My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 218 Joining

Soon, Mo Liang was directly tied up by Xu Tai Wuhua and brought to Li Jianjun's office. read

Looking at Mo Liang who looked unconcerned, Li Jianjun began to ask Mo Liang a few questions.

"Looking at you like this, you don't seem to be afraid of us. Can you tell me why?"

Although Mo Liang was tied up by Wu Huada, his mouth was not sealed, so Mo Liang could still speak.

"I haven't done anything bad, why should I be afraid? Those villains who kill people and set fires may be afraid of you, but I do things openly and aboveboard, and I am not qualified to do anything for burial."

When Mo Liang said this, she was very confident. After all, she had done this all the way.

Li Jianjun carefully observed Mo Liang's expression and nodded after finding that there was nothing wrong.

"Yes, you are a hero. I admire you very much. How about you stay and become an officer? To manage a real army?"

Li Jianjun discovered a characteristic in Mo Liang that was exactly the same as Cai Wenjie's, that is, he was very confident. If Cai Wenjie's confidence came from his soldiers and military vehicles such as armored vehicles, then Mo Liang's confidence Where did it come from.

While Li Jianjun was thinking about this question, he continued to ask Mo Liang

"I accepted it with good intentions, but I don't want to join the army, and I don't want to be manipulated at will, so I choose freedom."

"Well, then there is no other way. I respect your choice, but you can leave, but your convoy and survivors must stay. With all due respect, your convoy is too crude and cannot be defended at all. Despite the attack of mutated zombies, as for how you managed to drive to YJ City safely all the way, I can only say that your luck is not that good."

After Li Jianjun finished speaking, he took out a folder directly from his desk. Inside the folder was a complete collection of mutant zombies discovered by humans so far. It contained detailed information on various mutant zombies. Li Jianjun took After Wenjia was released, he put it under Mo Liang's eyes so that she could see clearly how terrifying the mutated zombies were. ♦♦  ♦♦

But Mo Liang didn't even look at the document under his nose. Instead, he stared directly below him. Just when Li Jianjun felt a little strange, he suddenly realized that the binding didn't seem to be loosened yet, so Li Jianjun faced Xu Tao behind him. He waved his hand, signaling to let go of Mo Liang's restraints.

The first thing Mo Liang did when he regained his freedom was not to open the folder on the table, but to get up and give Xu Tao another kick. However, this time it didn't have much effect. Xu Tao had been guarding against Mo Liang's movements, so it was very difficult for him to do so. He easily avoided his vital point and instead used his leg strength to kick back.

But Mo Liang was not afraid at all. He was kicked hard by Xu Tao once, and then attacked Xu Tao harder. Just when the two were about to have a fight, Li Jianjun shouted directly.

"If you want to fight, fight outside! This is my office!"

Although Li Jianjun didn't use a loud voice, Xu Tao was still restrained, and then received an iron fist from Mo Liang. His nosebleed immediately, but Xu Tao endured the pain and stood up straight to the side and spoke loudly.

"I'm sorry, chief!"

Li Jianjun saw that Xu Tao had a good attitude, so he didn't say anything and turned to look at Mo Liang.

"How's it going? Have you relieved yourself? When you're done, sit down and talk slowly."

Perhaps because he was happy after beating someone up just now, Mo Liang's face turned red and his eyes brightened up. Without saying a word, he sat back on the chair again, picked up the folder in front of him and started reading.

An hour later, Mo Liang successfully read through all the file contents, and then inadvertently showed a surprised expression. In the folder, in addition to some local mutated zombies, even foreign nuclear mutated zombies were also included. It also introduced the strengths and weaknesses, or weaknesses, of mutant zombies in detail.

Although most zombies will stop moving and die completely as long as they are hit on the head, there are several mutant zombies that cannot die just by hitting the head. Even if their heads are cut in half, they are still alive. If you want to kill them completely, To kill such a mutant zombie, the only way is to break its legs to make the mutant zombie incapable of movement, then pour gasoline on it and set it on fire until there is no flesh and blood left in the body.

"So you're trying to say that if I continue to lead the convoy, I might encounter this?"

"It's not possible, it's 100% possible."

When Li Jianjun said this, he became more serious than ever before.

"I can't just watch you die, so stay. This will be a benefit to the other survivors in your convoy."

If he had said this before, Mo Liang could have refused without hesitation, but now, looking at the mutated zombies in the folder, he thought about the survivors of his convoy.

Mo Liang hesitated for the first time. Li Jianjun seemed to see Mo Liang's difficulty and then said something.

"You don't have to answer now. Just give me an answer in a few days. But I won't be free tomorrow. After all, I have to go to the scene to direct the soldiers to kill zombies."

After Mo Liang thought for a long time, he raised his head and said.

"Okay, I can join your gathering, but if something unexpected happens, I will leave directly with mine, and no one can be kept."

Faced with Mo Liang's conditions, Li Jianjun nodded his head in agreement without even raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, if the gathering place really reaches that point, maybe I will take my people to another gathering place."

There are probably only two people that Li Jianjun wants to go to. One is Zhang Fuguo who was sent to the border, and the other is Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place.

And he has a very good relationship with Cai Wenjie, so he will definitely not mind.

On the other side, Cai Wenjie, who was drinking Pu'er tea brewed by Nangong Yao in the office, felt his nose itchy, as if he was about to sneeze.

"Who is talking about me?"

"Chief? What's wrong with you?"

Nangong Yao looked at Cai Wenjie who suddenly fell into deep thought, and without thinking, she leaned over and wanted to wake him up, but before she could do anything, Cai Wenjie woke up by himself.

"I'm fine, help me make another cup of Pu'er tea"

"Okay, I know"

Nangong Yao looked at Cai Wenjie who had regained his sanity, secretly relieved, then picked up the teacup and walked to the special tea brewing table.

After a series of elegant movements, a cup of golden tea was soon delivered to Cai Wenjie.

"Commander, please taste the tea you requested."

Looking at the golden tea in front of him and Nangong Yao's expectant eyes, Cai Wenjie said first.

"Sit down and have a drink together."

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