My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 492 Kill old do

(Recommend "Unlimited Replacement")

The person in front of him called'Old many people, in Jingyu's heart, was immediately labeled as related to Arima Guijiang.

‘If you catch this guy, will you know the origin of Ma Gui?’

Maybe it's still an unsolved mystery of the comics, maybe it's just that I didn't see that part when I read the comics. For Jingyu, he is interested.

With Jiana being present, Jingyu didn't want to expose the scene where she could release her steel wings. It was impossible to kill Jiana! Jiana's possessed scientist brain didn't know if she would see anything.

I don't want to expose the hole cards to Aite completely.

At least until I can ensure that I can beat Aite, I don't want to do this.

Therefore, after knowing that the strength of Old Duo is not easy to win, he did not use additional means. The attack was no longer anxious, and he started to fight steadily. Observing the opponent's movements, I also wanted to look at the action of "Ari Maguire."

At this time, "Dad!" From Jingyu's direction, the girl's clear voice came.

The enemy was not successfully lured, and the enemy was gone when it was discovered. I found the hole when I returned to the original position and chased it along.

The two girls were holding automatic rifles in their hands, hesitating whether to shoot.

"Jiu Duo Jun is our side!" Jia Na said quickly.

The twins have yet to meet with Old Dodd.

"Ah, two ladies, please lend me your knives!" said Old Doo suddenly.

He also thought he could easily win the opponent. After confirming that the opponent's strength is better than he expected, the disadvantage of not having weapons in his hands is too great.

At the same time, he also observed Jingyu's movements.

‘It’s different from our side of swordsmanship, it’s a bit like a big break in the West. However, it is very refined, and every blow seems to be ready to move, able to deal with various situations at any time. Does this guy usually use one-to-many?"

There is no trace of one-to-one at all.

However, it is precisely because of this that there is a flaw, and I have a chance to win!

Old Duo's heart seemed to have seen such a situation.

Garner nodded to the twins.

The black-haired one of the twins took off the knife on his back and was ready to throw it. The white-haired person clenched the gun he was holding tightly.

The two winked at each other, and the twins had a clear heart.

They were also very good at Kuink's manipulation, which is close combat, when the investigators were training the academy. So you can see some clues from the battle between the two. As soon as it was judged that Old Duo was about to jump out of the ring, Xiao Hei immediately threw a knife, and Xiao Hei

Bai is restrained by shooting.

Jingyu's dynamic vision is not enough to catch the bullet's orbit. If it is in the front, he can see the direction of the muzzle, and he can evade accordingly. But now, being interrupted on the way to chase Old Duo, it is unavoidable to be a little cramped.

If you want to avoid all the bullets, you must run fast and get away from the old one. It is safe to do so, but it allows more time to adjust the situation.

So it can't be done.

What played a role at this time was the ability-intuition that Chuangshi God gave him when he opened the genetic lock for him.

He was able to dodge and shake his wrist quickly, as if provoking and squeezing, knocking open a few threatening bullets. And this is not to be seen.

In this way, he was not only temporarily delayed, he immediately approached the old one.

Old Duo drew the knife. Judging from the red fine lines attached to the knife, it may be Kuinke who did not change the defensive posture.

"There really is a set! It's just a ghoul.

Old Duo thought mockingly in his heart, pretending to be forced to constantly switch positions, and finally came to Garner's side.

Then he suddenly stretched out his arms and pulled Jiana to his front, blocking Jingyu's attacking sword.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought~/!"

Seeing that Jingyu quickly withdrew his sword before he was about to stab Jiana, he smiled treacherously, turned his back on the defense, and pierced Jingyu's throat with a sword.


This sword stopped halfway through.

Old Duo lowered his head and could see that his chest was pierced by a black cone. The red blood was infesting the clothes and flowing down the cone.

Holding the cone is Jingyu's left hand.

The reason for not using steel wings is that they are exaggerated. But the cloak is very useful, no one knows what can be hidden in the cloak, so it's okay to suddenly take out a pointed weapon.

A trace of regret appeared on Old Duo's face, "I forgot, if you often deal with multiple enemies, you must not only prepare one weapon.

Because he regards his opponent as a Ghoul, the only thing he can guard against is the opponent's back. He Bao is always behind, and he usually sticks out from behind.

Unexpectedly, it would be from an empty hand.

"I wanted to save your life to ask something. "Jingyu said: "But your cunning made me change my mind.

"That's it." Old Duo's hand holding the knife dropped weakly, and his body fell forward.

However, in the middle of the journey, he suddenly took a step forward. The knife-shaped Kuink pierced Jingyu's abdomen diagonally from bottom to top.

With this blow, the stabbing was empty.

"Even this kind of sneak attack can be avoided!" Guduo smiled disappointedly.

In the next second, his head was cut off by Jingyu in the splash of blood. Jingyu calmly said, "Isn't it normal to be dying back? I haven't personally confirmed that the opponent is dead, and I will never relax in defense. ."

(Promise) The corpse fell towards the ground, and was kicked out by Jingyu halfway through. Is it really dead, or can he recover from such an injury, before making sure, don’t let the corpse stay? By your side.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his cloak and quickly threw it in the direction of the twins.

The tongue of fire splashed and shot through the cloak.

Jingyu appeared from the side. This time he didn't use a sword, but started working with both hands. With a punch and a hand knife, Xiao Hei was hit in the abdomen, and Xiao Bai was cut in the neck, and both fell to the ground softly.

"So now," Jingyu straightened up and faced Jiana, "Are you going to surrender or resist?

He walked over and drew his sword.

It is the one who dared to cut Jana's legs.

Jiana still remembered what Jingyu said, "I have no choice, don't I?" He sighed. bright.

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