My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 11 Classmates Reunion 2

Li Mengxue found that the handsome guy opposite was actually looking at him, and she couldn't help but blush and lowered her head. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】Read

Although he lowered his head, he felt that this handsome boy looked more and more familiar, so he couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and look at Danian's graduation photos.

Li Mengxue picked up the photo and took a look. There was a boy in the graduation photo whose appearance was somewhat similar to the handsome guy in front of him. She couldn't help but pick up her phone and compare it with the handsome guy in front of her.

Cai Wenjie looked at the woman in front of him, his face turned red and he lowered his head, thinking that the virus had broken out in advance. He frowned and put his hand into the communication system space inside his coat, ready to kill her with a gun at any time, but after a while he took out his mobile phone and tapped the screen. , stretched out the mobile phone and raised his head to compare something.

Li Mengxue looked at the handsome guy in front of her and finally couldn't help but ask

"Hello, handsome guy, do you have any impression of this photo?"

Cai Wenjie watched the woman in front of him hold out her phone and was surprised to find that there were photos of her graduation photos on it.

"This is my elementary school graduation photo. Who is yours?"

Li Mengxue said with some surprise after hearing what the handsome guy in front of her said.

"Ah! So handsome boy, you and I are old classmates. Look, the girl in the second row from left to right is me. My name is Li Mengxue. What about you? Who are you?"

Li Mengxue pointed at the photo in surprise and asked about Cai Wenjie's location.

Cai Wenjie finally showed a gentle smile and took out his hand to point at the sharp-eyed child on the far right in the last row. ♦♦  ♦♦

Li Mengxue looked at the child pointed by the handsome boy in front of her and said in surprise

"You are actually Demon King Cai, the Demon King Cai who likes to beat people into pig heads. How did you become so handsome?"

Li Mengxue looked at the photo and said in surprise. After all, although Cai Wenjie in the photo is not ugly, he cannot be said to be handsome, and his iconic sharp eyes are gone. The Cai Wenjie in front of him looks fair with fair skin and facial features. There is a touch of handsomeness in the delicacy, and a touch of gentleness in the handsomeness!

It's completely different from the photo.

Cai Wenjie was startled when he heard Li Mengxue's question. He picked up his phone and turned on the camera function to selfie mode as if nothing had happened. He only remembered his face and found that he was indeed different. He had become much more handsome.

From my own perspective, I can only say, what a handsome man.

"System, is this also the function of the strengthening potion?"

Cai Wenjie thought secretly in his mind.

"Reporting to the chief, this is indeed the function of a type of strengthening potion."

The voice of the system rang in my mind.

In reality, Cai Wenjie smiled slightly and said nothing.

Li Mengxue was so fascinated by Cai Wenjie's handsome smile that she started to get drunk.

Suddenly Li Mengxue remembered why she came out and hurriedly told Cai Wenjie.

"Demon King Cai, you are also here to attend Laoban's birthday party, come in quickly."

Then Li Mengxue couldn't help but take Cai Wenjie's hand and drag her into the private room.

"Come on, Demon King Cai, sit here and I'll be right back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Mengxue hurried to the bathroom, holding her stomach.

As soon as Cai Wenjie stretched out his hand and performed Er Kang's classic action, he found that Li Mengxue had already rushed out. He had no choice but to put down his arm and start observing the surroundings.

There are 4 round tables in the private room, each table can accommodate 10 people. Now, except for the table where Cai Wenjie is sitting, the other tables are almost full.

Cai Wenjie's second shift has 30 people, and everyone except those working in other places is here.

But the food hasn't been served yet, which means the banquet hasn't started yet.

The people at the table were also talking in small groups, and burst into laughter from time to time.

As for the table where Cai Wenjie was sitting, everyone else was secretly observing Cai Wenjie. After all, they all saw the scene where Li Mengxue held Cai Wenjie down just now, and they couldn't help but wonder about Cai Wenjie's identity.

"Hey, do you think he is Li Mengxue's boyfriend? He is so handsome."

"Yeah, yeah, he's really handsome."

This is a common topic among female classmates

"Li Mengxue is so lucky to have found such a handsome boyfriend."

This is what the jealous female classmate said

"Tsk, where did you find this pretty boy? He can beat ten of them by himself."

This is the voice of a male classmate who has a crush on Li Mengxue.

At this time, Li Mengxue also returned to the private room from the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the private room, he was pulled away by other female classmates. The girls surrounded Li Mengxue and asked:

"Mengxue, who is that handsome guy? Is he your boyfriend?"

"Who is that handsome guy from Mengxue? Is he single? Does he want to find a girlfriend?"

Either that

"Mengxue, do you have the prestige of that handsome guy? PP is also acceptable, and phone number is also acceptable."

Li Mengxue was instantly surrounded by girls asking questions.

Li Mengxue pretended to be surprised and said

"Don't you know, he is the devil Cai, Cai Wenjie?"

As soon as Li Mengxue said this, the surrounding area fell silent, but within five seconds, a more heated discussion broke out.

"Really? He is the devil? You are not kidding"

"Wow, no way, is he so handsome?"

"I knew it, I knew from before that he would definitely become handsome."

The girls gathered together and chatted, and the discussion was also heard by the boys group next to them.

Some of the boys' expressions began to stiffen as they posted, and they tried to hide behind others, feeling that they would not be discovered.

Obviously, these were the ones who were punished by Cai Wenjie. The ones who bullied Cai Wenjie in the past, since they were scared by Cai Wenjie, they kept their tails between their legs for a long time. They just started to recover recently and were ready to make trouble again, but their nightmare came back.

The devil who would teach them a lesson with a brick even if his arm was broken is back.

Cai Wenjie saw those people, of course, but he didn't say anything. In fact, he was looking forward to whether the scene in the novel would happen. After all, if it really happened, it would mean that he was the protagonist and had the aura of the protagonist, but it was a pity that those people were shaking like quails now, which was really boring.

Cai Wenjie decided to leave after dinner and not delay for a minute.

Soon Li Mengxue got rid of the group of girls and sat on the left side of Cai Wenjie. She moved the chair intentionally or unintentionally, approached Cai Wenjie and started to talk.

"Demon King, I heard that you have been working abroad in recent years. How is it abroad? Is it very hard?"

"Is it lonely in a foreign country? By the way, do you have a girlfriend?"

Li Mengxue began to ask in a friendly way.

To this, Cai Wenjie just smiled gently and said

"I don't have a girlfriend. I am not lonely abroad because there are many people who work hard like me. I just need to get used to the hard work."

And since seeing the clone option in the system, Cai Wenjie decided to make a person he likes. Obedient, well-behaved, beautiful, and without various requirements. Isn't it nice to have a woman who is loyal to you?

As Cai Wenjie spoke, he moved his chair a little to the right.

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