My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 327 Militia Instructor

"But to be honest, there are so many survivors in YJ City who didn't go to the gathering place, and they are still alive. I really don't know how they survived."

Listening to Li Jianjun's sudden sigh, Cai Wenjie didn't even raise his head and said casually. Reading

"Brother Li, don't underestimate people's will to survive and ambition. Let alone a city full of zombies, even if you throw people into a group of zombies, there will always be a few people who will survive."

This is not Cai Wenjie's own opinion, but a talk of experience accumulated in the doomsday.

While talking, Cai Wenjie secretly turned on his system satellite, preparing to observe in real time what is going on with this armed survivor group.

Because the system satellite's image can be directly covered on his retina, Cai Wenjie doesn't have to worry about what Li Jianjun will find.

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But just when Cai Wenjie was about to observe this group of armed survivors, Li Jianjun suddenly exclaimed while looking at the photo in his hand.

Cai Wenjie, who was standing next to him, was startled by Li Jianjun's sudden exclamation, and then his body instinctively took defensive actions. Cai Wenjie suddenly rolled from the spot to the back of a thick layer of column wall, and then pulled out the MK23 pistol he carried with him, quickly observed the surrounding environment and began to be alert.

Cai Wenjie's smooth action took less than two seconds from start to finish.

This also made Li Jianjun, who exclaimed next to him, a little confused.

After being alert for less than three seconds, Cai Wenjie immediately realized the current situation, and then Cai Wenjie stood up from behind the column very unnaturally, and then pretended to drop something, and began to look around on the ground.

"Hey, I accidentally dropped a piece of chocolate, I don't know where it fell, it's really a headache"

In order to cover up the embarrassment just now, Cai Wenjie had to use this inferior lie to try to cover up the embarrassment just now.

Li Jianjun may have seen Cai Wenjie's embarrassment, so he didn't embarrass him, but pointed his finger at a man in the photo and said.

"I know him, he is a militia instructor. If I remember correctly, he is also in charge of a small official gathering place, and led a small number of militias to garrison there. However, now seeing that he is alone with so many survivors, there must be something wrong with their small official gathering place"

Cai Wenjie immediately became alert when he heard Li Jianjun say this.

"Brother Li, do you mean that the official gathering place established by this militia instructor was destroyed for unknown reasons, so he can only wander with the survivors in the gathering place?"

"Almost, and there are no other militiamen around him now. It seems that they have encountered some huge troubles."

While talking to Li Jianjun, Cai Wenjie began to look for this group of people through the system satellite.

Soon, Cai Wenjie found this group of people less than one kilometer away from the train station.

This group of people was walking cautiously in the middle of the road. It was not that they wanted to walk on the road, but mainly because there were too many of them. Now the corners of the street are the most dangerous places, because you don’t know if you will bump into zombies and other things that suddenly appear when you walk to the corner.

So, instead of taking the side road, it is safer to move forward vigilantly in the middle of the road.

"Everyone hold on, we are about to reach our destination. Judging from the gunfire that started yesterday, we will meet regular troops in a few hundred meters, and we will be rescued naturally.

The man walking in the front, the militia instructor mentioned by Li Jianjun, was vigilantly observing the surrounding environment while cheering for the survivors behind him.

"Instructor Tang, how are Xiaofei and the others? Can they break out safely?"

An old man who is almost everyone's grandfather said worriedly. After this, not only the militia instructor named Tang, but also the other survivors fell silent.

The old man is old and can no longer remember things. The Xiaofei mentioned by the old man is actually a militia trained by Instructor Tang. Not only Xiaofei, 24 hours ago, they had a whole company of militia, and weapons and ammunition The equipment was complete. Although it was retired weapons and equipment from the army, it was still usable. After being equipped with these weapons, the firepower of these militiamen was not inferior to that of other regular troops.

But only 24 hours later, there was only one instructor left in the entire militia company that was fully equipped.

As for what happened, it was easy to imagine. Originally, this small official gathering place had not many people, and before the establishment of this official gathering place, it was originally a large supermarket. Therefore, the food and water distributed to each survivor every day could make people eat twelve points full, and they could continue to eat for half a year.

Therefore, the survivors of this small official gathering place still lived a relatively comfortable life, and they did not have to worry about safety issues. After all, there was a whole company of one hundred fully armed militiamen. As long as there was no large-scale zombie tide attacking their gathering place, there was no need to worry too much.

However, for unknown reasons, most of the zombies in the city left the city and began to wander around the city. Unfortunately, the small official gathering place they established was built in a small town around the city. The zombies in the town had long been led away by the militia, killed, and basically cleared.

The town that had been almost cleared was surrounded by a large number of zombies again, and because they did not know in advance that the zombies were coming, the survivors in the small gathering place still lived a muddle-headed life as before.

And because the town was almost cleared, the militia also acquiesced to the survivors' loud talking and singing, so on the day when the zombies surrounded the town, the survivors sang loudly.

A large-scale zombie siege took place. The militia relied on the temporary walls and weapons in their hands to temporarily resist the zombies' attack, but as time went on, the number of zombies gathered more and more, and the number of bullets became less and less. Finally, after six hours of fighting, the militia successfully sent out all the survivors in the gathering place at the cost of their own lives.

Among them was their instructor Tang. Originally, Instructor Tang was reluctant to escape, but one word from the militiamen made him give up the idea of ​​staying.

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