My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 986: I don't think she hurts at all

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Mommy ...

Mommy ...

This "Mummy" stabbed Zhou Yao's brain and nerves like a needle. He straightened his waist and abdomen, and his voice was deep and dumb. "Don't cry, what do you cry like People from the Zhou family? "

Zhou Siliang immediately quit, he replied, "I'm like my mummy! My mummy must often cry, you must often make my mummy cry, you deserve it, my mummy doesn't want you!"

Zhou Yao's forehead all jumped off, he took a deep breath, and scarlet eyes warned, "Zhou Si cold, shut up! If you talk to Lao Tzu again, I will leave you on the side of the road!"

Zhou Simeng snorted and stopped talking. Seeing Dabi's appearance was not a joke, maybe he would really leave him on the side of the road. He knew the current affairs man as Junjie.


In the villa.

The maid opened the door and Zhou SiLeng walked in. At this moment, Zhou's mother hurriedly greeted him. "Xiao SiLeng, did you miss grandma and let grandma kiss you?"

"Grandma, aren't you coming back tomorrow?"

"I can't worry about Xiao Siling, so I came back early. How about Xiao Siling? Was she surprised?" Said Zhou Meng, and she looked at the red mark on Zhou Si Leng's face and asked, " Si Leng, what's wrong with your face, did you fight with other little friends? How about this? Who hit my baby grandson ... "

"Grandma," Zhou Silian shoved the bag in his arms to Zhou's mother. "It was my first move. I haven't hit me with a few of them."

Zhou Siming shrugged and smiled slightly.

Mother Zhou only found that his eyes and nose were red. Her grandson was usually lively, polite and well behaved. That's how he felt more distressed. Children who didn't have a mum said nothing, grieved and sad. Hiding.

Mother Zhou said nervously and affectionately, "Think cold, what's wrong with you, is it ... crying, grandma ..."

"No, I'm going upstairs." Zhou Siliang pulled his leg upstairs.

Mother Zhou looked anxious and distressed at the small figure, "This ..."

The maid's voice rang from behind, "Master."

Mother Zhou looked back, and it was Zhou Yao who returned.

"Zhou Yao, why are you back, you went to pick up Xiao Si Leng from school? I think Xiao Si Leng's mood is very low, like crying for a long time, what happened?"

Zhou Yao glanced upstairs and glanced up. He threw the car key in his hand on the coffee table, and then went upstairs with a light brow. "It's okay, mom, don't think about it."

This big one and small one went upstairs. As soon as Mother Zhou stayed in place and anxious, she said to the servant, "Go and call the driver Wu Bo, I want to know what is going on?"


In the master bedroom, a handsome figure stood on the balcony. The room was dark, and his figure was shrouded in a pale moonlight, like a green pine, but it couldn't melt him even with the softest moonlight. Cold chill.

Raising his hand to release two buttons on the shirt, suddenly his eyebrows frowned, and he had no strength to release the buttons. His tall body leaned lazily on the balcony. He reached into his trouser pocket to smoke, but the trouser pocket was empty. He remembered that he was rushed from the meeting and the team could not smoke.

Looking over his head, his eyes looked lazily toward the distant scene, and Zhou Siliang's small face appeared in his mind. He had a headache and tired eyes narrowed.

In the past four years, he has risen step by step. The thirty-two-year-old man has passed the age of using force at all times. In these years, he has precipitated all the Feng Fengrui. He thinks his self-control is good enough.

But it still doesn't work, he will still be mad at that little point.

He became a dad at the age of 28. Actually, he did n’t really have much actual concept of the word "dad". Before, he did n’t like children. Later ... because of her, he wanted to have a complete home with her, and he wanted Little child.

But Zhou Siliang was so heavy that he came, but she left, and she left him alone ...

Zhou Siliang was critically ill when he was a child. He was afraid to stay beside him. During that time, he didn't dare to close his eyes to sleep. He was afraid that if he closed his eyes, the child would leave him like his ... There are often bad thoughts. If there is something unexpected about Zhou Siling, then he should not live.

Zhou SiLeng is the only motivation for him to live. If this motivation is gone, what's the point of his being alive?

Zhou SiLeng stubbornly survived, and he was four years old at a glance. He was not the stupid dad who had fumbled himself in order to change a diaper. Zhou SiLeng got older, and the communication problem became a big problem. .

He can give this child the most exquisite and hassle-free life, but he is a man, he ca n’t hold Zhou Si cold like a woman, kiss and coax, and he ca n’t speak to Zhou Si cold to say that Dad loves you more, in his heart Pain, wantonly engulfed him in such a boundless night, he can not even save himself, how can he save Zhou Si cold?

Zhou Yao closed his eyes, rolled his throat knot, and the amazing little face appeared in his mind. He smiled and indulged in pampering. You left, but left two men, so cruel!

At this moment, there were two beeps, and someone was knocking at the door.

Zhou Yao didn't move. "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Mother Zhou stood by the door, watching the darkness of the room. Mother Zhou frowned, the man stood in front of him, his tall figure was dragged by the moonlight into a long shadow, alone lonely.

Mother Zhou sighed and asked softly, "What happened in the newspaper is true. You have changed your girlfriend again, this time you have become an entertainment actress?"

Zhou Yao didn't speak.

"Zhou Yao, in the past two years, you have changed girlfriends faster than people change clothes. How many women do you associate with? If you are real, I can agree, you ca n’t be alone forever, but I think you are Want to play, have you played it, are you happy? "

"Mom, you don't have to worry about my business."

"Do you think I want to care? What do you do when I open my eyes and close one eye, but you do n’t want to affect Xiao Si Leng, he is still young, his heart is very fragile and sensitive, you do n’t hit him at all, he Temperament, like you, the more you fight the more you disapprove, you have to be gentle with him. If Kite is still, she sees you playing like this and thinking coldly, her heart will hurt.

There was no emotion on Zhou Yao's face, only when he heard the "Kite" of Zhou Mu just now, his tall body directly shocked.

The cool lips slowly drew up, and he chuckled in the dark, and he muttered to himself, "If she really hurts, she will come back to me, but she won't come to me I do n’t think she hurts at all. ”

Mother Zhou didn't listen to him clearly, but regarding her kite, she didn't know how to comfort Zhou Yao, which was the pain of their Zhou family.

She sighed heavily and then closed the door.

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