My Divine Diary

Nine hundred and ninety-eight giants of light?

What did Su Hao think of?

Light comes to mind!

In fact, the light signal is transmitted into the pinball space, and it is also the main way for the pinball space to obtain external signals.

It is also a feature that allows Su Hao's pinball eye to be realized. After connecting the consciousness information, he can directly see the scene outside the pinball space.

At first, when Su Hao was thinking about what kind of matter can attach to the outside of the pinball space, he consciously did not think about the possibility of light.

Because light does not have a fixed form, it can also be said that it has no fixed shape. Even if light can absorb the outside of the pinball space, it is of no use to the giant plan.

Another reason was that Su Hao couldn't use the source to directly convert the light into light. For the substances he was looking for, his consciousness prioritized the substances that could be converted using the source.

In reality, all matter in a fixed form that Su Hao knew, except for light, could be transformed by the source.

"The light from nowhere in the universe may really be able to follow the pinball space to move at will.

The things he is looking for that can go to the material world and the non-material world are very capable of light. Light, with enough specificity. "

"As for how to build a giant body with light... Have you mastered soul power? Light in a condensed state, another special form of light, but the essence is still light.

The attempt to attach the soul power to the pinball space, but failed.

The reason for the failure is that the soul power cannot follow the pinball space to leave, and the soul power in a highly condensed state has lost some of the characteristics of light, and cannot be integrated with the pinball space.

Only by changing the condensed state of the soul power, so that it can stimulate another form of light, may be able to smoothly merge with the pinball space, so as to follow the pinball space to leave..."

Thinking about it, Su Hao attached the experimental data of failed soul power, adjusted it again, and checked it carefully.

Looking back at it now, some details that I have overlooked in my heart are presented from another perspective.

The more he thought about it, the better he could, Su Hao took a deep breath, calmed down the restlessness in his heart, and quickly retrieved all the information about soul power.

Although some of the information is already well-known by heart, to avoid omissions, it is also reorganized.

Since he came into contact with soul power, Su Hao has carried out a lot of research on soul power. The same performance of soul power and the environment are all corresponding experiments, and they are recorded one by one.

Originally thought that the effect of soul power on the most, as soon as the tool of relocation of consciousness information, let him gain eternal life.

I didn't expect to study the pinball space now and find that the soul power has a new role.

Sure enough, the accumulated knowledge is not useless. The knowledge accumulated in the mind will definitely be expressed in a certain way that will surprise you in the future.

Of course, when it comes to that time, I haven't forgotten it.

"The specific thoughts are the same, yet to be certified, maybe the inspiration for this time, as well as several times, ultimately ended in failure. Everything speaks with facts."

After Su Hao read the information about soul power, he immediately opened the record panel and started writing the experiment plan.

There is still a long way to go before a pinball space landing, and it is just enough time for Su Hao to make various plans.

"It may take a long time to complete the giant plan. I have a premonition that if the giant plan in the pinball space can succeed, the light of soul power will fall... The 100 million years that I told Yashan Fengcheng is an exaggeration."


Ten years later, pinball space landed on a planet again.

Su Hao's preset program was executed immediately.

In the first second, the adsorbed amount of substances was combined with the structure of the focus system, the surging energy was focused in one place, and a small amount of source was obtained.

In the second second, the sources dispersed, and each was transformed into various radiations, creating a violent environment where soul power was born.

In the third second, a faint wisp of soul power was generated.

The complicated process was completed in a very short period of time. It was called a lightning bolt, the result of many years of Su Hao's optimization.

There is a lot of soul power generated, only a trace, almost imperceptible, to obtain such a trace of soul power in such a short period of time is already Su Hao's limit.

But only a trace is enough. It is not to create a giant body now, but to verify whether the soul power can be taken away by the pinball space.

"Successfully obtained soul power, one step, turning the state of soul power into "information state", which is also the state of Bai Jia's endowment skill "in a blink of an eye". The soul power of this state can theoretically enter the interior of the pinball space."

In the fourth second, after the soul power was generated, the wave signal radiation released by Su Hao changed his state and shot into the pinball space.

Su Hao concentrated his attention, and his soul power was integrated into the pinball space. The pinball space was converted into a piece of information, and the same time he stored a corner, it was marked by light.

Su Hao looked at the sub-scene and had a question in his heart: "Is it a success?"

The pinball space hasn't left yet, and a trace of soul power is still generated, and Su Hao took this opportunity to continue to transform some newly generated soul power into various shapes before entering the pinball space.

It was not until the twelfth second that the pinball space left the airspace and disappeared.

In the pinball space, Su Hao's eyes lit up because he "saw" a ray of soul power, which was now attached to the surface of the pinball space and was carried by the pinball space.

A trace of soul power between "condensed state" and "information state" was called semi-condensed state soul power by Su Hao.

"The giant plan has really lost the soul power! This semi-condensed soul power is just right to stick to the outer appearance of the pinball space... Although I have seen such a scene with my own eyes, I still think it is a bit thoughtful."

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that after a long time, the pinball space can build all kinds of external equipment and become a giant.

And the perspective will be limited to the interior of the reincarnated body pinball space, and can wander in the unknown as a giant.

Even after analyzing the pinball space thoroughly, you can completely control the pinball space and turn it into a real giant of free action.

Thinking of this, Su Hao couldn't contain his excitement any longer, he almost danced in the pinball space.

It has been a long time since the whole soul has been sublimated, which made Su Hao very much enjoy the joy of victory.

"If you are really independent of the void as a giant, then there must be another excitement!"

After calming down, Su Hao turned his attention to the trace of soul power that was carried by the pinball space: "Let's see, what is so special about a trace of soul power that can be taken away by the pinball space."

After a long time, Su Hao's cheerful laughter echoed in the pinball space in a unique way: "Hahaha, that's how it is! Why didn't you think of it? How can you imagine it without seeing it in person? Everything in the world is really ingenious and magical. "

A trace of semi-condensed soul power is like a cobblestone half embedded in the wall, half buried in the wall and half extended outside.

To put it simply, the "information state" part is integrated into the pinball space, and the "condensation state" part is exposed, which appears to be divided into two parts, but is actually one.

It is a unique property that allows the semi-condensed soul force to successfully attach to the pinball space, so strong that it can follow the pinball space for special transfer.

Attaching the pinball space in such a unique way, Su Hao never thought of it.

How can you imagine such a tricky angle?

Su Hao smiled and shook his head: "Seeing this, there are still many things to think about.

It is no wonder that after such a long period of time, he has almost stood at the top of all living beings, and he is still so humble and has a good personality. However, he is humble and there are so many unknown things. How can he breed the idea of ​​complacency? "

Early on, he was unable to teach Su Hao.

All relying on Su Hao's self-learning, he gradually reached the highest learning state: taking all things as a teacher.

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