My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 493 Know the truth

(Recommended "Human Sanctuary")

"Don't be so pessimistic!

Jingyu thought of the reason Aite had said to look for Jiana. Since the Garner certificate is needed, it means that there are some things Aite doesn't know yet. She didn't know, how could she tell him? Now, there is one more old and one more-old and more

However, with Jiana, Jiana should know a little bit about the origins of the old days.

Jingyu wants to know all these.

It may not be relayed from Aite's mouth, but directly from Jiana's mouth.

"Bronze Tree asked you to ask something about the V organization and the Xiu clan! Tell me what you know.

"After asking, will you kill me?"

Jiana looked at Jingyu.

If the answer is yes, then he has to hesitate to say it.

"As far as I know, they are also very interested in your kind of technology that can make one-eyed cany species. Because they need a one-eyed king."

There is no king!

I remember that the ladyboy seemed to have said something like this.

Aite is a one-eyed Ghoul, but it makes no sense for the shemale who infiltrated the bronze tree to think that the one-eyed king does not exist. Letting people outside the organization know that the organization does not have a supreme leader is not conducive to the development of the organization.

Furthermore, it is strange that she stays in the organization as a cadre instead of being a king.

So Jingyu guessed that Aite needs another one-eyed king.

The grasped Jin Muyan didn't reach the level of strength he wanted, so he put it aside and went to look for Jiana.

In fact, in the end, Jiana did indeed go with the bronze tree. What are you going to do? I must continue to make one-eyed cany species.

"In this case," Garner's eyes moved slowly left and right, "Well, I'm willing to say."

He glanced at the headless body of Jiudo.

"Usually one-eyed canyons are born after a combination of humans and canons. However, not all of the children conceived are one-eyed canyons. Cyclops are extremely rare. Usually bred, they are half-human! Physical condition

, But can eat human food, just like the old man. "

"So, Guijiang Arima is also half human." Jingyu nodded.

He is not surprised by the strength of Noble General Arima. Since the birth of half-humans is the norm, the status quo of V-organized humans and Ghoul mixed existence will surely give birth to many half-humans. Among them, there are just one or two geniuses who have been trained to play

It is normal to have a stronger force than the strongest Ghoul.

However, "Strange." He frowned again. "According to this, half-humans seem to have an advantage over the one-eyed canyons, and the one-eyed canyons are stronger than the ordinary canyons. So why didn't the half-humans replace the canyons? What about humans?"

Better species will replace the inferior species. In short, it means "natural selection, survival of the fittest".

What's in front of you doesn't meet this point.

Jiana strangely warned the man in front of him with glasses and an ancient armor. He was more intelligent and knowledgeable than he had imagined, and his mind was also very flexible.

He was very curious as to what kind of background this man came from.


"That's because half human beings age quickly, and generally don't live to be thirty years old. It looks young, but in fact the body is already entering old age. Guijiang Arima should be in this state, he can't live for a few years.

"so it is!

No matter how good it is, it is impossible for a county flower to become the head of the organization. And human beings do not have power, so the V organization should actually be controlled in the hands of Ghoul.

"Tell me more about the V organization and the Hexiu clan."

Garner nodded and began to tell again.

Jingyu then learned that the relationship between the Hexiu clan and the V organization did not think that the Hexiu clan assisted the V organization, but instead led the V organization.

There are also two nouns, day court and childbirth.

Especially the'giving birth', let him know what Li Shi means to the Hexiu clan.

"The Hexiu clan actually wants to use Li Shi as a fertility tool, and this guy here, too, simply treats Li Shi as a tool for producing semi-Ghoul."

It seems that Lee World is in the original trajectory, no matter what, it can't get rid of the fate of becoming a'tool of production'. But now, since Li Shi has met him, he won't let this happen anymore.

In the next time, the conversation between the two was very smooth. Jingyu learned a lot of secrets from Jiana, and Jiana I also felt that Jingyu knew something that he didn't know, and from Jingyu's words. Got a little


For a while, both of them felt that this discussion was very good.

0……Look for flowers…

As time passed, the two twins who had been stunned regained consciousness.

According to Jiana, they will naturally no longer regard Jingyu as an enemy.

And Jingyu, "These two can't be used as experimental subjects!"

So make a request to Jiana.

This was naturally protested by the twins. They are not the same as normal subjects, they are volunteers as subjects. Jiana is also preparing to experiment with them recently.

This time it is decided to obliterate the twins’ feelings as human beings, and make them a true Ghoul.

Well, this should be mainly to ensure their food.

"I don't care what you think, I just don't want you to become a ghoul!" Jingyu denied it domineeringly.



In order to prevent them from experimenting when he "can't see", they also put collars around their necks.

After this, I received a call from Bronze Tree.

I know everything I want to know, and the twins' human identity is additionally ensured. Jingyu informed the Bronze Tree of the location of Jiana without hesitation.

The two parties completed the handover in two hours.

The bronze tree replaced the old one and became the guard of this underground research institute.

Jingyu returned to Li Shi and told Li Shi about what happened today.

For all of them, Li Shi only asked, "Erfu is dead.

"Anyone you know?

"Well, I thought it tasted good at first, and I really wanted to eat it. It seems that there is no chance."

You can imagine Jingyu's expression, and Li Shi smiled at that face.

"You taste very good too, I want to eat too!

She said so and winked at him.

In response to her, Jingyu smiled badly, "I want to taste your taste too!"

"Okay, come on," Li Shi pointed to his mouth, "I have just eaten the taste of human flesh, please taste it!

Come on!

Jingyu raised his hand and surrendered!

No need to search for Jiana, Jingyu and Li Shi's training continued. Jingyu traveled back and forth between the two animation worlds of "My Hero Academy and Tokyo Ghoul". The time of the latter quickly passed more than nine months. Billion.




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