My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 144: The Power of Helicopters

Two o'clock in the afternoon

Cai Wenjie stood on the playground and looked at the soldiers ready to go. He didn't say anything nonsense, but just said a simple sentence.

"This time, our air force will also assist us in cleaning up Qinghua Town. Be careful not to accidentally hurt friendly forces. Let's go!"

Cai Wenjie told the soldiers about the afternoon arrangements with a simple joke, and then said to set off.

The soldiers quickly boarded the vehicle, and Cai Wenjie was no exception. After everything was ready, the convoy slowly left the Xinguang gathering place.

Because the population of the town to be encircled in the afternoon was larger than that in the morning, the armed helicopter flew to Qinghua Town before the convoy for cleaning.

After the armed helicopter had used up its ammunition, the convoy would approach the town for the final encirclement, which was generally much better than in the morning.

Cai Wenjie used the system satellite in the car to scout the situation in Qinghua Town in advance, mainly to detect whether there were any mutant zombies or the like, and in addition, he wanted to see the performance of the armed helicopter.

Because of the maneuverability of the armed helicopter, it arrived at Qinghua Town faster than the convoy. It is now parked in the air, using the noise of the propeller to attract the attention of the zombies.

"The zombies are almost gathered. I will eliminate some of them first. When I run out of ammunition, you can continue to attack."


In order not to waste ammunition, the pilots of the two armed helicopters decided to attack separately. After one armed helicopter attacks and consumes the ammunition, the other armed helicopter will eliminate the remaining zombies.

At this time, most of the zombies in the town have been concentrated on the roads of the town. The roads are now densely packed with zombies, and the roads hundreds of meters long are surrounded.

Countless zombies are mixed with mutant zombies and infected animals, but fortunately, there are no zombies that can reach or threaten the armed helicopters.

The zombies attracted by the propellers, without exception, roared meaninglessly at the armed helicopters in the air.

At this time, an armed helicopter with the two numbers 01 painted on the fuselage began to attack the zombies.

The machine gun on the helicopter fired a deadly flame, and a straight blood line appeared on the crowded ground for a moment.

The zombies on this line were knocked to the ground by the power of the machine gun, and basin-sized holes appeared in the places where they were hit.

Then blood gushed out of the hole, dyeing the street red in a short time, and the machine gun of the helicopter continued to fire deadly flames. →

More and more zombies were hit by the machine gun and fell on the street, but no matter how powerful the machine gun was, it could not get rid of the zombies in the first time. Except for those zombies hit in the head by the machine gun shells, the other zombies hit in various parts of the body by the machine gun fell to the ground, but they could still stand up with difficulty or support themselves on the ground with their hands and continue to roar at the sky.

Finally, the machine gun shells of the No. 01 helicopter were used up. Although the zombie group below had a certain reduction in number, most of the zombies were still roaring at the helicopter in the air. Overall, the reduction effect was not outstanding.

But among the weapons carried by the armed helicopter, the most effective against the zombies was not the machine gun, but the two 19-barrel rocket launchers, with a total of 38 rockets as the main course.

After waiting for a while, when the zombies filled the gap below again, the weapon operator of the No. 01 armed helicopter pressed the rocket launch button heavily.

Immediately, the two 19-barrel rocket launchers under the left and right wings of the armed helicopter began to bombard the zombies below, and in order to expand the range of the rocket bombing as much as possible, the helicopter controlled by the pilot of the armed helicopter moved quickly.

The pilot controlled the armed helicopter to move back and forth along the streets of the town, during which the rocket launcher kept firing rockets to bomb the zombies below.

A straight street was bombed into a mess, and the zombies standing on the street were basically blown apart by the rockets. Countless zombies were killed by rockets or burned to death or blown away by the flames and shock waves generated by the explosion.

In an instant, blood rained down on the town, and the blood and limbs of zombies flew everywhere, hitting the shops or buildings on both sides of the street. The scene was like hell.

When the No. 01 armed helicopter hovered in the original place again, the originally crowded street became much emptier, and of course it became more bloody. The whole street was full of zombie corpses and limbs that were blown away.

The drivers who saw this scene did not feel much, but said excitedly.

"This is fun! This is more fun than when we went to stop that group of zombies."

"Yes, in the morning, although there were many zombies there, they were a little scattered and it was a bit difficult to fight. But now, the zombies are all crowded on one street. There is no need to worry about the density of zombies. Just press the button and it's comfortable."

Just as the driver of the No. 01 armed helicopter and the weapon operator were communicating, the zombies on the street below began to gather again. The zombies that survived the bombing and the zombies that did not squeeze into the street once again squeezed the street.

The zombies that were not killed by the explosion and the new zombies used the dead zombies as stepping stones, standing on them and continued to roar at the sky. There were even a few mutant zombies stepping on the corpses of zombies, trying to jump into the sky to catch the armed helicopter, but it was in vain.

"It's your turn, No. 02"

"Got it!"

In fact, the No. 01 armed helicopter still has 8 air-to-ground missiles left, but these are the last resort. After No. 02 has consumed the machine gun shells and rockets, if there are still a large number of zombies, these missiles will be used.

At this time, the No. 02 armed helicopter began to copy the operation of the No. 01 armed helicopter, first the machine gun, then the rockets, and after No. 02 did all this like No. 01, it hovered next to No. 01 again.

After suffering two rounds of attacks, the streets have long become dilapidated. There are big pits left by the explosion everywhere on the streets. The corpses of zombies are scattered everywhere. Some shops have even been affected and started to catch fire.

The number of zombies dropped sharply to about 5,000 after a series of bombings and attacks. Although the rockets did kill a lot of zombies, there were still many zombies alive. Even if their bodies were blown to pieces, they would not really die as long as their heads were not fatally injured.

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