My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 977: She doesn't know that she has been his only wife

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He will definitely find her.

Han Xuan thought about it for a while. He was right. He let her approach in the past three months, but he seldom spoke and gave her no expectations or promises.

He never lied from start to finish, and she was wishful thinking.

Han Xuan squeezed the handle of the wheelchair tightly with both hands. "Ha, ha ha ..." She burst into tears.

Zhou Yao didn't look at her. He stepped forward with his hands in his pants pockets. "Yezi Yi took the kite away. I lost all the clues. At the moment by the river, I felt like my world had collapsed, but I suddenly Thinking of me and you, haven't you contacted Scorpion, haven't you ever made his chess pieces? "

"So I was thinking about how to let you take the initiative to contact the scorpion. I must first break down your psychology and make it difficult for you to live in pain and suffering. I deliberately let you approach. I look at you with pride. I know you're hooked. Sure enough, you really wrote a letter to Scorpion. I didn't know your contact information. You took the initiative to expose it. Within half a year, you let me find the kite. "

Han Xuan's tears smashed "crackly," "You really ... just use me? You really ... don't have the slightest feeling for men and women for me?"

Zhou Yao was looking at Han Xuan. His eyes were indifferent to the fact that he was refusing to be thousands of miles away. "Yes." He nodded gently. "So far, you have wiped out my last guilt in my heart."

Han Xuan's whole heart was cold. She knew that she and Zhou Yao had reached the end of the earth and could not be recovered, but she still refused to accept, unwilling, and she smiled, "What do you want to do with the cold kite? Take her back?"

"She has been pregnant with my baby for eight and a half months."

Han Xuan shook, her eyes widened, "What? What did you say?" She didn't seem to hear her clearly.

Zhou Yao lifted her thin lips, and her handsome eyebrows were covered with a touch of soft color and warmth. "She was pregnant with my child. She made a mummy for me. I'm about to be a father."

Han Xuan was shaking, she didn't believe she heard it now, Leng Zhiyu was pregnant, Leng Zhiyu was pregnant with her child!

"Ha, ha ha, what about it, Zhou Yao, can you take her back? Don't forget that I am your legal wife, and I am your Mrs. Zhou. Once you take her back, she will sit down. In the name of Xiaosan, the child in her stomach is also unknown. You are a soldier. Your history will be stained and you will be criticized! Haha, Zhou Yao, is this what you want? "

Thinking of this, Han Xuan also felt happy and invigorating. It's great. She's not good. She won't let them get better. She won't let her die this week.

Zhou Yao looked at Han Xuan's nearly distorted face, and he nodded slowly, "I will take her kite back, she is my wife, and in my heart, legally, she is all."

The expression on Han Xuan's face seemed to be slowed down by Ge Gejian, and she suddenly looked at Zhou Yao blankly, "You ... what do you mean?"

"The marriage certificate we got from the Civil Affairs Bureau, have you read it seriously?"

Zhou Yao's sentence seemed to have sentenced Han Xuan to death. Han Xuan's eyes widened. She trembled and pointed at Zhou Yao, "You ... you, that marriage certificate is fake?"

"Not all marriage certificates obtained from the Civil Affairs Bureau are real, and not all couples who have not entered the Civil Affairs Bureau are fake. The marriage I had with her kite, when she asked me to get one ********, but my old man stared with his own eyes, a ********** definitely can't lie to him, so Ziyu didn't know that our marriage certificate was true, and I The one with you is fake. "

Everything in this world has its own destiny. At that time, Leng Zhiyu agreed to marry him on the phone, and he did want to get a ********, but how savvy the old man is, all those institutions are his. He couldn't help it, he had to get a real one.

He didn't tell Leng Zhiyu, because at the time the two of them looked at each other's eyes, she would rather not marry than actually marry. He kept hiding her for the sake of saving money.

Later, she gave birth a little, and he asked her to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. The silly woman really thought it was to get a marriage certificate. In fact, he carefully arranged a marriage proposal.

Now think about what happened here seems to have its own set, and yes, she is his only wife.


Han Xuan felt that her head was slammed with a sap, her brain was slow and confused, and her marriage certificate turned out to be fake?

She is not Mrs. Zhou. She is not his wife.

"No, no, I don't believe ... you must be joking with me, I don't believe ... Zhou Yao, you have treated me like this, you have deceived me like this! You cheated me so hard!"

Han Xuan's emotion was very excited. Zhou Yao gave her a cold look. His low magnetic voice came slowly, "Han Xuan, your thoughts are always so extreme and selfish. I will take you back to Zhou's house separately from her kite. This is my biggest and last concession to you. I thought that as long as I give you a little time you will be disappointed to accept or even give up, but you just make it worse, I ca n’t see my pain, you never know I look at it The moment Kita left me was like a knife cut. "

"Ha, ha ha, Zhou Yao, you said I can't see your pain, how do you want me to see it, you gave me a beautiful lie, you never let go of the hand of the cold kite from beginning to end Even then, when you look at her distant back, you can feel like a knife cut, Zhou Yao, are you too unfair? "Han Xuan growled loudly.

Zhou Yao didn't have any expression or even frown. There is never the word fair in the world of love. The woman he loves will be loyal and guardian all his life. What he doesn't love is not love.

He watched her leave by car that night on the top of the mountain. He wanted to tell her aloud on the phone that he didn't let go of his hand, he just needed time.

But he has no face ...

He didn't know how to talk to her. He was clearly his wife, but he wanted to take another woman back to Zhou's house.

And now, for Han Xuan, he said what he wanted to say, and the last effort he could do was done, no matter what Han Xuan's result was, he could have a clear conscience.

In his life, he sought a bright and clear life, and was ashamed of conscience. In his short life of decades, he was an eunuch, and he never owed anyone to his righteousness and righteousness.

The only thing he owed was her, his beloved woman!

She knew Ye Ziyi's true identity long ago, but she was reluctant to tell him that she had to deal with Ye Ziyi alone. She planned to wait for him after the end of the cycle, and now she was pregnant with his seed.

How grateful and grateful he was that a woman in his life loved him so much and made him so loved.

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