My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 985: If only my mum was here

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Several parents were short-guarded. They heard their children's complaints, and someone immediately rolled up their sleeves and stared hard at Zhou Siliang, "Hey, little hair boy, can't you hit someone by hand?"

Zhou Siliang was standing on the side with a straight waist. Compared with other small pot friends who had caring greetings from his parents, he looked very lonely. He looked up at the parent, and then retorted indifferently. You also can't discredit other people's parents behind your back? "

"Hey, I said your little hair kid is too rude. Where did you come from Ono?" A parent stepped forward with emotion.

Then a low magnetic voice started, "Who are you talking about Ono?"

As soon as the parent ’s footsteps stopped, everyone turned to look at the man who came to the corridor. He was so tall that he was one meter and nine meters in length and needed everyone to lift his head to look up. He was wearing a black shirt and black trousers. The well-cut clothing wrapped him in a more perfect body than the model. Needless to say how straight and long those legs are, people just want to drool.

He wiped his trouser pocket with one hand, and held a bunch of car keys with the **** of the other hand. He came against the sun, and the sun gave him a delicate glow of the delicate and hard outline, and he stood quietly like that. His pair of narrow, eagle-eyed narrow eyes wandered around the faces of several parents indifferently.

Several parents were shocked. They had never seen such a handsome and stylish man, and his aura was so strong. His eyes stopped on their faces and they felt a chill, and they just wanted to escape.

Zhou Yao looked at them. He lifted his thin lips and repeated, "I'm asking you who is a wild species?"

This time he slowed down his tone. The parents suddenly felt that Taishan was pressing, "I ... I ... I'm saying my son is Ono ...."

"Daddy than!" A little friend yelled immediately.

"Shut up!" The parent raised his hand and slapped his son.

"Woohoo ..." Xiaopenyou cried quickly.

Zhou Yao lifted two brush-like thick curly eyelashes and stretched his legs. He walked forward. The parents stood side by side in fear. His indifferent eyes fell on the small dots on his legs. Body.

"Zhou Si cold, say, what's going on?" He began.

Zhou Silian raised his neck, he looked at Zhou Yao, and then snorted heavily.

Zhou Yao immediately raised his eyebrows, and his tough features sank a bit. "Speak well!"

This sentence made Zhou Si-Leng quickly explode his hair. He wanted to pat the newspaper in his hand, but Dad was too tall. He gave up, and he could only cut the newspaper short. Photographed on Dabi's sturdy thigh, "You see what you do!"

Zhou Yao did not pick up the newspaper, so the newspaper fell to the ground, he glanced, and then frowned his thin lips expressionlessly.

"I ask you, is this true?"

Zhou Yao looked at his son. There was a red mark on his pink and white face, which was caught by other small pot friends. His clothes were also messy, very embarrassed, but he was very stubborn. The small waist rod confronted him, his amber eyes were stern, but he was strong enough not to let himself tears.

Zhou Yao didn't speak.

"Well, the teacher said that we had a fight, let us take care of it ourselves. Now you take care of it yourself. If this is true, you apologize to others. I don't care."

Zhou SiLeng turned around and ran, he held the big schoolbag in his arms, and Douda's tears fell off.

After a few steps, a steady footstep sounded behind him, "Zhou Si cold, what kind of attitude are you, stop me!"

Zhou Silian wiped a tear, and he ran faster and faster, "I'm not your soldier, why should I obey your order? You are not my father, my father is not such a person!"

"Zhou Siliang, you know what you are talking about, you dare say it again!"

"What dare not, you are not my dad!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Seleng's collar was pulled by several long, strong fingers. The man mentioned it easily, Zhou Seleng hung in the air, "slaps" twice, and he slaps in the **** .

"Dare you talk back to Lao Tzu!"

This week Si Leng cried even more fiercely. He clenched his bag and opened his throat and cried loudly, "Whoo, I must have picked it up, I must not be your own, you tyrant ... wow ... "

Passing parents and the old man who kept the door heard the heartbreaking cry and turned to look at each other. They saw a handsome but dark-faced man easily lift a little boy upside down. Air gesture.

An imposing jeep was parked by the side of the road, the rear door opened, and the man pushed the little boy directly in, then the jeep rushed away.

The road people who were left with a dusty face, "grass the grass, who is that person, so arrogant, the license plate of that car is too bullish, and it can be unblocked in T city."

Those little pot friends who were fighting were also stunned, "Wow, that's Zhou SiLeng's dad, it's really tall, powerful and handsome. Originally what Zhou SiLing said was true ..." Xiaopen friends looked at their dad very disgustedly.

Those dads gave his son a quick kick, "Look at what you did to me, almost got into trouble, look at the license plate, the man is at least the teacher level, and see Zhou SiLeng in the future, you can hide for me ! "


In the jeep.

Zhou Yao glanced at the small dot in the back seat through the rearview mirror. Zhou Silian was very sad and crying. He held the big schoolbag in his arms like a stray cat.

"Zhou SiLeng, you are ashamed and not ashamed. If you hit you twice, you will cry like that!"

Zhou Si cold took a tissue and wiped his tears and snot, "I'm not shameful, it's you! They say you are holding Xiaosan outside!"

Zhou Yao glared sharply and reprimanded, "What do you know is Baoyang Xiaosan?"

"Oh, yes, you didn't hold Xiaosan, my mommy died early, and you want to remarry is your freedom!" Zhou SiLeng gave Zhou Yao a stubborn glance.

Zhou Yao's eyes quickly turned red. He pressed the two big palms on the steering wheel and tightened instantly. Four years later, he still couldn't hear such words, which would make him feel the pain of Wanjian penetrating heart instantly. .

Zhou Silian pumped it together, and he felt that his life was hard. "Grandma always said that you ... are busy, so busy that I even go to kindergarten on the first day ... you don't come, in fact, what are you busy, you ... busy Picking up girls, you don't care about me at all ... love me, you know ... beat me, I must not be your own, you ... bully me without a mummy, if my mummy is there, she It must be this ... the gentlest and best mum in the world, she will ... protect me ... "

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