My Divine Diary

Nine hundred and ninety-seven Xinghai is home

The created intelligent life is also intelligent life, and it is also within the scope of Su Haosan's "reverence for life".

Regarding the intelligent beings that were created, Su Haosan also discussed the issue of "", and finally came to a unified understanding of these beings.

These created beings essentially serve Su Haosan's experiments.

Therefore, some beings were raised in awe and completed the experimental goal.

In addition, taking some of the created items as experimental questions, there is no pressure on the three minds. After completing the corresponding experiments, the body with a normal spirit will gain a certain degree of freedom until the natural end of life.

This situation is similar to the races of the infinite land.

The creatures of these races are essentially experimental bodies created by the three. It was only ten thousand years ago that some intelligent races had already completed their experimental goals and gained relative freedom since then, and Su Haosan also interfered with some details to survive.


Three Infinite Lands to hang out and chat.

I encountered all kinds of things along the way, because I love and hate the woman who kills my partner, kills the monk who runs away for thousands of miles, racial-scale wars and conflicts, the monks use their strength to bully and rob the beauty and are killed by the brave, and the teenagers are humiliated. Bully, Fanhai seeks out mountains and learns arts for the sake of immortal dreams...

However, every scene was reflected in San's eyes, just like a bowl of clear water.

That love-hate relationship that touches the heart, that short poem that is so beautiful in the soul, I know why, but I can't feel the strange sweetness in my heart.

Suddenly, San discovered that the infinite land created by his own hands was only a misty wisp of smoke and dust, walking and walking, as if nothing.

It's like, everything in the world has nothing to do with it.

Inexplicably, Su Hao suddenly laughed: "Yashan, Fengcheng, the infinite land created, originally intended to build a pair of said "universal hearts" and make this home.

Now that the infinite land has been built, I can't find the feeling of "home" in it, but I feel like I am an outsider. "

Ashan thought thoughtfully: "Perhaps a piece of land lacks a real home?"

Feng Cheng looked at the place where Su Hao Yashan was home. He didn't have any deep feelings about it. Yu was surprised: "Old Yashan, would you want to marry a wife and have children!"

Ashan shook his head: "If you marry a wife and have children now, the children born by the married wife will also bring home the feeling of home.

There is no point in doing so. "

Ashan's real home is only the home that is stored in memory. After his first wife was killed by the [Bone Demon] battle, it was basically broken.

Su Hao: "Don't think of your wife and children on the stove as soon as you hear home."

Feng Cheng laughed: "It's a habit, every time I hear Mr. Yashan talking about home, I can't help but wonder what Mr. Yashan's wife and children look like."

Yashan: "It's useless to be curious, it's been a long time, and I have no chance to see it.

Speaking of, I found that the infinite land was not built, and I thought that after the infinite land was built, I would be able to do research in peace and quiet, and I was looking forward to it for a while.

When the infinite land is really built, there is no so-called sense of belonging. As Wei Lao said, it feels like a piece of land that is only outside and cannot be integrated into it.

Maybe you are used to following the Wei Lao universe to explore everywhere. After you really stop, you will feel some habits.

He also prefers to go on adventures with Wei Lao around. "

Feng Cheng nodded in agreement: "It's true, the weak hope that he is too strong. After becoming strong, he will miss the adventure of the weak. Haha, I always feel that I am greedy and want everything."

Su Hao laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if you are strong or not, the sense of crisis is lacking. It is suggested that you control the disasters of the avatar universe to die a few times, and it is better to have a nostalgic disease.

Of course, just kidding, if you want to try it. "

Feng Cheng was eager to try: "Let's try."

Su Hao: "The word is called the four seas as home. It is in a state called "Xinghai is home." It's not a good idea to think about it. Since the infinite land feels like home, then let it be."

Ashan Fengcheng nodded slightly.

After a pause, Su Hao said again, "After finishing the first project, take the two to leave the infinite land and continue to explore the depths of the unknown universe!"

Yashan Fengcheng was shocked, and Wei Lao looked at him in surprise.

Su Hao smiled and said, "How long will it take to complete the project?"


After hanging out with Yashan Fengcheng for a while, Su Hao realized that his mind had indeed come up with some new ideas.

After returning to the laboratory, he was full of energy again: "The ultimate goal of building a body for the pinball space, the process of exploration can always bring some new discoveries, and it is also a fun place to explore.

It's time to enjoy the journey without having to strain your mind to achieve a goal. "

So the question is, what can absorb the surface of the pinball space and be taken away by the pinball space?


Give it a try!

There will always be an answer.

The process of testing will inevitably bring new surprises.

Another hundred years later, Su Hao has not been able to successfully absorb the matter into the pinball space and make it stray with the pinball space.

One, the pinball space looked up the data of the failed experiment, tried to find the loopholes in the experiment, and quickly fell into contemplation.

"So many failed attempts have actually helped screen out most of the common substances, and some common substances on planets will be taken away by the pinball space, and more attempts need to be made.

What can be taken away by the pinball space must have enough particularity. What will it be? "

After thinking for a moment, Su Hao shook his head: "Perhaps there is a problem with the way of thinking. Exhaustive method is indeed a way to do it, but it's good. Think, there will definitely be a clue to the question. Only by grasping the clue, you can find the correct answer."

Thinking of this, and based on past experiences, Su Hao held back a smile: "Maybe it will be able to absorb the surface of the pinball space, just like the answers to the questions in the past, just beside you."

Over the years, many questions have been explored, and most of the answers have been surprisingly simple.

It should be a sentence - to Jane.

However, no matter how simple the answer is, when you think about getting from knowledge to knowledge, it's easy to say, and difficult to say.

To put it simply, maybe a word-by-word prompt will make it clear.

It's hard to say, it will be, and it will be thought of when you think of it. There is no necessary connection between brain intelligence and high IQ.

Su Hao put the question back into the pinball space and thought to himself: "The clue, maybe the pinball space, we should think about the problem from the essence of the pinball space.

Pinball space receives information from the outside, transmits information from the inside...

That is to say, the only connection outside the pinball space is "information".

Looking for a substance that can absorb the surface of the pinball space, it may have some characteristics of information, so that it can achieve a certain degree of integration with the pinball space, so that it can leave the pinball space. "

"What is the matter that contains information? Waves, electrons, special particles, light, rays... Theoretically, the pinball space receives information from the outside world in some form, and stores the pinball space in another way..."

As he was talking, Su Hao's speech speed became slower and slower. Finally, he held back his foul language: "What the hell?"

It seems to understand that something has left with the pinball space.

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