on the floor. The small bracelet was knitted with a few red ropes, and the pattern was very delicate. The sound of "Ding Ling Jing" sounded, and there were a few small bells beside her jade foot.

She is putting a small bell into a red rope bracelet.

"What is this? A bracelet for the baby?" Zhou Yao hugged her from behind, and pulled the quilt over her belly.

"Well." Lone Kitty nodded.

Zhou Yao looked at her at the moment, and the halo of light hit her white, jade-like face. She looked down and focused on the small bell. Her stunning facial features were soft and unpredictable. Gentleness.

He suddenly knew why when he first saw her, he felt that there was a softness on her body. This was ... mother love.

She is already a prospective mother.

He made her a mummy.

Zhou Yao felt that all the iron bones were soft and crisp. He could not wait to rub her into his own blood, and his arms held her tighter. He kissed her cheek, "You wouldn't edit this before This stuff is so good now, I have to suspect that it wasn't you who wrote it yourself. "

"I've edited for a long time, this is what I am most satisfied with," she answered concisely.

She has been editing it since she was pregnant, and has edited it for hundreds, but on this one she thinks it is very beautiful, with delicate patterns.

"Wife, you seem to like red rope very much."

"Well?" She was puzzled.

Zhou Yao took off the small bracelet on her hand and put it in the bedside table. She buckled her shoulders and turned her around. The two face to face. He unbuttoned the two buttons of the shirt and showed that it was hanging around his neck. Red rope.

"You gave it to me, would you like to see it?" He asked pettifully.

Leng Zhiyu was not impressed with this red rope. When she watched the women use some red ropes to make things, she felt very good, so she wanted to make one for the baby.

Zhou Yao saw her eyes curious, so he opened the small brocade bag falling on the red rope, and took out the sticker inside to show her.

He and her were in the profile picture. He had a serious face and didn't laugh, but she tilted her head and fell to him with a silly smile, which was a very different "yeah".

She frowned at the first sight. Is this her?

Like a little silly hat.

Why did n’t Zhou Yao know what she thought, he put the baby sticker into a small brocade bag, and then reached out and pinched her little face, "This is good, I am one, the baby is one, our grandpa You gave it. "


Leng Zhiyu looked at the handsome and extraordinary face in front of her. Will he be a good father in the future?

Should be.

Give him the baby and she is at ease.

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