My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 326 Armed Survivors

A transport helicopter flew out from the Xinguang gathering place and rushed to the YJ City Railway Station as quickly as possible. ReadМ

The huge propeller noise attracted the attention of the scattered zombies on the ground. Following the noise of the helicopter propeller, these scattered zombies began to gather together, wanting to follow the helicopter all the way.

But even if this helicopter is a transport helicopter, its speed is not something that ordinary zombies can catch up with. Therefore, when the helicopter completely disappears in the distance, these zombies who have attracted attention can only stop chasing. They stayed there for a while, and then dispersed again, as if nothing happened.

In less than ten minutes, the transport helicopter safely arrived at the train station and landed on a temporary apron that had been cleared long ago.

At this time, Cai Wenjie had already stood not far from the tarmac for a long time, not for anything else but to deal with the problems of these children as soon as possible.

"Yinghua, take your brothers and sisters and sit on it. Someone will take you to your new home, your new home."

Cai Wenjie walked to the children who had been standing next to him, squatted down, and then said to Li Yinghua, who was standing in front of the children.

"So, what about you, brother? Aren't you going with us?"

After Li Yinghua listened to Cai Wenjie's words quietly, he pulled Cai Wenjie's arm with some reluctance and said

"My brother still has important matters to resolve, so he can't go back with you, but you don't need to be afraid. There are many children and gentle teachers like you in the new home. They will take care of you on my brother's behalf."

Cai Wenjie first touched Li Yinghua's little head, and then gave instructions.

"I understand, brother, you must come back alive! Let's hook up, and whoever doesn't abide by the agreement will be the puppy."

Although Li Yinghua didn't know what the important unresolved issues Cai Wenjie mentioned were, she knew that her brother must be doing something dangerous, so she blessed Cai Wenjie in her own way.

Looking at Li Yinghua's extended little finger, Cai Wenjie smiled knowingly, and then took the initiative to extend his little finger and hook it in.

"Hang yourself with a hook, and it won't change for a hundred years. It's sealed!"

Li Yinghua carefully covered Cai Wenjie's thumb with his thumb. After doing all this, Li Yinghua safely took his younger brothers and sisters and slowly boarded the transport according to the driver's instructions. Helicopter transport bay.

"Thank you for your hard work. We must send them back to the gathering place safely."

"Please rest assured, chief! I promise to complete the mission!"

"Go ahead"


The two pilots of the transport helicopter, after saluting Cai Wenjie, immediately returned to the cockpit of the transport helicopter and began to control the helicopter back to the Xinguang gathering place.

Cai Wenjie looked at the transport helicopter that slowly rose and began to fly towards the Xinguang gathering place, and said to himself.

"Pull the hook?"

After the helicopter completely disappeared from Cai Wenjie's sight, Cai Wenjie turned back to the train station.

Just a few seconds after Cai Wenjie came in, Li Jianjun ran towards Cai Wenjie with an excited face and shouted.

"Brother Cai! Good news! Good news! The armored train has left CC Railway Station and is approaching us quickly. According to the speed of the train, we will see the armored train in a few hours."

"The armored train can continue to move forward, which means that the problem at the CC train station has been solved? Sure enough, facing the fully armed and experienced rescue forces, the rebels were just a mess. How long did it last? Before we It’s such a waste of emotion to keep worrying.”

"Who says otherwise? I heard that the rebels over there were eliminated in less than an hour. The rescue force safely rescued tens of thousands of hostages there and completed the mission perfectly."

Li Jianjun said with admiration.

While the two were talking, a soldier suddenly broke into their sight.

"Report! The reconnaissance plane discovered that there is a group of heavily armed survivors heading towards the train station two kilometers away from us. Do you want to drive them away?"

"Heavily armed survivors? How many are there? What about weapons and equipment?"

When Cai Wenjie heard about the heavily armed survivors, he immediately raised his eyebrows and started asking questions.

"Reporting to the chief! There are at least fifty of these survivors. Most of them are carrying homemade maces and various melee weapons. A small number of survivors are carrying weapons such as pistols and submachine guns. Judging from the firearms It can be judged from their appearance that the firearms carried by these survivors are police firearms."

"Fifty people, fully armed, and police firearms. Wenjie, I think these people are just a group of survivors. You don't need to be so cautious."

Hearing this, Cai Wenjie shook his head and responded.

"I don't want to be so cautious, but Brother Li, what is the situation in the world now? You also know that in the apocalypse, only cautious people will survive to the end. I don't want to die young like this, so there is no harm in being cautious."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking without looking back, he continued to ask the soldiers in front of him.

"Since it was a drone investigation, I should have taken a few photos of the scene. Show them to me."


The soldier first shouted "Yes!" and then immediately took out the newly developed photo from his pocket.

"Please take a look!"

After Cai Wenjie took the photo from the soldier, he gave half of it to Li Jianjun, and then he started to look at it himself.

The photo was taken by a drone at high altitude, so it was not very clear. People's faces could not be seen, and only the body shape and dress of the survivors could be roughly shown.

Cai Wenjie flipped through the photos one by one. Although he had a better system satellite, there was a living person like Li Jianjun around him, so Cai Wenjie did not dare to use the satellite directly, so he could only flip through the photos and evaluate how strong the armed forces of these people were in his mind.

Cai Wenjie looked at the photos beside him, and Li Jianjun could only follow him, but when he saw the photos that were forced into his hand, Li Jianjun couldn't resist his curiosity and started to look at them.

The survivors in the photo were shrinking their bodies and quickly passing through a road. In order not to be discovered by the zombies around them, these survivors were trying to lighten their steps and avoid making too much noise to attract zombies. Their hard-working expressions were also captured by the drone, turning into a particularly funny picture.

But because I couldn't see their faces clearly, a lot of fun was lost.

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