My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 987: Dad misses your mom too

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Late at night.

The door was pushed open, and a handsome, upright body quietly entered the room. Zhou Yao looked at the crib in the room, and a small figure curled up in the quilt.

He pulled out his long legs and walked over, then reached out and turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

The dim yellow light sprinkled down, Zhou Yao stood up beside the bed and looked down, Zhou Siliang fell asleep on his side, he narrowed himself into a cooked shrimp, his white immature baby There are still wet tears on his face. In the dream, he tightly covered the small red bracelet on his right wrist with his left hand.

It seems that the little bit is that Mommy wants to fall asleep.

Zhou Yao stretched out his palm to wipe the tears on his face. He slowly leaned down and kissed Zhou Siliang's forehead.

At this moment, Zhou Si froze a bit, and slang in his sleep, "Mummy ... Mummy, I miss you so much ..."

When Zhou Yao froze, he fluttered his long curled eyelashes, and then whispered against the tip of his son's little nose, "Well ... Dad missed your mum too ..."


Early the next morning.

Zhou Siliang was resurrected with blood, and he got up early, dressed himself, and he went down the stairs in a good mood. "Grandma, Aunt Ni, goodmorning."

Mother Zhou showed her face from the kitchen. "Xiao Si cold, why do you get up so early today, grandma just wanted to call you, come and have breakfast."

"I'm coming."

Zhou SiLeng ran into the restaurant. After seeing the opposite man clearly, he quickly twisted the tip of the pink nose. On the opposite side, the man in the dark blue shirt and brown trousers was not his father or who?

Zhou Yao glanced up and glanced at the face of his son's collapsed face. He said solemnly, "Sit down."

Zhou Silian dared to anger, but he climbed up the dining chair obediently.

Aunt Ni put a cup of hot milk at Zhou SiLeng's hand. Zhou SiLeng's face was even worse when he saw it. He quietly kicked Zhou's leg under the table.

Grandma, save me!

Mother Zhou naturally knew Zhou Si cold's meaning of asking for help. The child didn't like to drink milk. Mother Zhou looked at the opposite Zhou Yao and laughed, "Aunt Ni, why isn't the milk today hot? Get the juice for young Master to drink. "

"Yes." Aunt Ni came immediately.

Zhou Si-Leng was just so proud that when Aunt Ni was about to collect milk, he only listened to the opposite man, "Drink the milk."

Zhou Si cold, "... the milk is cold."

"Then go hot right now," Zhou Yao glanced at the watch on his wrist, and then his dark, narrow eyes floated towards Zhou Siliang, "Is it enough for three minutes?"

Zhou SiLing, ...

He looked to Mother Zhou for help.

Mother Zhou glanced at the opposite man who was eating breakfast slowly, and she shook her head coldly to Zhou Si, which means --- I ask for more blessings, and I can't save you.

Zhou Siling reluctantly took a milk glass and took a sip. He snorted to show his dissatisfaction.

"Don't hum, drink another drink!"

Zhou Si took a deep breath, and he glared at the opposite man, which meant --- you're ruthless! He shut up obediently, and then drank a glass of milk.

After Mother Zhou had breakfast, she asked Zhou SiLeng next to her, "Xiao SiLeng, do you want Dad or Grandma to deliver today?"

Zhou Si-Leng looked up at Dad. To be honest, his dad was so handsome. The dark blue shirt was ironed with meticulous care. The man's tough and contoured silhouette was as solid and sturdy as a ghost-axe knife. With short hair and deep charming horns, he has never seen a man more handsome than his dad.

Unfortunately, his father is a tyrant and a demon.

"I want grandma to deliver it!" Zhou SiLing insisted.

The opposite man raised his head slightly, "I'll send you."

"No more! Take your car to pick up the girl." Zhou Si coldly refused.

"I'll send you first, then pick up girls." Zhou Yao said.


So a jeep stopped at the gate of the kindergarten, and the back door opened. Zhou Siliang jumped flexibly with his schoolbag. He didn't look back and waved his hands.

Zhou Yao slid down the window and looked at Xiao Budian's back. This little Bu Zi said "goodbye", but his appearance showed a "no more see".

Zhou Yao ticked the corners of his lips slowly, his eyes and eyes were soft.

He stepped on the accelerator and the jeep was on the road.

At this moment a melodious ringing sounded and he called.

"Hey ..." He connected.

"Hey, Admiral Zhou," a sweet female voice rang out at the end. "What are you doing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and you won't give someone a text message."

Zhou Yao raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Why, miss me?"

"Ah, Admiral Zhou, you hate it! I'm in the crew today, will Zhou visit me?"

Zhou Yao glanced out the window, his thin lips tilted, and he said, "Okay ..."

The next second his voice came to an abrupt end, and a sharp brake sounded, and he made an emergency stop.

Because the car was parked too quickly, there was a long line at the back, and the sharp urgency of the horn sounded.

But Zhou Yao turned a deaf ear, his dark eyes staring intently at the crowd in front, his big palm quickly buckled the handlebars, and he wanted to open the driver's seat door.

However, his hands were stuck again.

The man in front of the sea, how can there be the person he wants?

It was just his hallucination just now.

Zhou Yao's tight muscles relaxed and Ying Ying's thick back was close to the seat. He lifted his head and held his forehead, then took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He was delusional again.

She's gone. What's he thinking about?


In a certain crew.

Liu Chengcheng was sitting comfortably in the teacher's chair, surrounded by a large group of people, some of them fanned her, some of her lame legs, some of her makeup, all kinds of attentiveness.

At this time, Liu Chengcheng felt a pain in her eyelashes. It turned out that Xiaomei, a makeup artist, caught her eyes shortly. Liu Chengcheng drank all the coffee in her hand, and then became furious, "What are you doing?" Did you intentionally hurt me? "

Xiaomei was embarrassed, but she quickly bent down and apologized, "I'm sorry Cheng, I didn't mean it ..."

"Sorry to be useful? Sorry to be useful and what else do the police do?" Liu Chengcheng said with a high voice, "I think you are intentional, I know I'm on fire now, and there is a godlike boyfriend, you all envy. I. Huh, Cheng Cheng? Can Cheng Cheng call you now? "


At this time, the producer of the crew hurried over. The producer scolded Xiaomei first. "Did you have long eyes, it actually hurt us!"

The producer was whispered and coaxed Liu Chengcheng, "My aunt and grandma, I know it's her fault. I've scolded her, so you should put out the fire first, there will be a game for you later play…"

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