My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 217: Catch Them All

Li Jianjun did not reject Cai Wenjie's request immediately, but asked a question in return. Read М

"Don't you already have two Z-8s? Why? Do you think they are too old?"

"Yes and no, it's mainly because the Z-8 can't perform special tasks, and..."

No one except the two of them knew about the subsequent conversation. Anyway, in the end, Li Jianjun agreed to Cai Wenjie's request. Two of the latest Z-20 tactical general-purpose helicopters will be handed over to Cai Wenjie in person during tomorrow's meeting.

Not long after Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun secretly reached some agreements, the wandering convoy led by Mo Liang arrived at Li Jianjun's airport gathering place.

And Li Jianjun was well prepared for this. The moment the wandering convoy stopped a few dozen meters outside the gathering place, countless soldiers in snow camouflage uniforms appeared on both sides of the convoy, directly encircling the convoy from both sides.

And the equipment in the hands of these soldiers is all specially equipped to deal with vehicles or armored vehicles, such as the most common 08-type rocket launcher, individual grenade launcher, and snipers equipped with 10-type anti-material sniper rifles.

As long as Li Jianjun gives an order, the wandering convoy led by Mo Liang will be scrapped in a few seconds, and even no one will survive. ░▒▓█►─═  ═─◄█▓▒░

"Listen to the people inside! You have been surrounded. This is the first and last time I warn you not to resist! Hold your head with both hands and get out of the vehicle obediently, otherwise! We will take strong force measures!"

This ambush mission was led by Xu Tao, an old acquaintance of Cai Wenjie. Xu Tao led the few army troops in the gathering place, obeyed Li Jianjun's order, and led people to ambush on the only road leading to the airport, waiting for Mo Liang to lead the convoy to fall into the trap.

The result is what it looks like now. Xu Tao successfully ambushed Mo Liang and his group.

Mo Liang was not afraid of the situation outside the car. If she hadn't been responsible for a large number of people, she would have hit Xu Tao with her foot on the accelerator.

"Pay full attention! I'm Mo Liang. Everyone, do as the officer outside says. Be careful not to show your weapons."


Soon, Mo Liang and a large number of survivors opened their doors and walked down. Because the doors were opened almost at the same time, Xu Tao and other soldiers reflexively raised their weapons and aimed at the convoy.

At this time, if Mo Liang's people made a slightly wrong move, the scene would be covered by gunfire.

Fortunately, the people in Mo Liang's convoy did not make any moves. Instead, they walked out of the car with great ease, talking and laughing together to discuss the soldiers in front of them.

"These soldiers are amazing. I didn't notice them at such a close distance. There are so many people lying on both sides of the road. If they hadn't jumped out by themselves, I might not have noticed them until I died."

"Who said it wasn't? When these people jumped out just now, I was so scared that I almost lost control and hit the leader's RV."

"Hahaha, your broken car will either be scrapped or stalled if it hits the leader's RV."

Looking at everyone ignoring him, Xu Tao didn't feel much anger, but said seriously.

"Everyone, hold your head with your hands! Line up and squat at the front of the car!"

Although they were a little reluctant, everyone still obeyed Xu Tao's command, and all the survivors of the convoy, big and small, squatted in an orderly manner.

Of course, Xu Tao still made a leniency for the elderly and children in the convoy. He didn't force them to squat, but gathered them together and sent a friendly soldier to ask if they needed anything.

As for a female man like Mo Liang, Xu Tao didn't show any mercy at all. It should be said that he didn't treat her as a woman at all.

"Name! Age! Gender! What's your purpose here!"

It should be said that it was a habit. Xu Tao once again used this tone to treat prisoners to interrogate Mo Liang. Who is Mo Liang? When Mo Liang heard Xu Tao talking to him in the tone of interrogating prisoners, he was directly irritated.

The result was that Xu Tao was hit by Mo Liang's balls in a lightning speed.

Suddenly, Xu Tao could no longer maintain his cold expression, and fell to the ground with cold sweat all over his body, and the male compatriots around him covered their lower bodies with the same feeling.

The first to react were the soldiers. They had already put down their weapons, aimed at Mo Liang again, and shouted loudly.

"Hold your head with both hands! Squat down!"

Some soldiers even put their fingers on the trigger. As long as the woman in front of them made any unusual movements, they would pull the trigger immediately.

After kicking Xu Tao, Mo Liang shrugged his shoulders and then squatted on the ground obediently. After all, the opponent was about to pull the trigger. If he resisted at this time, he would either be stupid or crazy.

"Captain! Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay, help me up!"

With the support of the soldiers around him, Xu Tao stood up with difficulty, then stared at Mo Liang and said with gritted teeth.

"Take them back to the gathering place, temporarily monitor them, and let the leader personally ask about it"


In this way, Mo Liang and her convoy were directly taken to the gathering place by Xu Tao. Of course, the weapons they hid were temporarily seized and kept.

Trying to hide weapons in front of professional soldiers is simply showing off in front of Guan Gong.

At this time, after Li Jianjun finished communicating with Cai Wenjie, he began to deal with today's work. Because tomorrow is the day to attack the railway station, the maintenance of the fighter planes, the storage of ammunition, and the storage of fuel must be carefully checked to avoid any accidents tomorrow.

At this time, the door of Li Jianjun's office was knocked.


"Come in"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the office was opened. The person who came was Xu Tao. Because the effect of the previous attack was still there, Xu Tao's way of walking was a little weird, and Li Jianjun certainly noticed it.

"What happened? What's the matter with your weird way of walking?"

"Report! We have ambushed those wandering convoys! Please give instructions, chief!"

Obviously, Xu Tao did not want to answer Li Jianjun's question, so he could only forcibly change the topic, and the effect was very obvious. Li Jianjun's attention was indeed diverted.

"Really? Then bring their leader up here, I'll ask him questions myself."

In fact, Li Jianjun didn't care too much about this roaming team. As long as they could prove that they hadn't done anything harmful, Li Jianjun was willing to accept them into the gathering place. After all, in this apocalypse with zombies everywhere, being able to drive around was already a great skill.

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