My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 143 Huge Profits

"We won! We won!"

"I didn't expect that we could wipe out all the zombies in the town without any injuries, hahaha!"

The soldiers shouted excitedly, proud of their achievements in clearing out a town, and Cai Wenjie couldn't help but sigh. In his previous life, he could only hide in the official gathering place to survive, but now his power is so strong that he can wipe out the zombies in a town.

But this sigh was only a momentary thing. After sighing, Cai Wenjie gave orders to the soldiers who were still celebrating the victory.

"Let's continue the celebration in the evening. Now, hurry up to check if there are any survivors and supplies in the town, and shoot the zombies without obvious bullet holes in their heads!"


Under Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers regained their composure, and then followed Cai Wenjie's order to sweep the town. All the food and other useful supplies were swept, but unfortunately there were no survivors in the town, or even if there were survivors, they deliberately didn't come out.

As for this kind of people, Cai Wenjie didn't force them. After all, if they didn't want to come out, why did he force them? It wasn't a charity, so there was no need to treat them sincerely like a country.

The soldiers mainly searched the shops on the street. Basically, the most supplies were here, and it was also the place where zombies liked to hide the most.

Although most of the zombies in the town were wiped out just now, there were still a few fish that slipped through the net hiding in the dark corners, and the soldiers' task was to pull out these hidden zombies one by one and kill them so that the porters could safely carry the supplies.

Every time the soldiers checked a store, the porters would move all the useful things in the store, especially shops, pharmacies, hardware stores, grain and oil stores, which were the top priority, followed by shops like restaurants.

Soon, as the soldiers checked more and more stores and the porters carried more and more supplies, the two trucks were almost full. They had no choice but to use the bus as a temporary truck to store supplies. After the entire town was thoroughly checked, the soldiers killed at least a dozen zombies who were hiding, or zombies who had lost their hearing.

The porters also filled the bus, of course leaving some space, after all, people still had to ride.

After everything was over, Cai Wenjie ordered the soldiers to gather the corpses of the zombies together and burn them. More than 7,000 zombie corpses were piled in the center of the town, almost forming a pyramid shape of ten meters high, and then poured with several barrels of gasoline. ♦♕  ♦ඏ

"May you not be reborn in this era in your next life"

After saying this silently, Cai Wenjie threw a firebomb into the pyramid made of zombie corpses. Instantly, the moment the firebomb exploded, the entire zombie pyramid began to burn, and the flames ruthlessly swallowed these corpses, and the flames shot straight into the sky.

After seeing that the flames had burned the entire pyramid, Cai Wenjie turned around and got on the co-pilot of the Black Knight and said to the intercom

"Let's go!"

In this way, the convoy left Longkou Town under the reflection of the fire. The convoy returned to the Xinguang gathering place along the original route, and the armed helicopters and drones on the other side also returned to the Xinguang gathering place first. This time, the performance of the two armed helicopters and drones was also very good, and almost 1,500 zombies were eliminated.

Such a record is already very good. This morning alone, Cai Wenjie's troops have eliminated about 9,000 zombies. With the remaining points from yesterday, Cai Wenjie now has 920,000 system points. Of course, this is only the points earned today, and these points must be exchanged for ammunition.

After the convoy replenishes its ammunition again, the remaining is pure profit. After deducting the necessary ammunition and fuel replenishment, there are still about 600,000 points left. This makes Cai Wenjie have to sigh that it is still profitable to fight zombies. After deducting the scattered expenses from the points earned in the morning, there are still 600,000 points left. It is indeed a huge profit.

However, although a large number of points can be earned, the risks are not small.

"In the end, it is still a bit risky to use the flesh and blood of soldiers to fight against more than a thousand zombies. The zombies almost broke through the defense. Let's increase the firepower of the infantry squad in the afternoon."

The zombies killed by countless grenades and rockets: ? ? ?

Cai Wenjie decided to add two more grenade launchers and squad machine guns to each infantry squad, so that the firepower of the infantry squad would increase again.

In this way, each infantry squad under Cai Wenjie had at least four grenade launchers, two squad machine guns and three Type 08 rocket launchers. As for what machine gun to use as the squad machine gun, for the purpose of ammunition matching, Cai Wenjie chose the new 8mm squad machine gun without hesitation.

It was not the Type 95 light machine gun, but the new 8mm machine gun developed by Country Z. Its appearance was equivalent to the M249 of Country M, but it was even lighter. In the system mall, the code Q**-20 was marked on this machine gun, which means squad machine gun, and the code QZB for rifles, Q for guns, Z for automatic, and B for rifles.

Just as Cai Wenjie was thinking about how to further enhance the infantry firepower, the convoy had unknowingly returned to the Xinguang gathering place. After disinfection as usual, the bus and two trucks continued to the arsenal, while the troops' vehicles arrived at the barracks.

After all the soldiers got off the bus, all military vehicles were arranged to the logistics side to replenish ammunition and fuel, while the soldiers went to the canteen to eat.

When the soldiers went to have lunch, Cai Wenjie came to the logistics warehouse and left ammunition and missiles to be replenished, and then left 16 grenade launchers and 16 Q**-20s at the arsenal. Squad machine guns and supporting ammunition, as well as rifle bullets worth 100,000 rounds.

After doing all this, Cai Wenjie went to the canteen and saw the pilots of the armed helicopter in the corner of the canteen.

Cai Wenjie looked at the drivers who were eating, came to sit next to them, and then waved his hand to stop them from standing up to salute. When the drivers sat back in their seats, Cai Wenjie spoke.

"Your vacation in the afternoon is cancelled. After the armed helicopter replenishes its ammunition, follow the convoy to eliminate the zombies in another town."


The drivers had no complaints. After all, this was what they should do. After seeing the drivers' firm response, Cai Wenjie nodded.

"Okay, it's okay. Let's go to bed early after eating."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie left his seat and returned to the queue to eat with the soldiers.

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