My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 976: Han Xuan is here

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Zhou Yao saw her drop her eyelids, so she asked, "What do you want?"

"Nothing to think about." Leng Zhiyu shook her head.

Zhou Yao spoiled his lips, and stretched out his long arms to hold her waist. He lay down with her.

"My little bell isn't ready yet ..." She was about to get up.

Zhou Yao held her down. "Don't do it. Do it again tomorrow. It's mostly time. It's early in the morning and it's time to sleep."

Cold Kitty narrowed her long eyelashes and stopped insisting.

Zhou Yao reached out and touched her little face, rubbed her delicate skin and kissed her little nose. He whispered, "Daughter, the doctor said you have a slight contraction, you feel What? "

Leng Zhiyu didn't change her expression. She asked, "What is contraction?"

"It hurts like it's going to hurt ..."


Zhou Yao held her small face and looked her eyes seriously, "truth?"

"What do you mean?" She greeted his gaze. "Is there something wrong with my body, I am in danger of having a child ..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!" Zhou Yao interrupted her, and since she didn't know anything, she told her nothing and didn't let her have a psychological burden.

This ruled out the second possibility, but Zhou Yao was still heavy, she would give birth prematurely at any time ...

In fact, in his mind, the first possibility and the second possibility are not good or bad. If the second possibility, he can negotiate with the scorpion, and the scorpion will keep her alive, but the scorpion cannot easily agree, the scorpion There are only two things I want to do now, the first one to let him die, and the second one to take her away.

No matter which one is the worst case, he and she may be destined to be separated again.

If the first case was also bad and her body was bad, he felt that he had a hand in his throat, preventing him from breathing.

Seeing the man stop talking, Leng Zhiyu opened her eyes to see him, only to see that he was holding her nose to lock her eyebrows, and did not know what she was thinking.

She slowly stretched out her little hand, and used his index finger to smooth his frowning "Chuan" word.

Zhou Yao opened her eyes, and her eyes were all soft and docile.

He was suddenly in a good mood again, as if the empty heart was filled, and he felt fulfilled and contented, his beloved woman returned to his embrace and was by his side.

What could be more exciting than being accompanied?

Zhou Yao raised his lips, "Wife ..." He leaned down and kissed her red lips obsessively.

He pecked at her delicate lips with a bit of water, took a little taste and coquettishness, and Leng Zhiyan's two small hands tightened his shirt, and she stared at her eyes.

Zhou Yao looked funny at her, she was confused and confused, but her cheeks were flushed. Although she lost her memory, her body listened to his call and gave the most realistic response.

Looking at her watery eyes, he smiled and left her red lips. "The next time you remember to close your eyes, you look really like this ... I ate you."

He opened her mouth to scare her.

Leng Zhiyu felt her ears hot, she reached out and pushed him away, then turned away.

"Wife, are you shy?" He hugged her from behind.

Cold Kite twisted twice, "Don't touch me!"

There was a groan, and a hard thing hit her back.

Leng Zhiyu didn't move immediately, and she would still be stupid to know what it was. Men are terrible ... weapons.

Seeing her docile, Zhou Yao kissed her hair vigorously, and she had to show his weapon before she knew how powerful he was!

Buried her nose in her hair, he pierced through her loose slacks, rubbed her palms over her pointed belly, and moved them up.

The cold kite quickly held his big palm.

Zhou Yao smiled lowly and his voice was dumb. "It's a lot richer, and I can't cover it with one hand."

Leng Zhiyu wanted to shut him up, but at this moment he squeezed her twice, and she snorted and snorted.

This time the man laughed more happily, "Want it? But you can't do it now, it's dangerous. After the baby is born, I will compensate you and make you satisfied."

Leng Zhiyu buried her flushed face deeply into the pillow.

Zhou Yao retracted his hand, and both of them were uncomfortable. She certainly couldn't do this, and he himself was uncomfortable and very uncomfortable.

At this time, the knock of "叩叩" sounded, "Major General."

Xiao Zhi's voice.

Zhou Yao kissed her on the cheek and let go of her to cover her. He whispered, "It's not quite flat, don't run around, just stay here. I'm fine. You sleep well."

"Well." Lone Kitty nodded.

Zhou Yao got out of bed and left.

It wasn't until the closing bell sounded that Leng Zhiyu slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and bent down to open the bedside table. She took out the small bracelets and bells that had not been made inside.

He said there was still much time, but she didn't have much time.

She's going to get this little bracelet ready.


Xiao Zhi stood outside the door, Zhou Yao looked at him, "What happened to the negotiations?"

Xiaozhi shook his head. "No, the negotiations are still going on, but although the islanders are stubborn, they are so determined to live and die with the scorpions. We are ready to fight to the end."

Zhou Yao nodded, since the islanders and the scorpion were so united, war and death were inevitable.

"Major, one thing."


"Han Xuan is here."

Zhou Yao's gaze changed, "Why is she here?"

"You haven't ignored her during the past six months. She probably guessed something. Now she might have heard some wind, so she came alone and she wants to see you."

Zhou Yao's face was calm, "Okay, it's time to meet."


In a room, Zhou Yao walked in and Xiao Zhi closed the door.

Han Xuan is sitting in a wheelchair. She had a terrified life in this half year, so her blood was very bad. Her long depression and suspicion made her eyes blind and her face pale.

"Brother Zhou, you finally see me." Han Xuan was very excited to see Zhou Yao. She immediately pushed her wheelchair to Zhou Yao, and she stretched out two hands to embrace his arm.

Zhou Yao glanced at her calmly, then withdrew his arm indifferently.

Han Xuan had both hands, she shook and took a deep breath. "Brother Zhou, I heard that Leng Zhiyu is on this island, and you found her."


"How did you find it?"

"The letter you wrote to the scorpion, someone took it. I pried open that person's mouth and found it here."

"Oh." Han Xuan smiled loudly. "Brother Zhou, you suddenly treated me half a year ago and were willing to let me approach. I thought you couldn't see hope in Lone Kite. OK, I thought ... "

"Those are what you think, I never said, I only said one sentence, and I will definitely find her." Zhou Yao interrupted her.

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