My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 189 A Small Misunderstanding

Cai Wenjie's first thought after reacting was that Li Jianjun was joking with him, so he asked in disbelief. Read

"Captain Li, are you sure you are not joking? Just because you saved a dozen survivors? Are you sure you are not joking?"

Cai Wenjie asked three times in a row, which shows how much Cai Wenjie couldn't believe it. Li Jianjun had expected this situation of Cai Wenjie and answered slowly.

"Don't worry, I'm not joking. You did get promoted, but the reason for the promotion was not because you saved the survivors. Although this also has a part of the evaluation bonus, the main reason is that you resisted the zombie tide formed by tens of thousands of zombies and remained unscathed. This is the main reason for your promotion."

Speaking of this, Cai Wenjie accepted it and put away his surprise. If he really got promoted because he saved a few survivors, then this promotion would be too easy.

"If that's the case, it does make sense."

"Okay, your appointment letter and military rank should be delivered soon, and I'll contact you to pick it up then."

"Okay, I got it."

"That's it, bye."


The two ended the communication just like that. Cai Wenjie had just expanded his troops to a battalion, and the appointment from above came out. It must be said that it was too coincidental.

"Major battalion commander, not bad."

But one bad thing is that the central government only issued an appointment letter and military rank. As for the troops, they had to form them by themselves. As for the equipment, they didn't have to worry about it. For the current Z country, the most lacking is troops, not guns.

But fortunately, Cai Wenjie had already exchanged two companies of infantry early, plus the company he has now, a total of three infantry companies, which fully meets the standard of a battalion.

Now just wait for the convoy to come back with construction materials and the other two companies. After all, we have to go to the military camp in the afternoon to pick up a thousand young and strong survivors.

At this time, the convoy was about to arrive at the Xinguang gathering place, and it was only 500 meters away from the gate of the gathering place. At this distance, the soldiers stationed at the gate of the gathering place also discovered the convoy through observation equipment.

A sentry standing at the sentry tower at the gate of the gathering place, after discovering the convoy approaching from a distance, immediately notified the person in charge of the soldiers stationed at the gate, that is, their squad leader.

"Squad leader! The convoy was found about 900 meters away. It's our people, but there are at least hundreds of infantry on both sides of the convoy. What should we do?"

The person in charge of the gate, that is, the squad leader of the infantry squad stationed here, immediately climbed up the sentry tower after hearing the sentry's words, snatched the sentry's telescope and looked in the direction of the convoy. ☞♦  ♦♦

After observing and finding that there was indeed a group of unidentified infantry on both sides of the convoy, the squad leader immediately said to the sentry beside him.

"Quick! Immediately report the situation here to the rear! Then notify all units to enter the designated combat positions! Be ready to shoot!"


When the sentry went to notify the rear, the squad leader had already led the soldiers stationed at the gate of the gathering place into the combat position.

"No one is allowed to shoot without my order! Do you hear me!"


"Also, take a few people to the warehouse behind to bring those heavy weapons over!"


Because it snowed heavily yesterday, in order to prevent the heavy weapons deployed on the gate wall from malfunctioning due to low temperature, in addition to the heavy machine guns that are more cold-resistant, the rest of the heavy weapons were moved back to the warehouse not far behind for maintenance, such as flamethrowers and grenade launchers, so the protection force at the gate was much weaker than before.

Of course, if a large number of zombies attack, these heavy weapons can also return to the defense sequence at the gate within three minutes, so there is no need to worry about any accidents.

The soldiers stationed at the gate looked at the convoy that was already visible to the naked eye and the two rows of hundreds of infantrymen beside them. No one was afraid. Instead, everyone had a firm look in their eyes and held their weapons tightly in their hands, ready to fight at any time.

A few minutes later, when the convoy was only two hundred meters away from the gate, the soldier who had just led people to get heavy weapons came back. Seeing the soldiers who had gone to get weapons came back, the squad leader immediately mobilized the soldiers around him and began to deploy heavy weapons on the wall.

In less than a while, under the leadership of the squad leader, the heavy weapons were rearranged, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. You know, if it is the worst case, then the infantry fighting vehicles in the convoy may have rebelled, and the weapon system on the infantry fighting vehicles cannot be dealt with by heavy machine guns.

At this time, the distance between the convoy and the gate was less than 100 meters. In order to thoroughly understand the situation, the squad leader directly held a large loudspeaker and shouted at the convoy.

"The convoy ahead! Stop and be inspected immediately! Otherwise we will take necessary measures to counterattack! Repeat! Stop and be inspected immediately!"

At this time, the convoy that was approaching the gate also felt something was wrong. Song Yi soon discovered that there were many heavy weapons on the gate wall pointing at them. Seeing this, Song Yi immediately notified the convoy to stop.

"All vehicles in the convoy stop!"


Although they couldn't figure out why, the drivers of the convoy still stopped obediently and waited for Song Yi's next instruction.

After Song Yi ordered the convoy to stop, he opened the car door and jumped out. The clone soldiers who had been following the convoy also stopped. Song Yichen and Ji Qinglai also noticed something was wrong and hurried to Song Yi to ask about the situation.

"What's wrong, Brother Song? Why are people pointing weapons at us?"

Song Yi, who jumped out of the car, shook his head slightly and said to Song Yichen.

"I'm not very clear, but what I know now is that they are very vigilant now."

At this time, the squad leader's call came from the gate again.

"Deputy Company Commander Song! Platoon Leader Zhang! Are you there? Please come over for inspection!"

Zhang Fei also opened the car door and jumped out, and then said puzzledly.

"Did someone call my name just now?"

Song Yi also vaguely understood something at this time, and then said with some sudden enlightenment.

"I understand. They are so alert because they saw that there are more people they don't know."

When this was said, everyone reacted at once.

"Okay, Zhang Fei and I will go and explain it, so as not to make things worse and make it difficult for the leader to explain."

Then he prepared to take Zhang Fei directly to the guards at the gate to explain it clearly.

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