My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 256 Super Heavy Armored Train

At this time, 1,900 kilometers away from YJ City, there was an armed train heading north along the railway at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. ♙♕ ♦ ♦

This armed train is not the kind of armed train that was popular during World War II, but a modernized super-heavy armored train. The entire train was modified from what is known as the longest and heaviest heavy-haul train in the country.

The heavy-haul train is 2,614 meters long and weighs 20,000 tons. It is mainly composed of 2 locomotives and 210 carriages. The locomotives are located at the head and middle of the train. It has a dead weight of 4,200 tons, a full load of 16,800 tons of cargo, and a total weight of 20,000 tons. The train costs 300 million.

At this time, the heavy-haul trains before the transformation and the heavy-haul trains after the transformation were even more shocking.

The length of the entire train has changed from the original 2614 meters to 4232 meters, and the weight has doubled. The locomotives have changed from two to four, and there must be a fully armed carriage after every five carriages. No! This can no longer be said to be a carriage, it is completely a steel fortress loaded with heavy weapons.

The number of carriages has increased from 210 to 386, of which armed carriages account for one-sixth, and the rest are carriages transporting arms and supplies.

In addition to the most common artillery and heavy machine guns, this train is also equipped with the 1130 close-in defense weapon! Its full name is the 11-tube 30mm rotary rapid-fire gun short-range defense weapon system.

Anyone who knows a little bit about arms will understand how crazy this thing is. Let’s talk about its rate of fire. It can fire at least 10,000 rounds of ammunition per minute. What is the concept? It can fire at least 150 rounds of bullets in one second, and it is still a 30mm caliber.

Originally, this close-in defense gun was installed on ships, such as aircraft carriers, destroyers, and frigates, and was used to deal with high-speed approaching missiles and aircraft.

This 1130 close-in defense gun is installed on an automatic turret base and is equipped with radar, optical, and infrared tracking systems, which means it can automatically identify incoming missiles or aircraft and shoot them down.

And now this close-in defense cannon is installed on this train, and there are quite a few of them. Basically a quarter of the armed carriages are equipped with this kind of close-in defense cannon, not for anything else, just to protect themselves when being killed. When surrounded by tides or zombies, fight your way out.

Not only that, this train is equipped with all kinds of missiles such as anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-satellite missiles, anti-submarine missiles, anti-radar missiles, anti-ballistic missiles, anti-tank missiles, etc. This train even carries 12 ultimate weapons.

Whenever you encounter any difficulties, these twelve final weapons are the last resort.

In addition to these, this train is also equipped with a variety of high-tech weapons, such as laser weapons or electromagnetic guns, as well as light prism towers that are still in the experimental stage.

Simply put, this train is equipped with the pinnacle of modern technology.

The person in charge of running this train was a senior military officer with a military rank of general, and the train carried a fully armored brigade.

There are tanks, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, etc., and these fully equipped armored brigades are combat troops sent by the central government to the border to retake the fallen border.

Of course, an armored brigade alone cannot recapture the fallen border, so not only this armored brigade, but also the cover of the air force is essential.

In order to retake the border occupied by nuclear mutant zombies, this time the central government dispatched a total of two division-level army units and four bomber groups, all of which were newly installed H-20 bombers.

Some people may think that it is not worth investing so many troops for a border, but the national territory cannot be violated! Not even zombies!

"How long until we get to the next city?"

"Report to the chief! We will arrive at SY in almost three hours."

"Sex? I remember this is the defense area that Xiao Li is responsible for. I wonder how he is doing now."

A middle-aged and elderly man in his fifties was sitting upright in front of a table and processing the documents in front of him. The table was covered with various documents. These were the list of supplies on the train. He The materials on the train must be accurately delivered to various cities according to the requirements of the list.

To be precise, supplies must be delivered on time to enable these gathering places to tide over the difficulties before they perish.

Currently, all official gathering places across the country, except for a few, are short of various supplies. For example, some gathering places are short of medicine, some are short of food, and some are short of a large amount of winter equipment. .

In order to prevent these gathering places from perishing, the central government urgently took out reserve materials from the reserve warehouse and used various means of transportation to deliver the most needed supplies to all official gathering places.

The most common ones are air transport, airdrops, and railway transportation. As for highways, they cannot be used at all. Although the use of highways has been restricted before the zombie outbreak, there are still many vehicles blocked on the highways. Vehicles can't get through at all.

Of course, the safest method is air transportation or airdrop. Although the railway is also good, there will always be zombies coming to die because of the noise of the train.

This means that the front of the train must be equipped with extra strong armor, or a shield machine blade must be directly installed on the front of the train. As long as the zombies dare to block the front, their fate will be very bloody.

Of course, sometimes there will be some smart mutant zombies. These mutant zombies will not duel with the train head-on, but will deliberately destroy the railway or put some obstacles on the railway to force the train to stop.

Of course, these smart mutant zombies often die miserably. Basically, the trains that are successfully forced to stop will burst out all their firepower, and the target is naturally the mutant zombies.

This heavy armored train has also encountered a relatively smart mutant zombie. The mutant zombie dragged a car from somewhere and put it on the railway, and then stood by, waiting for the train to stop. Unfortunately, this mutant zombie did not know what monster he wanted to stop.

So when this heavy armed train appeared on the track, it didn't even look at the car in front of it, and directly used the weight advantage of the train to knock the car that was blocking the road away. The car also drew a beautiful arc in the air and directly hit the place where the mutant zombie was hiding.

The mutant zombie didn't even make a sound, and was directly smashed into a meat pie by the car, and it was the kind that burst with juice.

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