My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 188 Inhibitor

Now it was Li Jianjun's turn to be a little surprised and asked curiously

"Don't you feel a little unreasonable?"

When Cai Wenjie faced Li Jianjun's question, he looked at him like he was a fool, and then answered calmly. ReadМ

"First of all, the order issued by the central government is to prepare to assist the local army in counterattacking the city. It does not mean immediately. And since the central government issued this order, it means that the central government is almost ready. This preparation may be some high-tech weapons and equipment, and It may be something else, but what is certain is that the central government believes that there is a high probability of successfully counterattacking a city that has been occupied by zombies."

Cai Wenjie paused and continued.

"Then all I can do is trust the central government and start training the troops until the day of counterattack comes."

After Li Jianjun heard Cai Wenjie's answer, he nodded with satisfaction and praised.

"Not bad! As expected of the boy I like, he sees things very clearly. Yes, this time the central government asked us to prepare in advance so that we will not hinder ourselves when we counterattack. As far as I know, the central government has already produced Although the first-generation virus inhibitor cannot prevent viral infection, it can inhibit the spread of the virus. In other words, as long as the inhibitor is injected before being safely infected by the virus, it can effectively alleviate the spread of the virus in the body."

As he spoke, Li Jianjun also gestured with his hands. According to Li Jianjun's gestures, the size of the inhibitor would not exceed the size of a finger.

"And according to clinical trials, one tube of inhibitor can suppress the virus for 12 hours without relapse. That is to say, even if you are accidentally infected with the virus, as long as two inhibitors are injected on time every day, there will be no corpse transformation. The central government has begun to vigorously produce this virus inhibitor, and all front-line troops will be installed in about a month. By then, we will also have a share, how about we be happy?"

When Li Jianjun said this, he began to observe Cai Wenjie's reaction, expecting Cai Wenjie to make the excited expression he imagined. Unfortunately, Cai Wenjie didn't have much expression on his face, even when he heard that he had a share, Cai Wenjie just shook his head.

"Hey! You kid, what kind of expression is this? You don't believe it, do you?"

"No, it's not that I don't believe it, but I have always believed that the central government can research these. These are not beyond my expectations, so I don't have much expression."

Cai Wenjie even showed a sincere smile here to show that he was not lying.

Li Jianjun let Cai Wenjie go, but what Li Jianjun didn't know was that Cai Wenjie knew more about this inhibitor than he did. Although most of the functions of this inhibitor were roughly the same as the information Li Jianjun knew, there were many things about this inhibitor. He didn't say anything about the side effects, or he didn't know about them until now.

According to Cai Wenjie's knowledge, this inhibitor has several major side effects, or shortcomings.

The first disadvantage is that within a few hours after injecting this inhibitor, various symptoms will randomly appear, such as fever, dizziness, local bleeding, and lack of physical strength. In more serious cases, coma and other phenomena may occur. However, there are still The good thing is that these are only temporary symptoms and will not occur when the inhibitor is injected for the second time.

The second disadvantage is that although this inhibitor can prevent viral infection, if you accidentally become infected with the virus for a second time after injecting the inhibitor, you will have to inject a new inhibitor again, otherwise you will have to join the zombies obediently. This ranks.

The third disadvantage is not so much a disadvantage as a precaution, that is, this inhibitor must not be used by people who have turned into zombies.

Once someone injects this inhibitor into a zombie, although the zombie's movements can be restricted for a short period of time and immobilized, after twelve hours, the zombie will turn into a mutant zombie, the kind that is 100% mutated. What kind of transformation it will take depends on God's will.

But what is known is that this kind of mutated zombie is different from other naturally mutated zombies. This kind of zombie that relies on inhibitor mutation will be stronger than ordinary mutated zombies, and its strength is only lower than the mutated zombies produced by nuclear contamination.

What's even more troublesome is that the virus in this mutated zombie can already ignore inhibitors, which means that once infected by this mutated zombie, no matter how many inhibitors are used, it will be useless and you can only wait to die.

Cai Wenjie can't talk about all this. He can only wait for the people above to study it on his own. And once he is injected with this inhibitor, he can only deal with the inhibitor for the rest of his life, and he must inject the inhibitor at random every day to survive. , even if the injection time is delayed by one minute.

Therefore, Cai Wenjie feels that rather than entrusting his life to this inhibitor, it is better to do a good job of defense from the beginning and prevent himself from being infected with the virus.

"Okay, let's talk about the topic of inhibitors next time. In fact, in addition to inhibitors, the central government also has a list of promotions. Are you interested?"

Li Jianjun deliberately used this list to whet Cai Wenjie's appetite. As she wished, Cai Wenjie finally took the bait.

"Promotion list? What do you mean?"

Cai Wenjie finally became interested and asked curiously, but Li Jianjun did not deliberately conceal it, but simply explained it.

"In other words, as long as you are on this list, you will be promoted?"

"That's right, as for how to get on this list, it's very simple. The local troops have to submit their own application and reasons for promotion or submit what the person who was promoted has done. Then the central government will review the application list and wait for it to be approved. , you can legitimately be promoted to military rank or position."

"So that's the case, but what does this have to do with me?"

Although Cai Wenjie understood what Li Jianjun said, he still couldn't help but ask

"Have you forgotten what you did yesterday?"

"Yesterday? What happened? Are you talking about rescuing the survivors of the resort?"

Cai Wenjie suddenly realized, but wasn't Zhou Weiguo the only one who knew about yesterday's rescue operation? Why did Li Jianjun know? At this moment, Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered that it seemed that Zhou Weiguo had said that he would report yesterday's rescue of survivors to the central government.

"Remember, Xiao Zhou reported your incident yesterday to the central government, and today the central government added your name to the promotion list. Congratulations, Battalion Commander Cai, you have been promoted from a company commander to a battalion commander. And the military rank has been promoted from captain to major, applause.”

Li Jianjun even started to applaud as he spoke, and Cai Wenjie was completely stunned.

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