My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 10 Class Reunion and Memories

After Cai Wenjie turned around and closed the warehouses, he returned to the hall on the second floor of the house.

Cai Wenjie sat on the sofa and took out the VSS and MK23 from the system backpack.

"System, how much do you sell ammunition?"

"Report to the chief, the price of each bullet is 1 point, special ammunition is 10 points per round, rockets or grenades are 100 points per round, and magazines or clips can also be purchased at an additional price of 10 points each."

Cai Wenjie thought for a while and asked

"If I buy ammunition, will you give me a magazine full of bullets or a loose bullet directly?"

"Ammunition requires the chief to manually load the bullets, or directly buy the magazines and bullets together"

Cai Wenjie sighed, this is too troublesome, although buying bulk bullets is cheaper, but you have to load the bullets yourself, and if you buy magazines separately, you have to load the bullets yourself, and only if you buy them together will you get a full magazine.

You must know that magazines are not thrown away after playing like in games, but they need to be recycled and reused.

"Okay, the system gives me 10 VSS-specific 20-round magazines with full bullets, and 10 MK23 12-round magazines with full bullets."

10 VSS-specific 20-round magazines and 10 MK23 magazines cost 200 points for the magazines alone, and the price of bullets is 2120 points (VSS uses special ammunition and no bullets require 10 points). A total of 2320 points.

Fortunately, 3000 initial points were given when the novice gift package was given, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Cai Wenjie unloaded the empty magazines of VSS and MK23, loaded the magazines with full bullets, played with them for a while, and put them back into the system space.

When he looked at the time, it was half past eight.

"Let's go home and solve dinner by the way"

Cai Wenjie turned off the lights and walked out of the house, put the key back under the flower pot, and sat on the knight to leave the village.

After spending half an hour back in the city, Cai Wenjie was thinking about where to have a meal. At this time, Cai Wenjie's mobile phone rang. It was a group WeChat chat notification.

The content of the notification was roughly that today was the birthday of the elementary school teacher and they had to celebrate the teacher's birthday together and have a class reunion.

Cai Wenjie glanced at it and didn't pay attention to it. After all, he was still driving. What if there was a car accident and the other car was hit and destroyed (laugh)

In fact, no car on the road dared to approach the knight. After all, you can tell at a glance that this car is very expensive. Once it hits it, let alone whether it can be hit, once the paint is scratched, the cost of repainting alone can make people doubt their lives.

"Let me think, it seems that I haven't eaten cold noodles for a long time."

The cold noodles that Cai Wenjie mentioned are the specialty food of YJ City and one of the top ten famous noodles in the country.

The buckwheat noodles are covered with beef, apples, and kimchi. Before serving, a spoonful of cold and sweet soup is scooped from the bucket, and it is a full bowl of coolness.

No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, each has its own taste.

Cai Wenjie started drooling just thinking about it.

"System, open the map, mark the XX service building, and project the route in front of me"

"Command confirmed! Expand the map, mark the route, and start projecting"

This is a function that Cai Wenjie accidentally discovered. It projects the map onto the retina without affecting the line of sight, and can also mark the destination and display the route, full of technology.

The system explained that when Cai Wenjie woke up the system and opened the novice gift package, the system had launched a micro spy satellite, yes, the spy satellite in Red Alert, which can detect the world in real time.

And what fell in H country before was not snow but the decomposition of satellite rockets.

In a short while, Cai Wenjie arrived at his destination.

XX Service Building is a restaurant. Perhaps just by hearing the name, no one would associate it with a restaurant.

But it is indeed a restaurant, specializing in cold noodles and various specialties. It is the only restaurant in YJ City that has been full since its opening. It is also an important place for YJ people to hold banquets and banquets. Unfortunately, the birthday banquet and class reunion in the group today are the venues, and Cai Wenjie doesn’t know this at all, and he wouldn’t take it to heart even if he knew.

Cai Wenjie was very shy when he was a child for some reason until a certain incident completely changed. Because of this, Cai Wenjie had no friends when he was young, and the head teacher also gave up on him because of Cai Wenjie’s grades.

Cai Wenjie’s school here has a teacher who leads a class until graduation, and there will be no change without special reasons.

As a result, Cai Wenjie has been alone since elementary school, and of course he has been bullied, in simple terms, school bullying.

At that time, there was no way for students who had no friends and were abandoned by their head teachers. They didn’t dare to cry to their parents and only held on alone.

Later, when he was in the fifth grade of elementary school, Cai Wenjie couldn’t stand it anymore and had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

The elementary school building has a total of 6 floors, from the first grade on the first floor to the sixth grade on the sixth floor.

Cai Wenjie was on the fifth floor at that time. During the morning break, Cai Wenjie went to the bathroom and found a life rope. He found the iron bucket next to it and used it as a step to hang the life rope on the water pipe near the window of the bathroom. He tied a knot and completed the preparation for hanging, and then hung his neck on it.

When the idea of ​​suicide filled his mind, Cai Wenjie finally kicked the iron bucket down.

When the life rope strangled his throat and made it impossible to breathe and his body struggled instinctively, the idea of ​​suicide in Cai Wenjie's mind was fading, and the fear of death slowly occupied his mind.

At this time, a voice appeared in Cai Wenjie's heart.

"Why do I have to die? Why? I am unwilling. I don't want to die! If I have to die, it should be them!"

Similar voices completely occupied his mind.

Finally, after Cai Wenjie struggled violently, the knotted rope was untied because he could not hold on.

Cai Wenjie fell down, supported the ground with both hands, and began to cough violently. There were red rope marks on his neck.

Cai Wenjie breathed the air greedily. From then on, Cai Wenjie was no longer timid and afraid of strangers, and his eyes became sharper.

And he gave a compelling resistance to the people who bullied him. He chased four or five people and beat them up.

From now on, he has never been bullied again, nor has he watched others being bullied, but Cai Wenjie has not made any friends. Although he will protect others from being bullied, that's all.

Just when Cai Wenjie came in and wanted to find a seat, the door of the private room marked 1001 on the left door opened and a woman about the same age as Cai Wenjie came out.

Li Mengxue came to attend the birthday party of her elementary school teacher today. Because it hasn't started yet, she wanted to go to the bathroom. Unexpectedly, she found a handsome guy when she opened the door. This handsome guy looked familiar.

Cai Wenjie also found the woman in front of him. Li Mengxue is very beautiful, with long hair like a waterfall, a light dress, a standard oval face, and smart almond eyes. I don't know why she wears a dress in winter. Isn't she cold?

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