My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 257: The Survivor Who Suddenly Appeared

The high-speed super-heavy armored train directly smashed all the zombies that dared to stand in front of it. A large amount of flesh and blood such as internal organs were knocked out by the high-speed super-heavy train. Naturally, the zombies would also be directly killed. Reading

It can be said that wherever this super-heavy armored train passes, a large amount of blood-red roads composed of flesh and blood will be left.

Just as this super-heavy armored train was driving at high speed, another problem arose on Cai Wenjie's side.

A group of survivors who came out of nowhere suddenly appeared behind the train station, and then were discovered by the troops stationed behind the train station.

"Stop! You have entered the military jurisdiction, leave immediately! Repeat! Leave immediately!"

When the sentry saw a group of fully armed survivors appear in his sight, he immediately aimed the rifle in his hand at them and warned loudly.

When the sentry warned loudly, the group of armed survivors also reacted quickly and immediately looked for a place to hide from bullets on the spot, and a strong man who seemed to be the leader of the group of survivors stood up and spoke loudly to the sentry in a somewhat awkward Mandarin.

"Wait a minute! We are ordinary citizens, not ordinary people."

The sentry heard the awkward Mandarin spoken by the strong man, the reaction of this group of people when they encountered an emergency, and the weapons in their hands, and knew that this group of people were not ordinary citizens at all.

The sentry felt insulted and asked loudly.

"Have you ever seen an ordinary citizen carrying these weapons?"

The sentry pointed at the weapons in the survivor's hand and immediately notified the troops behind.

"Report! This is the No. 2 sentry tower. There is an unexpected situation here. A group of armed survivors who came out of nowhere appeared behind the train station. According to my observation, these survivors have rich military literacy and are not ordinary survivors at all. I need support!"

"Received! Please hold on for one minute, I will immediately send two infantry squads to support you"


Because Cai Wenjie has many firepower points arranged at the train station, although this will greatly increase the defensive power of the train station, but relatively few troops can be mobilized, so only two infantry squads can be used to support the rear.

The survivors outside saw that the sentry had stopped moving and thought that the sentry had just given up, so they walked out from behind the obstacle very boldly, and then raised their weapons in their hands as if showing off their muscles, and gestured to the train station very arrogantly.

These survivors have a wide variety of weapons, basically all the weapons that should be there and shouldn't be there, such as the most common cold weapons such as chef knives, shovels, and fire axes, to RPG rocket launchers that should not appear in the hands of ordinary survivors.

Not to mention other weapons such as assault rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns.

It is obviously only a small group of 26 survivors, but the firepower is close to that of a fully armed infantry platoon. If it can be explained by the excuse of picking up something on the road, but the thing in their hands gives the soldiers sufficient reason to suspect that they are suspicious armed elements.

This group of unknown armed survivors used a black garbage bag to carry an item. From the dark red blood that kept dripping from the garbage bag, it can be known that the item covered with the black garbage bag is not an ordinary item.

The thing covered in a black plastic bag is a blood and flesh sample of a part of the blood plague heart that has lost its activity. As mentioned earlier, the blood plague heart can be cultivated artificially, and the cultivation conditions are not difficult.

It just so happens that among the items these people carry, there is an important material for cultivating the blood plague heart, which makes people wonder whether the previous blood plague hearts were also deliberately made by them.

The sentinel at this time did not know this, but he knew clearly that this group of people were not good people, so he could only wait quietly for support, put down the rifle in his hand, and then controlled the heavy machine gun next to him, aiming at the survivors on the opposite side.

As long as the survivors on the opposite side shoot at him recklessly, he will let them see what the heavy firepower of the heavy machine gun is.

But before the shooting on the opposite side, the support of the sentinel came. Two fully armed infantry squads came to the train station behind the sentinel and quickly set up a temporary defense position.

The weapons carried by the two infantry squads were not weak, and could even be said to be somewhat excessive, because Cai Wenjie had previously stipulated that each infantry squad must be equipped with two grenade launchers, an anti-material sniper rifle, and a flamethrower or four Type 08 individual rocket launchers. According to battlefield requirements, the anti-material sniper rifle can be replaced with a Type 89 heavy machine gun.

So when the two infantry squads finished arranging the temporary defense positions, the sentry felt his waist straightened up all of a sudden, and then said to the survivors who were still showing off their power on the opposite side.

"I am now officially notifying you that I suspect you are carrying some kind of deadly items, so you'd better surrender and come with me to check inside. If there is no problem, then I will release you again and bow to you to apologize, but if there is really any problem, then I can only wrong you at that time"

As soon as the sentry said this, the survivors on the opposite side were not happy and started shouting.

"Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you ask us to surrender?"

"Crap! A small soldier dares to come out and call for help? Tell your leader to come out! I'm going to complain about you!"

All kinds of words came out of the mouths of the survivors who felt insulted, and the most important thing was that they dared to say anything without restraint, not like kind citizens at all.

Even a young man who looked small made an insulting gesture to the sentry and fired a shot in the direction of the sentry with his pistol in his hand.


Amid the noisy crowd, the sound of the gunshot was as prominent as it was. The experienced survivors immediately changed their faces and quickly hid behind the nearby buildings, while the inexperienced survivors looked at the young man who had already fired the gun and were so shocked that they couldn't speak, but they still stayed away from the young man under the reminder of the people next to them.

Maybe the young man who fired the gun thought that such behavior was cool, but for the sentry and other soldiers, this was already a declaration of war, so the sentry and the soldiers below fought back without hesitation.

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